any yall tater fans//kkk

I am in my basement office doing fuck all. Ive shot 10 games of 9 ball and stared at the fish the rest of the morning. this new Blueberry muffin vape I got is killer. Been busting out the work. Such is the life of a remote worker! SKOL!
Go chop the fucking wood
It'll be fun and enlightening. hopefully contribute to TFSF in a positive way. Even bring Patriots together, maybe. SKOL!
You just gotta try shit, some works some doesn’t. If you don’t have expectations it will be fun

Either way looks like you guys are having fun anyways
You just gotta try shit, some works some doesn’t. If you don’t have expectations it will be fun

Either way looks like you guys are having fun anyways
Precisely. Really the best you can wish for is 3 min outta 60. Then you put a compilation together. All the videos I've seen on the interwebs are compilations
I had a huge confederate flag on my wall all growing up. Had ancestors that fought and died for the south. None of them had any money for slaves (same as with 99% of the confederate army). They sure as hell didn’t go out to lay down their lives so the rich could own slaves
I'm Irish.we needed not apply. It isneverywhere if you read a book and current news. Slavery is alive and well in Chyna
Alright well I’ve pretty much wrapped up my busy day here. Gonna pack up my laptop and slowly mosey to my car. There’s like 12 cars here in huge 3 story office building. Dedication
Bought a weed vape pen And had 4 hits and two glasses of bourbon. I just bought new PXG wedges and a Stetson hat.

High buzzed shopping is great
Fuck foreign cars.

As soon as I get the see damage fixed I’m selling this VW/
maintenance is higher than camel cock.
Plus oatmeal Joe has resell value higher than what I paid for it

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