Any Car Trunk Preppers on this board

I just made that name up, but it wouldn't surprise me if it is a real term. I have heard of people who keep a change of clothes in their trunk in case of emergency. Yesterday we were at church outside. It was supposed to be in the low 60s, but stayed in the mid-50s. My kids were cold. I wish I had a blanket stashed in my trunk. It made me think about starting a list of stuff to keep in my trunk "just in case". I suspect that some of you are already doing this. What are the "must haves". Serial killers need not respond.
I just made that name up, but it wouldn't surprise me if it is a real term. I have heard of people who keep a change of clothes in their trunk in case of emergency. Yesterday we were at church outside. It was supposed to be in the low 60s, but stayed in the mid-50s. My kids were cold. I wish I had a blanket stashed in my trunk. It made me think about starting a list of stuff to keep in my trunk "just in case". I suspect that some of you are already doing this. What are the "must haves". Serial killers need not respond.

Live in the NE, always have at least a blanket besides the regular extra stuff in the car during the winter. Depending on weather and where I'm going, may load some other things.
I keep a backpack in the truck with a few basic medial supplies, and a few other odds and ends. I call it my emergency bag. I make sure I have one and my wife has one. They have come in handy several times when we just needed something that was in them, no emergency necessary. I also like to have a blanket or sleeping bag in there just in case I need an emergency nap.
A handy item that is rarely mentioned is a fire extinguisher. Could save a life, or at least a car from burning completely to the frame.

I have a friend who was in a terrible accident, pinned in his truck and he nearly burned up with the wreck. He was luckily pulled free by 2 good samaritans, after they were able to pry open his door. Had they been able to put out the fire, they could have waited for fire/rescue instead of tearing up his knee and shoulder pulling him out, though saving his life.
I do keep a tarp, a couple of blankets, boots, a tool kit (and a Leatherman in my console), a box of tissues, roll of paper towels, a first aid kit, and a case of water all the time. Hand sanitizer (multiple bottles) and lighters are in my purse and console. Everything just stays in the back of the jeep/console/purse.

Will I ever really need it? Probably not. Though the blankets come in handy when I'm impatient to take the top off. It's better to have it and not need it than it is to need it and not have it.
My girlfriend is an ER nurse. Her most recent job has her commuting about 50 miles on I-95. She has a 1st aid kit she put together, in case she is first on the scene of an accident. One thing I never thought of, that is an excellent idea, is latex gloves and eye protection. PPE isn't the most interesting thing, but one of the more important ones, should you need it.
I like Opee's title, but you just need to look into adding a go bag to your vehicle. I've got a full one in the truck. Shit weighs a ton and I wouldn't want to have to carry it far, but it has just about everything you'll find listed for one in a web search. You'll prob never need it as a whole, but it has just about all the little things you do tend to need while out in one easy to find place.

Nice tip on the fire extinguisher. Will be adding one somehow.
Back in the olden times a can of WD 40 saved me a trip to the pay phone to call a tow truck. Was in a hard rainstorm and the car crapped out on me when the distributor cap wires got wet. Spayed them with WD 40 and was able to start the car again.
Also keep an electric air pump. Seems like if there is a nail on the road, I will find it.
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