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Another mortgage collapse incoming


Nov 15, 2022
"The death of the real economy" starts at 30:45 but the whole video is good.

Some economists think there is going to be a significant drop in home prices within the near future as the residential real estate market is stuck, according to Axios on Monday.

Axios explained that after the sales of existing homes dropped for the ninth straight month, the supply of single-family homes is continuing to grow, and the mortgage rates are nearing seven percent; some experts are saying that a “large-scale housing slowdown” is starting to become more and more likely.

The publication explained in October:

Home prices are mostly too high to appeal to buyers, who are facing skyrocketing mortgage rates. But sellers are loathe to lower asking prices. Sales are cratering — some folks are just walking away from deals.

I'm all for this.

As a millenial who still has never owned his own property, I look at the housing market with googly eyed, jaw-dropped astonishment. How in the world does anyone afford a home with the stagnant wages of today? I might as well be paid in circus peanuts. I could work my entire life and never come close to being able to afford the ridiculous six-figure numbers for a "middle-class" home in rural nowhere. A city home? Millions of dollars. That wouldn't be possible if I worked for MULTIPLE lifetimes!

The crux of the issue is simple. Housing and transportation are not investments. They are costs of living. Costs of living should be as low as possible to enable more people to afford the essentials of life. Houses should be cheap. Cars should be cheap. Nobody should be investing in them or treating them as collectibles and if you do that you are stupid and deserve to lose the money you put into it. That's just how I see it.

If you want to invest, buy gold and silver. Or buy stocks. Or put your money in a savings account. Whatever you do, don't buy something that deteriorates over time as people use and abuse it, fill it up with their garbage and junk, and gets eaten by termites.

I think this should have been obvious, but humans are stupid and have this awful thing called free will so they don't do what I want them to do, they do the stupid things they want to do. So I live in a world where I can't afford a home or a car, and pay rent every month to live in a dilapidated trailer older than I am.

I hate you all and I will be dancing when the housing market crashes and burns. It's been a long, long time coming and I see it as nothing other than justice. Divine intervention, even.

Maybe after prices collapse 90% I will finally be able to afford a home of my own. If that ruins you, I don't care. If you invested in real estate, you mal-adjusted to a broken system.

Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
This wouldn’t be an issue either way if affordable government housing were expanded, as it should be, to become the primary living unit of all peoples.


Nov 15, 2022
This wouldn’t be an issue either way if affordable government housing were expanded, as it should be, to become the primary living unit of all peoples.
That's exactly where things are going. The ballooning debt system just placed ownership of all private property in the hands of banks. As banks collapse their assets get purchased up by bigger banks, concentrating the ownership of all wealth and property into the hands of fewer and fewer people.

Crony Capitalism turns into Communism. Inch by inch.

Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
That's exactly where things are going. The ballooning debt system just placed ownership of all private property in the hands of banks. As banks collapse their assets get purchased up by bigger banks, concentrating the ownership of all wealth and property into the hands of fewer and fewer people.

Crony Capitalism turns into Communism. Inch by inch.
I’ve been noting the evils of capitalism for a long time.

Banks / capitalist grifting is why I decided to buy my home outright. I’m not letting some rich asshole steal my home out from under me because of a mortgage!✊🏿


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
"The death of the real economy" starts at 30:45 but the whole video is good.

I'm all for this.

As a millenial who still has never owned his own property, I look at the housing market with googly eyed, jaw-dropped astonishment. How in the world does anyone afford a home with the stagnant wages of today? I might as well be paid in circus peanuts. I could work my entire life and never come close to being able to afford the ridiculous six-figure numbers for a "middle-class" home in rural nowhere. A city home? Millions of dollars. That wouldn't be possible if I worked for MULTIPLE lifetimes!

The crux of the issue is simple. Housing and transportation are not investments. They are costs of living. Costs of living should be as low as possible to enable more people to afford the essentials of life. Houses should be cheap. Cars should be cheap. Nobody should be investing in them or treating them as collectibles and if you do that you are stupid and deserve to lose the money you put into it. That's just how I see it.

If you want to invest, buy gold and silver. Or buy stocks. Or put your money in a savings account. Whatever you do, don't buy something that deteriorates over time as people use and abuse it, fill it up with their garbage and junk, and gets eaten by termites.

I think this should have been obvious, but humans are stupid and have this awful thing called free will so they don't do what I want them to do, they do the stupid things they want to do. So I live in a world where I can't afford a home or a car, and pay rent every month to live in a dilapidated trailer older than I am.

I hate you all and I will be dancing when the housing market crashes and burns. It's been a long, long time coming and I see it as nothing other than justice. Divine intervention, even.

Maybe after prices collapse 90% I will finally be able to afford a home of my own. If that ruins you, I don't care. If you invested in real estate, you mal-adjusted to a broken system.

Your youth is showing. Earn more money. Work harder than anyone around you and get promoted. Start a side gig.
I'll tell you this. If what you say happens you'll be on a food line with every other person who has no reliable skills for income. Maybe you should consider rising above it all than tearing it all down. You sound like a fucking commie


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
That happened a long time ago before Andrew jackson

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The Year the Cabal Enslaved America
NOV 29



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Life can be a struggle.

Parents warn their children of this before sending them to college. We all know it, but we don’t know how to fix it, and those of us in this community understand that it is by design—a design that stretches back to 1913.

Prior to 1913, life was different. There might not have been TV’s, the Internet or ubiquitous technology, but people had the one thing we need back as a nation: Pure Financial Freedom. The value of money was worth astronomically more than it is today, and few had to worry about loans or debt.

The economy in America during the 1800’s represented a battle between the Founding Father’s ‘hard money’ and the Cabal’s ‘paper money’ systems. Banks started out as a convenience market, introduced as a way for people to store their US-Minted Coins.

The banks allowed their bank notes to be openly traded with other people, creating their own economy over the Official US ‘hard money’ economy. The bankers knew that, over time they could loan these assets out and charge interest on them. This practice changed from coins to paper, paving the way for what we refer to today as fractional reserve lending. The only way this scam could be stopped is if the people demanded their gold back en masse. Therefore, getting off the ‘Gold Standard’ was a priority of the Bankers.

We are now living in their gold-less monetary system, where the citizens have less power. Citizens can no longer demand their gold back from bankers, giving these banks the ability to manipulate society in any way they want to.

Before the bankers were successful in their machinations, the founding fathers of the United States had established an economy of ‘hard money,’ which was a system of tradable coins, a far cry from the system we have today. This ‘hard money’ system was the perfect economic system for the American people.

This led to a golden age of prosperity and freedom that the Founding Fathers wanted for every US citizen that came after them. They wanted Americans to own their money, own their own homes, own their own land, and own their own freedom. This allowed most Americans to embody the entrepreneurial spirit, which barely exists today. These days, we live in a corporate society that crushes small businesses and propels the elite to stay in control. The 45th President, Donald Trump was trying to bring back this old monetary system in a posture reminiscent of Andrew Jackson.

When the Second Bank of the United States was established, Andrew Jackson knew that the Bankers were overreaching, acting as a fourth branch of government run by the elite. He knew right away that if the bankers succeeded in their ultimate plan, they would enslave every citizen in the country, so he sought to root them out. Jackson knew the bankers would give out their loans to other prominent people over the common citizen and would use their power to enable more corruption.

Jackson favored ‘hard-money’ over the bankers ‘paper-money’ and was the only US President in history to completely pay off the US National Debt. Unfortunately, the cabal would later get what they wanted in the form of the Federal Reserve Bank, and added insult to injury by putting Andrew Jackson on their $20 bill.

Jackson was Donald Trump’s favorite US President because he took on the cabal bankers and won bigly, which is what Trump has been trying to do since he took office in 2016. Trump nominated Judy Shelton into the Fed because she was an advocate of bringing back the gold standard, which spanned from 1873 to 1933.

The Coinage Act of 1873 ended the coinage of silver and put the American economy on the gold standard for the first time. This caused ‘deflation,’ which increased the buying power of America’s currency.

These bankers hated the gold standard so much in 1873 that they began calling for the government to permanently adopt a FIAT currency issued by a central bank. The gold standard forced the bankers to go into a ‘Long Depression,’ while citizens flourished.

Bankers would label this period as the ‘Long Depression’ because the Gold Standard only hurt the banks, loaners, and the corruption within the economic system. Murray Rothbard, in his book History of Money and Banking of the United States argues that the long depression was only a misunderstood recession, since real wages and production were increasing throughout the period. He attributed falling prices to the deflationary gold standard in the U.S. in the aftermath of the Civil War.

David Ames Wells wrote of the technological advancements during the period from 1870–90 and explains how deflation gave more power to the people, increasing productivity:

The economic changes that have occurred during the last quarter of a century—or during the present generation of living men—have unquestionably been more important and more varied than during any period of the world's history. — Wells, David A. (1891). Recent Economic Changes and Their Effect on Production and Distribution of Wealth and Well-Being of Society

During the late nineteenth century, various groups, including the Populist Party favored the establishment of an income tax at the federal level. The Long Depression was doing more damage to the rich and powerful and they needed something to permanently suppress the citizens.

The Populist Party was known as the Farmer’s Alliance after the Civil War and consisted of all the slave owners who lost their slaves. They demanded a graduated income tax in its 1892 platform. The Democratic Party led by William Jennings Bryan advocated the income tax law passed in 1894, and proposed an income tax in its 1908 platform.

Americans had an economic system that was designed for every citizen to flourish, and the cabal did everything in their power to take that away. From the corruption of the banks to a political paradigm focused on taxation, in the end they were given ultimate power—power that they will do everything they can to keep.

To wit, after the Panic of 1907, Nelson W. Aldrich set up the National Monetary Commission, which would investigate a better economic system of the US. They concluded that the European model was better, which included the Central Bank of England. The Commission's reports and recommendations became one of the principal bases in the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which led to the creation of the modern Federal Reserve system.

In 1910, the leaders of the Populist Party convinced Aldrich, the leader of the Republican party at the time to transform the entire monetary system of the United States. Their master plan would be hatched at the Jekyll Island Club.

Mapping out this Jekyll Island Group reveals startling details:

Sen. Aldrich (Daughter married a Rockefeller)

A.P. Andrews (Assistant Secretary of the United States Treasury Department)

Paul Warburg (Employee of Jacob Schiff and has family ties with the Rothschilds)

Frank A. Vanderlip (President of the National City Bank of New York)

Henry P. Davison (Senior Partner of J. P. Morgan Company)

Charles D. Norton (President of the Morgan-dominated First National Bank of New York)

Benjamin Strong (Representing J. P. Morgan)

Together, these men represented about one quarter of the world's wealth at the time, and they left Hoboken, New Jersey on a train in complete secrecy, dropping their last names in favor of first names, or code names, so no one would discover who they all were.

As many in this community are no doubt aware, secrecy is at the heart of the cabal’s operations.

For the Jekyll Meeting plan to work and to pass the necessary acts through the House of Representatives and Congress, it has been suggested that they needed to silence their opposition.

In a potentially-related event, several prominent names died on the Titanic one year prior to the signing of the Federal Reserve Act. These included the American millionaire John Jacob Astor IV, industrialist Benjamin Guggenheim, Macy's owner Isidor Straus and journalist and social reformer William Thomas Stead.

It has long been suggested that these men all opposed the Federal Reserve Act to various degrees.

Straus in particular wrote an article that was published by the New York Times on Oct. 25th, 1911. It was titled ‘THE QUESTION OF RESERVES,’ and in it, Mr. Isidor Straus Argues for the Recognition of the Central Association's Notes as Reserve Money’. Straus was an opposing figure to the Cabal because he was a Director of the Mutual Alliance Trust Company. He was one of the founding 13 directors, which included Emanuel Lehman, William Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt.

With their opposition out of the way, the necessary representatives, senators and President ready to sign off and pass the necessary laws, the cabal would get their Central Banking wish, and took their greatest step toward the enslavement of the American people.


Nov 15, 2022
Your youth is showing. Earn more money. Work harder than anyone around you and get promoted. Start a side gig.
I'll tell you this. If what you say happens you'll be on a food line with every other person who has no reliable skills for income. Maybe you should consider rising above it all than tearing it all down. You sound like a fucking commie
Like I told Rube, the status quo is progressing towards communism. So no, I'm not.

Going into debt to "acquire" a higher standard of living is just empowering those who would be our financial overlords. Americans have been doing this for several generations now and it's only served to hand our country over to big government on a silver platter.

Whatever the ruling elite call themselves - communist, fascist, or capitalist is irrelevant. Wealth disparity is worse today than it was during the USA"s Gilded Age, and they already own more of our country than ever before in history. That's all that matters to them, and it should certainly also matter to us since we are the ones who will reap the consequences.

Which is why a total economic collapse is exactly what the little guy in this country needs. Money has been raining on fools and it's about time the proverbial gravy train came to a stop.

Houses simply do not cost this much. Nor should they. The price is wrong and all I can do as the music stops is lol.

lol. kek.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Like I told Rube, the status quo is progressing towards communism. So no, I'm not.

Going into debt to "acquire" a higher standard of living is just empowering those who would be our financial overlords. Americans have been doing this for several generations now and it's only served to hand our country over to big government on a silver platter.

Whatever the ruling elite call themselves - communist, fascist, or capitalist is irrelevant. Wealth disparity is worse today than it was during the USA"s Gilded Age, and they already own more of our country than ever before in history. That's all that matters to them, and it should certainly also matter to us since we are the ones who will reap the consequences.

Which is why a total economic collapse is exactly what the little guy in this country needs. Money has been raining on fools and it's about time the proverbial gravy train came to a stop.

Houses simply do not cost this much. Nor should they. The price is wrong and all I can do as the music stops is lol.

lol. kek.

Read this. Rube is a fucking troll dipshit


Nov 15, 2022

Read this entirely. This is what you don't know bc you don't know American history

I skimmed through it a bit. I agree with about life before 1910. Cental banks haven't done us any favors. Nor has fiat currency.

This is why I consider Andrew Jackson our best president. People might think of George Washington, or Thomas Jefferson. But I think destroying the central bank was more symbolic than the literal founding of our country, and more impactful than the Louisiana Purchase.

But the bankers waited for Jackson to leave office, and they kept trying until again and again until they got what they wanted. Centralized control over our entire nation's money supply.

They are looking now at replacing the dollar with Centralized Bank Digital Currency (CBDC's) which will tighten their grip even further. Every citizen would need a digital wallet with the central bank and would keep all their CBDC's in that wallet. There would be no offshore accounts, no credit unions, no way to hide your money under your bed.

The central bank would at all times know how much wealth every citizen has, and only the central bankers could conjure more digital coins out of thin air. Absolute control like they've never had it before.

What do we do about it?

Life can be a struggle.

Parents warn their children of this before sending them to college. We all know it, but we don’t know how to fix it, and those of us in this community understand that it is by design—a design that stretches back to 1913.

It sure can. How do we make it easier?

If we don't burn the central bank to the ground with torches and pitchforks it's going to become even more of a struggle.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Like I told Rube, the status quo is progressing towards communism. So no, I'm not.

Going into debt to "acquire" a higher standard of living is just empowering those who would be our financial overlords. Americans have been doing this for several generations now and it's only served to hand our country over to big government on a silver platter.

Whatever the ruling elite call themselves - communist, fascist, or capitalist is irrelevant. Wealth disparity is worse today than it was during the USA"s Gilded Age, and they already own more of our country than ever before in history. That's all that matters to them, and it should certainly also matter to us since we are the ones who will reap the consequences.

Which is why a total economic collapse is exactly what the little guy in this country needs. Money has been raining on fools and it's about time the proverbial gravy train came to a stop.

Houses simply do not cost this much. Nor should they. The price is wrong and all I can do as the music stops is lol.

lol. kek.

Read this. Rube is a fucking troll


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I skimmed through it a bit. I agree with about life before 1910. Cental banks haven't done us any favors. Nor has fiat currency.

This is why I consider Andrew Jackson our best president. People might think of George Washington, or Thomas Jefferson. But I think destroying the central bank was more symbolic than the literal founding of our country, and more impactful than the Louisiana Purchase.

But the bankers waited for Jackson to leave office, and they kept trying until again and again until they got what they wanted. Centralized control over our entire nation's money supply.

They are looking now at replacing the dollar with Centralized Bank Digital Currency (CBDC's) which will tighten their grip even further. Every citizen would need a digital wallet with the central bank and would keep all their CBDC's in that wallet. There would be no offshore accounts, no credit unions, no way to hide your money under your bed.

The central bank would at all times know how much wealth every citizen has, and only the central bankers could conjure more digital coins out of thin air. Absolute control like they've never had it before.

What do we do about it?

It sure can. How do we make it easier?

If we don't burn the central bank to the ground with torches and pitchforks it's going to become even more of a struggle.
Using the constitution and voting in conservative constitutionalists


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Like I told Rube, the status quo is progressing towards communism. So no, I'm not.

Going into debt to "acquire" a higher standard of living is just empowering those who would be our financial overlords. Americans have been doing this for several generations now and it's only served to hand our country over to big government on a silver platter.

Whatever the ruling elite call themselves - communist, fascist, or capitalist is irrelevant. Wealth disparity is worse today than it was during the USA"s Gilded Age, and they already own more of our country than ever before in history. That's all that matters to them, and it should certainly also matter to us since we are the ones who will reap the consequences.

Which is why a total economic collapse is exactly what the little guy in this country needs. Money has been raining on fools and it's about time the proverbial gravy train came to a stop.

Houses simply do not cost this much. Nor should they. The price is wrong and all I can do as the music stops is lol.

lol. kek.
You can't even read a 10 min article. Fucking lazy fucking cry baby


Nov 15, 2022
Reading more on your article I agree with it yes we need a deflationary period and yes we need the dollar to be backed with something of value.

However in addition to both of those things, I would also restore the post-WW2 income tax brackets.


91% tax on the richest Americans sounds about fair.

Make that the corporate tax too. Use it to fund UBI.


Jan 9, 2021
I saw a video where some gen z dude was saying he is tire of adults telling his generation to put down the video games.

Well.................................as I tell me son................................PUT DOWN THE DAMN VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!

They accomplish nothing.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
"The death of the real economy" starts at 30:45 but the whole video is good.

I'm all for this.

As a millenial who still has never owned his own property, I look at the housing market with googly eyed, jaw-dropped astonishment. How in the world does anyone afford a home with the stagnant wages of today? I might as well be paid in circus peanuts. I could work my entire life and never come close to being able to afford the ridiculous six-figure numbers for a "middle-class" home in rural nowhere. A city home? Millions of dollars. That wouldn't be possible if I worked for MULTIPLE lifetimes!

The crux of the issue is simple. Housing and transportation are not investments. They are costs of living. Costs of living should be as low as possible to enable more people to afford the essentials of life. Houses should be cheap. Cars should be cheap. Nobody should be investing in them or treating them as collectibles and if you do that you are stupid and deserve to lose the money you put into it. That's just how I see it.

If you want to invest, buy gold and silver. Or buy stocks. Or put your money in a savings account. Whatever you do, don't buy something that deteriorates over time as people use and abuse it, fill it up with their garbage and junk, and gets eaten by termites.

I think this should have been obvious, but humans are stupid and have this awful thing called free will so they don't do what I want them to do, they do the stupid things they want to do. So I live in a world where I can't afford a home or a car, and pay rent every month to live in a dilapidated trailer older than I am.

I hate you all and I will be dancing when the housing market crashes and burns. It's been a long, long time coming and I see it as nothing other than justice. Divine intervention, even.

Maybe after prices collapse 90% I will finally be able to afford a home of my own. If that ruins you, I don't care. If you invested in real estate, you mal-adjusted to a broken system.

Maybe they burned up your loans. Like the Whiskey Rebellion. Look it up


Jan 8, 2021
Reading more on your article I agree with it yes we need a deflationary period and yes we need the dollar to be backed with something of value.

However in addition to both of those things, I would also restore the post-WW2 income tax brackets.

91% tax on the richest Americans sounds about fair.

Make that the corporate tax too. Use it to fund UBI.
GTFO with this communist bullshit


Dec 1, 2020
Reading more on your article I agree with it yes we need a deflationary period and yes we need the dollar to be backed with something of value.

However in addition to both of those things, I would also restore the post-WW2 income tax brackets.

91% tax on the richest Americans sounds about fair.

Make that the corporate tax too. Use it to fund UBI.
Please give an example where this scenario has ever worked in the history of human civilization. Just one.

You’re making excuses for being a lazy POS that has no work ethic or determination other than to feed off of the hard work of others. You’re not man enough to support yourself let alone a woman or family.


Nov 15, 2022
GTFO with this communist bullshit
But the United States wasn't Communist in 1947.

That was the highest income tax bracket in 1947. Anyone making over 200,000 a year paid 91% income tax.

You guys keep calling me communist but I don't think you underrstand the meaning of the word. Nothing I've said suggests we should nationalize the means of production.

The crony capitalist economy you so fervently defend is in the process of becoming a fascist totalitarian regime of plutocrats which brutally oppresses the poor, which whatever you choose to call it will be indistinguishable from every attempt at communism in the past.

I will say this: with increasing automation and the soon to be introduced android workfforce we simply won't have enough jobs to fully employ our population. We already have tent cities of homeless. What do you suggest we do when unemployment hits 20% or 25% or 30% or more?

And you will all cheer for it, because you're flag-waving American patriots who support big business and free enterprise.

Do you go Thanos and liquidate all the useless humans? Or would you suggest they deserve a minimum standard of living?

UBI is the only way to provide societal stability without Hitleresque concentration camps as part of the solution.

What's funny is this is a natural evolution of free market capitalism -> corporatocracy (monopolies and protectionism) -> plutocracy (Crony Capitalism and takeover of the government by big business) as the business owners will naturally adopt increasing automation and robot workers as a cheaper alternative to employing human beings. If you believe in the free market you will approve of it. However this will also be the closest model that in practice approaches the idealized "Communist Utopia" which was dreamed up by Marx. By pursuing profit at all any any costs, the means of production will be nationalized.

Oh and if you don't believe me the androids can already do parkour. Programming them to flip burgers and make big macs isn't going to be that much more difficult.



Dec 1, 2020
But the United States wasn't Communist in 1947.

That was the highest income tax bracket in 1947. Anyone making over 200,000 a year paid 91% income tax.

You guys keep calling me communist but I don't think you underrstand the meaning of the word. Nothing I've said suggests we should nationalize the means of production.

The crony capitalist economy you so fervently defend is in the process of becoming a fascist totalitarian regime of plutocrats which brutally oppresses the poor, which whatever you choose to call it will be indistinguishable from every attempt at communism in the past.

I will say this: with increasing automation and the soon to be introduced android workfforce we simply won't have enough jobs to fully employ our population. We already have tent cities of homeless. What do you suggest we do when unemployment hits 20% or 25% or 30% or more?

And you will all cheer for it, because you're flag-waving American patriots who support big business and free enterprise.

Do you go Thanos and liquidate all the useless humans? Or would you suggest they deserve a minimum standard of living?

UBI is the only way to provide societal stability without Hitleresque concentration camps as part of the solution.

What's funny is this is a natural evolution of free market capitalism -> corporatocracy (monopolies and protectionism) -> plutocracy (Crony Capitalism and takeover of the government by big business) as the business owners will naturally adopt increasing automation and robot workers as a cheaper alternative to employing human beings. If you believe in the free market you will approve of it. However this will also be the closest model that in practice approaches the idealized "Communist Utopia" which was dreamed up by Marx. By pursuing profit at all any any costs, the means of production will be nationalized.

Oh and if you don't believe me the androids can already do parkour. Programming them to flip burgers and make big macs isn't going to be that much more difficult.

Correct. You’re a socialist but we all know where that leads.


Nov 15, 2022
Please give an example where this scenario has ever worked in the history of human civilization. Just one.

You’re making excuses for being a lazy POS that has no work ethic or determination other than to feed off of the hard work of others. You’re not man enough to support yourself let alone a woman or family.
I did. You quoted it. Do you not like the link I provided?

Here is another link with the income tax brackers for every year going back to 1863:


They raised taxes on the rich during WW2 and didn't start lowering taxes until the 1960's.

Funnily enough, the 1950's was the best economy the USA ever had. Cost of living was low, wages were high, jobs were readily available.


Nov 15, 2022
Ya. To a better world.

Not at all. But we need a better economic paradigm than what we have. Ideally something that is decentralized.

Communism = centralized control over industry and economy ("command economy")
Socialism = centralized control over industry and economy ("command economy")
Fascism = centralized control over industry and economy ("command economy")
Crony Capitalism = centralized control over industry and economy ("command economy")

Are you only following the buzzwords? The end result is all the same.

We're getting the same thing all over again. This time around the big business owners will usher itt in with automation and robots. You won't have any say in the matter. Most Americans are just going to lose their jobs.

What happens next?

Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
Not at all. But we need a better economic paradigm than what we have. Ideally something that is decentralized.

Communism = centralized control over industry and economy ("command economy")
Socialism = centralized control over industry and economy ("command economy")
Fascism = centralized control over industry and economy ("command economy")
Crony Capitalism = centralized control over industry and economy ("command economy")

Are you only following the buzzwords? The end result is all the same.

We're getting the same thing all over again. This time around the big business owners will usher itt in with automation and robots. You won't have any say in the matter. Most Americans are just going to lose their jobs.

What happens next?
I disagree.

Obviously capitalism destroys everything it touches but under socialism or communism we could simply stop the automation push and give everyone jobs.

Centralized command isn’t bad as long as the command is in the hands of the people like under socialism or communism.


Dec 1, 2020
You're not making any sense.

I don't think you have word comprehension.
I don’t think you know the difference between socialism and communism. You act as if big business and government are not working in conjunction to achieve the same end.


Nov 15, 2022
I disagree.

Obviously capitalism destroys everything it touches but under socialism or communism we could simply stop the automation push and give everyone jobs.

Centralized command isn’t bad as long as the command is in the hands of the people like under socialism or communism.
It will always devolve into fascism for the same reason Socrates hated Democracy. There will be a charismatic leader who sways public opinion and seizes power.

Even without demagogues it simply doesn't work in practice.

Place a factory under the "management" of 1000 people and nothing will happen. What does the factory do? Make shoes? Cars? Cell phones?

It takes years to build the assembly line to make one thing and set up the supply chain to provide materials to that factory. It's not something which can be changed on the fly.

So those 1000 people will defer to 1 person who seems to know what they are doing, and then you're back to square one. One rich guy telling 999 poor people what to do.

Which is why Stalin was a dictator and Soviet Russia wasn't a Utopia.


Nov 15, 2022
I don’t think you know the difference between socialism and communism. You act as if big business and government are not working in conjunction to achieve the same end.
My first response to you had this paragraph:
The crony capitalist economy you so fervently defend is in the process of becoming a fascist totalitarian regime of plutocrats which brutally oppresses the poor, which whatever you choose to call it will be indistinguishable from every attempt at communism in the past.
Word comprehension. Get you some.


Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
It will always devolve into fascism for the same reason Socrates hated Democracy. There will be a charismatic leader who sways public opinion and seizes power.

Even without demagogues it simply doesn't work in practice.

Place a factory under the "management" of 1000 people and nothing will happen. What does the factory do? Make shoes? Cars? Cell phones?

It takes years to build the assembly line to make one thing and set up the supply chain to provide materials to that factory. It's not something which can be changed on the fly.

So those 1000 people will defer to 1 person who seems to know what they are doing, and then you're back to square one. One rich guy telling 999 poor people what to do.

Which is why Stalin was a dictator and Soviet Russia wasn't a Utopia.
I disagree with almost all of this.

Just look at China and Vietnam. Both are socialist countries and their economies are really good!


Dec 1, 2020
My first response to you had this paragraph:

Word comprehension. Get you some.

That paragraph wasn’t in response to me and nowhere have I defended “crony capitalism”. Maybe take your own advice at word comprehension or an elementary understanding of what, and who, you’re responding to.

But to your point, it’s not just “suppression of the poor” but to drain the assets of the middle class so there is a 2 class society of the wealthy and the “others”. It’s a combined effort by both big tech, pharma (the most powerful by far), and the government in collaboration with the WEF.

A society built on true capitalistic policy is why the United States has become the most prosperous nation to date. I truly feel it destined for failure as it requires a government focused on limited governance and for the good of the people. Neither of which is a realistic possibility and a concern the founding fathers eluded to.

When did we come off the gold standard and what has happened since that time? I agree that our currency must be decentralized.


Dec 10, 2020
The thing most are ignoring is the labor participation rate. Many people just will not work now. I'm not sure if they are still getting unemployment or just homelessness is skyrocketing but if you look at population and participation.... shit doesn't add up for our future.

Eventually we need people who will clean toilets, or install them, build houses, cut trees, fix cars, farm, fish, deliver goods including food, wait tables, cook food, drill for oil.... you know... all the stuff that makes an economy work. Right now we have too many people that think they can live off of tik tok videos and crypto investing. I honestly think they are under the impression that food just magically show up to a grocery store and electric exist in a box on the wall at all times.


Nov 15, 2022
The thing most are ignoring is the labor participation rate. Many people just will not work now. I'm not sure if they are still getting unemployment or just homelessness is skyrocketing but if you look at population and participation.... shit doesn't add up for our future.

Eventually we need people who will clean toilets, or install them, build houses, cut trees, fix cars, farm, fish, deliver goods including food, wait tables, cook food, drill for oil.... you know... all the stuff that makes an economy work. Right now we have too many people that think they can live off of tik tok videos and crypto investing. I honestly think they are under the impression that food just magically show up to a grocery store and electric exist in a box on the wall at all times.

Androids will be doing all of those things.

Most people have no idea what's coming. It's going to be explosive and things will change fast.

The first commercial androids are going to take off like the Model T.


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