I hate to continue the hijack of @Martin
@Praise thread.
For years I’ve considered the human race like dogs. There are many breeds of dogs and those dog breeds have certain strengths, weaknesses, characteristics, shapes, sizes, etc. They are different breeds but still dogs.
I think humans have different breeds but it’s not as simple as race alone. Greeks, Italians, Spanish, Brits, Germans, Scandinavians are all technically white but they have different genetic traits, strengths, and characteristics in each. You can do this with any racial group. It’s not about any one breed being superior or inferior to all others. It’s about above.
In the story of the Tower of Babel God saw man, when fully united, could accomplish anything i.e., he put his mind toward. All strengths united toward one cause making up for all weaknesses.
So what did God do? He separated us by language and I highly doubt that separation was completely random but maybe. Then you throw the fallen into the mix and even more chaos ensues because their whole mission is to destroy us to hurt God.