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Abrasax LLC: schizo red pill data dump


Dec 1, 2020
šŸ˜Mate, I realize I post some utterly moronic shit,....on the regular, as well as that I'm uncommonly forthcoming with a lot of personal information & shit most others would likely not share, I guess.
I'm not sure about which interpretation-perspective to adopt, with regard to the structure of your response, imma just hang back in a neutral not give a fuck position for the mo.

Maybe I come off as though an obsequious child?, &/Or perhaps on some stupid ass-licking mission,...ever gump-ishly ingratiating some faggoty projected public image of this cunt - "cUrIoUsFiEnD"?

šŸ–•šŸ¤£LoL, fuck, I would agree too,...now that I'm focused on thinking about it,...my profile kinda does seem like a total fuckin douche!

Shit, to be fuckin fair, I reckon that would be understandable.
But not in your particular case PleasureMoose.
Simply coz I've already sorta explained to ya about some of the shit I'd mentioned leading to "C"-"PTSD" and "Avoidant-PD" tags.

Think of a full grown-pure blooded tank of an American Pitbull.
Better yet,..try this.
View attachment 97268
If one of innocent pups were to end up in the "care", as a responsibility of those most irresponsible,...and endures nothing but severe beatings, food deprivation and prolonged psychological torture.
How might this pup develop into adulthood?
View attachment 97269
Except I've ditched that wicked path I was forced to take in youth.
I've made self-driven progress to overcome the nurtured ignorance, lack of education, financial destitution, blind atheism, extreme rage, hostility and especially the sudden eruptions of raw violence.
I am not my experiences.
I am what I will.
I will,...to be like the heartiest example who ever existed.
Who assertively demonstrated, to all humanity, the greatest potentials a hu-man can seek to achieve.




Jks,...of course I mean Christ.

(The dude was a pure badass back in his day!)

Anyways, back to addressing the quoted post.
GC moose,...there's much I've never shared,...here or anywhere,...if I explained the reasoning necessitating keeping certain esoteric practices private, it will definitely piss people off and immediately repel deeper thought - because to "the common man" these reasons inherently imply either a delusional superiority whack-job &/or a deliberate insult alluding to total ignorance of the fundamentally-"bizarre", less-discernable, and highly uncommon nature of such "outlandish" seeming shit.
(*Relatively "speaking".)
I'm not making that up,...coz I have tried & failed countless times to explain simple-widely available esoteric insight and on occasion more complex occult type stuff.

The trouble I've had, is figuring out how to - essentially adopt Rebars "bard-like" approach - so to explain shit in their uniquely precise way so as to either bypass any pre-established &/or well developed sub/un-conscious biases.

Or more often,...I've optimistically chosen to afford the same respect I would appreciate unto myself.
Deciding "meh, fuck it",...bluntly dishing them the deets.
No one ever came to me and spilled the occult beans.
What little I currently like to think I have an understanding of,...was only ever learnt because I willfully made effort with focused intent towards exploring this vast unknown aspect of my very being - ie; the "Spiritual"/"Occultic"/"Esoteric" mysteries of which we are all connected whether we approve or not.

My current opinion is,...beyond responsibly leading an-other individual to water voluntarily,...it is the individuals own inherent duty to direct ones-self to drink, as they alone are director of their individuated sovereign entity,... ...it is solely for them whether they-them-selves have sufficiently debiased enough of the communally programmed cognitive & emotive inhibitors.

Anyways, in this particular case, those specific questions from my prior post, of which were referred to by Mr Moose, these are founded from personal experiences,...dating back over two decades so far.
Mr Moose,...I am no pro and yet I'm also no amateur with respect for OBEs bro.
I hope you, and others can understand that I'm generally very fuckin hesitant to elaborate upon my subjective experiences specifically relating to OBEs.
I really don't mind sharing anything,...if by doing so can be of benefit for others learning, yet if otherwise I see no point to opening my-self up to potential mockery from the multitudinous ignorant online dick-bag hordes.
(Mr Moose, that isn't aimed at you in anyway mate.)

I ain't seeking to covertly imply as if to be some queer bloody enlightened fuckin master or some such fuck-wittery.

Just like you and every-other mofo to have ever existed, I'm the same.
I am merely a hu-man,...just as fallible as any-other.

I'll share this though,...
-The first fully conscious & stable experience of a "Lucid Dream" state, for me, was totally unintentional.
This occured during the day, while meditating.
At this time I was totally ignorant of tripppy stuff we can do,...like remaining conscious while allowing the body to go into "standby- mode".
I still clearly recall the events,...and at no point did my [lack-of]awareness notice any transition.
I finished meditation, and casually strolled outside to continue on with the days missions.
It wasn't long before becoming aware something very unusual was occuring, suddenly feeling really weakened when becoming overwhelmed with a confused-frustration as to why my brothers and their gfs,...and even the fuckin dogs all seemingly decided to go above and beyond, as a group, to ignore my direct questions & their seemingly impossible refusal to even acknowledge my presence at all.
As the growing confused-frustration rapidly increased, another entirely new sense first became manifest!
It was like being severely drained to the point of falling unconscious.
I remember thinking shit like... #["why do I suddenly feel so fucked up?!"] -
#["do I need to go to the hospital?!"] -
#["I'm not sensing any physical alerts from my flesh bod.!!"] -
#["the fuck's happening?!"]

šŸ¤£This is as I went to lean against the open garage door frame,...except the expected pressure sensation from leaning my weight against the frame never happened,...
...it's hard to describe the full blown shock & awe that occured within the fleeting miliseconds realizating I have apparently just toppled backwards-at a slight angle-through a metal wall and was now partially within the mountain of junk stacked behind that wall.

That was immediately followed by jolting open my physical eyes in a state of panic,...finding that I'm looking at the ceiling of my bedroom in confused terror.

It still took me a few stressed out weeks of frantic researching before finding the right information to begin figuring out what had happened.

If I hadn't experienced this, there's little chance I'd believe someone else describing such an oddity.

Yeah,...šŸ˜I'm looking at you TJ, go for it mate, I'll bust out an equally hilarious counter-meme in your honour.

To finish this post, here's the only pic that I have of my-self. It's from a local tattooists public collection of his works. Taken years ago just after he'd completed the right sleeve.
View attachment 97287
Followed by some random shit I'd originally come here to post this morning prior to getting sidetracked.
View attachment 97288View attachment 97289View attachment 97290View attachment 97291View attachment 97292View attachment 97294
View attachment 97298I agree with Samael on that last one,...though I seriously wonder who he is referring to "as our Father".
I very much would like to have this conversation too. It seems like every time it attempts to spin up, it blows peoples minds and they think your crazy, or it blows peoples minds and that donā€™t care to understand anymore.

Everything can be traced back to ā€œin the beginningā€ so every bit of it is connected. I stumbled about esoterica by complete accident when I found a book at a used book store.

I spent a couple years trying to solve the puzzle of the philosophers stone. I found enough of an answer to satisfy me, but I really stepped back from it a ton at that point.

I had a vision where I saw Jesus and it all fell into place for me. Woke up, told my wife I was a Christian, and moved on with life lol. I donā€™t do church though

In my opinion, it all connects in with Christianity. Jesus rent the veil and thatā€™s why everyone hates him for it.

Deleted member 2886

I very much would like to have this conversation too. It seems like every time it attempts to spin up, it blows peoples minds and they think your crazy, or it blows peoples minds and that donā€™t care to understand anymore.

Everything can be traced back to ā€œin the beginningā€ so every bit of it is connected. I stumbled about esoterica by complete accident when I found a book at a used book store.

I spent a couple years trying to solve the puzzle of the philosophers stone. I found enough of an answer to satisfy me, but I really stepped back from it a ton at that point.

I had a vision where I saw Jesus and it all fell into place for me. Woke up, told my wife I was a Christian, and moved on with life lol. I donā€™t do church though

In my opinion, it all connects in with Christianity. Jesus rent the veil and thatā€™s why everyone hates him for it.
If this public thread doesn't gain much constructive input, I'm always happy to chat via PM.

I agree with your opinion on the primary connection link being "Christianity".

Currently from what I've looked through, I'm strongly of the opinion that most, if not all forms of the main religions are merely ever adjustable "Honey Traps"/Controlled Ops.)
*I've decided it unwise to elaborate further on this in public, šŸ˜…and so deleted several paragraphs I'd written.

Instead I'll upload & post several "bite sized" chunks of the relevant info I was getting at.IMG_20220411_200014.jpgIMG_20220411_200039.jpgIMG_20220411_200125.jpgIMG_20220411_200153.jpgIMG_20220411_200221.jpg


Dec 1, 2020
If this public thread doesn't gain much constructive input, I'm always happy to chat via PM.

I agree with your opinion on the primary connection link being "Christianity".

Currently from what I've looked through, I'm strongly of the opinion that most, if not all forms of the main religions are merely ever adjustable "Honey Traps"/Controlled Ops.)
*I've decided it unwise to elaborate further on this in public, šŸ˜…and so deleted several paragraphs I'd written.

Instead I'll upload & post several "bite sized" chunks of the relevant info I was getting at.View attachment 97326View attachment 97327View attachment 97328View attachment 97329View attachment 97330
Iā€™ve honestly never thought of it they way.

Christianity is almost more of an idea. A ton of scripture points to that idea. Itā€™s also the same idea the the mystery societies tried to keep hidden.

In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God.

In Greek, Word is actually Logos. So Jesus is the Logos manifest.

This might not copy well from Wikipedia, but my phone is about to die, so it is what it is:

The writing of Heraclitus (c.ā€‰535 ā€“ c.ā€‰475 BC) was the first place where the word logos was given special attention in ancient Greek philosophy,[14]although Heraclitus seems to use the word with a meaning not significantly different from the way in which it was used in ordinary Greek of his time.[15] For Heraclitus, logos provided the link between rational discourse and the world's rational structure.[16]

This logos holds always but humans always prove unable to ever understand it, both before hearing it and when they have first heard it. For though all things come to be in accordance with this logos, humans are like the inexperienced when they experience such words and deeds as I set out, distinguishing each in accordance with its nature and saying how it is. But other people fail to notice what they do when awake, just as they forget what they do while asleep.
ā€”ā€‰Dielsā€“Kranz, 22B1
For this reason it is necessary to follow what is common. But although the logos is common, most people live as if they had their own private understanding.
ā€”ā€‰Dielsā€“Kranz, 22B2
Listening not to me but to the logos it is wise to agree that all things are one.
ā€”ā€‰Dielsā€“Kranz, 22B50[17]
What logos means here is not certain; it may mean "reason" or "explanation" in the sense of an objective cosmic law, or it may signify nothing more than "saying" or "wisdom".[18] Yet, an independent existence of a universal logos was clearly suggested by Heraclitus.[19]


We ain't found shit!
Jan 8, 2021
An interesting book I recently read, "After", fits in well in this thread. It's about Near Death Experiences (NDEs). It's a pretty quick read, but it summarizes a lot of findings by an MD and professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Science, who has been clinically researching NDEs for about thirty years.


Dr. Bruce Greyson is the Chester Carlson Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. He was previously on the medical faculty at the University of Michigan and the University of Connecticut, where he was Clinical Chief of Psychiatry. Dr. Greyson has consulted with the National Institutes of Health and addressed symposia on consciousness at the United Nations and at the Dalai Lamaā€™s compound in Dharamsala, India. He has earned awards for his medical research and was elected a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, the highest honor bestowed by that organization.

Dr. Greysonā€™s interest in near-death experiences began just a few months after graduating from medical school, when he treated an unconscious patient in the emergency room who stunned him the next morning with an account of leaving her body. That event challenged his beliefs about the mind and the brain, and ultimately led him on a journey to study near-death experiences scientifically, leading to more than a hundred publications in medical journals. He co-founded the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), an organization to support and promote research into these experiences, and for 27 years edited the Journal of Near-Death Studies, the only scholarly journal dedicated to near-death research. Through his research, he has discovered common and universal themes in near-death experiences that go beyond neurophysiological or cultural interpretations, as well as patterns of consistent aftereffects on individualsā€™ attitudes, beliefs, values, and personalities.

Dr. Greyson is the author of After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond. The book challenges our everyday ideas about our minds and our brains and offers key insights on how we can begin to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Anyways, it covers a lot of individual accounts of NDEs. One of the more interesting ideas that is postulated, with provocative anecdotal and researched information supporting it, is that the brain is not the source of consciousness. Instead it acts as a filter for our divine self/consciousness so that we can focus and function in the physical world. Anecdotally, NDE accounts address this as the NDE being much more real than life; childhood NDEs experiencing expanding consciousness/intelligence/awareness to that of an adult (during the NDE, not after) and then far more -- and the same great expansion of consciousness for adults.

Oddly, this kind of matches up functionally with an article/study I randomly read some time ago. Essentially using an AI study comparing the survival of AI that was focused only on the conditions specified to survive, versus AI that were given varying levels of partial to total knowledge of the environment with the same goal of surviving. The AIs with greater knowledge of the total environment performed worse than those focused only on the essential survival elements. The corollary being if you wanted a higher-consciousness being to be able to properly function in a material world, they would need to focused down to the necessities of the material world. The filter for us to function materially also being the same organ used to interface with and control the physical body, the brain.

There's that and many other interesting things in the book. It's a quick read and pretty cheap. Here's a link if you feel like checking it out: Amazon

Deleted member 2886

Iā€™ve honestly never thought of it they way.

Christianity is almost more of an idea. A ton of scripture points to that idea. Itā€™s also the same idea the the mystery societies tried to keep hidden.

In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God.

In Greek, Word is actually Logos. So Jesus is the Logos manifest.

This might not copy well from Wikipedia, but my phone is about to die, so it is what it is:

The writing of Heraclitus (c.ā€‰535 ā€“ c.ā€‰475 BC) was the first place where the word logos was given special attention in ancient Greek philosophy,[14]although Heraclitus seems to use the word with a meaning not significantly different from the way in which it was used in ordinary Greek of his time.[15] For Heraclitus, logos provided the link between rational discourse and the world's rational structure.[16]

What logos means here is not certain; it may mean "reason" or "explanation" in the sense of an objective cosmic law, or it may signify nothing more than "saying" or "wisdom".[18] Yet, an independent existence of a universal logos was clearly suggested by Heraclitus.[19]
Hey that's an interesting point about 'Logos'.
Ya know how in recent times the relevant "authoritative" academics have conveniently tweaked definitions of words to mean vaguely similar, yet hugely differing things,...ie: the well known multiple definition changes of "vaccine" over the past twenty years.
Up until 40 years ago British-English referred to what USA already had, and which we all now call a "billion" as a "milliard", and a "trillion" was a "billion/billiard".

I think many people are unaware that speaking(ie: "casting") or writing(ie: "spell-ing") 'words' has much greater influence than merely the obvious common uses of "Phonetic" expressions.

As per usual the commonly accepted mess most regard as being based upon true recorded historical facts, does nothing but create confusion by pointing a speculative finger at the ancient Greek peoples as the inventors/developers of "Phonetics".

I dunno, but that narrative smells like bullshit!

I've previously hinted at the ancient Phoenicians who were supposedly wiped out millenia ago.
I remember being taught at intermediate school that Phoenicians created "Phoe-netics", which is odd because Google currently claims otherwise.

Anyways,...without being too overt here I'll lay out some really simplified pieces of an extremely complex speculative puzzle.
Adam- & -Eve
Cain- vs -Able
Cainites- vs -Hebrews
Cainites, like parasites infected the ancient Hebrew tribes with "Pharisees" and eventually usurped the Hebrew identity entirely.
This hostile Cainite predatory parasitic behaviour has only proliferated since.
Eventually this no longer overtly Cainite parasitic death cult had usurped numerous cultural identities,... including the Phoenicians and thus gaining the advanced Phoenician naval capabilities.

The "dark" periods/gaps in the claimed recordings of historical events are deliberate.
To hide that the parasitic death cult, wearing the Phoenician & various other identities had set out to rapidly infest/ usurp and dominate all peoples across the Mediterranean.
One of their main weapons was being able to associate-assign-utilize meanings+symbols+sounds-("Phoe-netics) in order to communicate AND deceive.

The severely inbred descendants of these genetically inclined psychopaths still dominate the highest echelons of human societal constructs.

#"Admiralty Law" - wanna guess whose idea this was?,...lol.

#Washington DC - Is the swamp really part of the USA or merely an "Island" sanctuary like Venice, or the Vatican?

Deleted member 2886

QuanChi man, I am really blazed & wanna tell ya I enjoy reading/learning from this kinda content.

Even though I've read much of the above over the years, and again multiple times since you've posted it.

Quite often I find previously overlooked bits jump out, adding crucial elements to what's being expressed by the author,...as well for the subjective picture that's slowly developed over decades.

I'd almost forgotten about that NASA image, I'm glad ya busted that one out coz I didn't get a chance previously,...to fuck around with it ruthlessly in various apps.

Interesting stuff man, shot aye!
you cant just wake up one day and decide to astral project to the event horizon lol.. that's a gift you have to dedicate your life too and still may never achieve

now with practice ,diet and lifestyle you may be able to control and construct a lucid dream where you can fly to a location for a period of time or have a conversation with "something".
but unless you can control your heart rate its not going to last long
Hey bro, I do hope you know I agree with all that ayešŸ˜.
Totally nailed it man.

For realz though, I just can't quite tell -is that post a demonstration of your sarcasm thing you mentioned a few weeks back?
Coz, if it isšŸ‘šŸ˜…,...bravo!
....surprised the shit outta me!

Deleted member 2886

#Random Dump.
*'Deeper Insights.(Illuminati)
-Fritz Springmeier-

*The Unabomber.(Psyop)

IMG_20220503_101107_144.jpg*Quantum Mechanics.

*Terminator Event.


*Surface Plasmon Resonance.



Aug 18, 2021
QuanChi man, I am really blazed & wanna tell ya I enjoy reading/learning from this kinda content.

Even though I've read much of the above over the years, and again multiple times since you've posted it.

Quite often I find previously overlooked bits jump out, adding crucial elements to what's being expressed by the author,...as well for the subjective picture that's slowly developed over decades.

I'd almost forgotten about that NASA image, I'm glad ya busted that one out coz I didn't get a chance previously,...to fuck around with it ruthlessly in various apps.

Interesting stuff man, shot aye!

View attachment 98177
Hey bro, I do hope you know I agree with all that ayešŸ˜.
Totally nailed it man.

For realz though, I just can't quite tell -is that post a demonstration of your sarcasm thing you mentioned a few weeks back?
Coz, if it isšŸ‘šŸ˜…,...bravo!
View attachment 98175
....surprised the shit outta me!
ha oh damn you took that personal.. don't take anything I say in response serious my friend. I'm pretty much certified and care about very few things unless it involves azz & tittiez


Deleted member 2886

ha oh damn you took that personal.. don't take anything I say in response serious my friend. I'm pretty much certified and care about very few things unless it involves azz & tittiez

šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Chur bro.
Though na mate, didn't take nothin personal, hence the mildly sarcastic j-j-jokey jokes.
Simply seeking to establish a clear understanding is all.
When I read shit, I can easily see various possible interpretations,...and because of the fact I really don't know you very well, it was difficult to accurately discern the intended meaning.

That's why I so often attempt to elaborate upon the relevant perspectives,...for the purpose of seeking to establish some degree of mutual understanding ya know.
Ie: Measure twice,...cut once.

I dunno but something I find to be all too common, is that a great many people seem either to be incapable of, or just flat out resistant to, expanding subjective understanding, seemingly unwilling to objectively explore alternative perspectives whenever presented.
Instead reacting with what can be clearly seen as emotional driven undertones veiled behind various well known and all too common deceptive rhetorical strategies,...which inherently allow for a "plan b" when called out-aka: feigned ignorance and denial while projecting accountability.

Ya know mate, since you and I have chatted a bit on Telegram & PMs, and as far as I can tell we seem to be on reasonably friendly terms.
Which is an aspect leading to my being slightly confused about your post in question, because it was so out of line with all our previous communication.

Straight up man, my main concern from reading your post in question, was that it may have arisen as a direct result my post upsetting you,...and as I really never intended for you to be upset, I was motivated to proactively figure out what may or may not be going on.
For reals, it's just how I am.
Were I to discover that I'd upset you unintentionally, I would strive to seek rectification and make effort to build mutually beneficial resolution overall.
Because this world is already excessively divided, and crumbling around us.
Fuck knows what everyone else is up to, but I intend to patch up what little I can,...whenever possible.
It seems apparent to me, we need to make major effort, at all times, to create harmony as opposed to the proliferated status quo ego stroking disharmony, otherwise we're basically guaranteeing that the generations following us will be absolutely mcfucked, far moreso than to the degree of which we've been fucked by the generations before us.

And ffs Mr Moose,...dunno bout you, but I actually value your input greatly, even if you just wanna be a hilarious dickburgeršŸ˜‚.
Thus my intentions, as an example being this post-whether apparent or not, are infact motivated by my legitimate respect for you as a sovereign individuality.

Does this make sense bro?
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