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Abrasax LLC: schizo red pill data dump


Jan 9, 2021

Deleted member 2886

@QuanChi you flippin legend mate!
@Rebarcock. -I know my non-bard-like posts annoy you bro, so this is just to give ya fair heads-up so ya can skip past this post mate.

@Croot_Overlord I reckon you deserve an honest explanation as to why I've consistently avoided discussion on
'[Primordial]Gnostic' & "Gnosticism" subject matter.
There are numerous reasons, one of which was my clearly erroneous assumption that no one here would know beyond the bare-minimum-Wiki-scripted-basics.

Previously I've found that leading supposedly thirsty individuals to the waters of Gnosis results with a single sip being generally all the individual can bare to quench their burning curiosity.

Perhaps it's those initial foggy glimpses granting insight into the sporadic emerging realizations which are just too daunting,...considering the absolute totality & horrific existential implications that can dawn on ones awareness.
(which is understandable, to be fair though.)

For the general reader,...I'll have to be real fuckin straight & clear here. Another reason I'd somewhat fervently avoided the Gnostic subject, when directly brought up, is because, as I've mentioned several times now amongst other things, I still don't properly understand the various confusing types of Christianity across the enormous population of USA-334,522,343.
(334million+ of which 65% are Christian)

I'm merely 1 dumbass individual-self motivated/taught-'Anthroposophist-"Gnostic Christian",...from a puny population of barely 5million NZers in existence.
Of which, only -37% max· are various Christians & 48%+ are hardcore-Christian-mocking-Atheists.

I've also minimized mention of Gnostic material, keeping discussion rather vague, because of serious concern for potentially triggering some freaky unexpected metaphorical witch-hunt type deal,...pitchforks, flaming torches and my stoically unvaxxed dumbass once again becoming a fuckin heretic or similar.

🤔Although I dig Slipknot's Heretic Anthem,...it's not fuckin fun being socially ostracized!
I can admit that from experience!

Dunno, how much so, many of y'all may or may not have seriously afforded contemplation upon a perspective of how tricky it might be to fit in - constructively-&-reciprocally -for a random foreigner trying to naively juggle the often unknown-surprise cultural differences.

As things have been thus far, I know for sure that I've definitely offended heaps of ya'z simply by my dumbass using certain types of NZ humour.(👈not to mention my weird-offensive-spelling too,...apparently.😅)

So yeah, there ya have it.
This should explain why I stated in one of my first TFSF posts that Politics is not one my primary concerns, as it's merely another cunty-feigned-"participatory" aspect of a grand materiality-illusion-experience perpetually re-trapping our individuted Spiritual sparks-(souls)-within a spiritually-nightmarish-predatory Demiurgic dreamscape matrix,...as the willfully fuckin ignorant food source!

So, with that outa the way now, @QuanChi , @Croot_Overlord, and hopefully @Rebarcock. ,I'm fuckin keen as to read and discuss with you fullas, insights on this threads OPs.

#Shot QuanChi

#Also, at the risk of inadvertently provoking a beserker rage,...where in tf is our mighty @Viking warrior at?,...get in here once ya finish off that draugr bro! SKOL!

Let's get into it shallz!
Ever wondered if the "Heliopause" is the "Dome" keeping the "waters at bay"??
Anyone else tried to traverse the "Solar System" while "Astral Projecting"???
If so,...how far'd ya get?
Last edited by a moderator:


Dec 1, 2020
@QuanChi you flippin legend mate!
@Rebarcock. -I know my non-bard-like posts annoy you bro, so this is just to give ya fair heads-up so ya can skip past this post mate.

@Croot_Overlord I reckon you deserve an honest explanation as to why I've consistently avoided discussion on
'[Primordial]Gnostic' & "Gnosticism" subject matter.
There are numerous reasons, one of which was my clearly erroneous assumption that no one here would know beyond the bare-minimum-Wiki-scripted-basics.

Previously I've found that leading supposedly thirsty individuals to the waters of Gnosis results with a single sip being generally all the individual can bare to quench their burning curiosity.

Perhaps it's those initial foggy glimpses granting insight into the sporadic emerging realizations which are just too daunting,...considering the absolute totality & horrific existential implications that can dawn on ones awareness.
(which is understandable, to be fair though.)

For the general reader,...I'll have to be real fuckin straight & clear here. Another reason I'd somewhat fervently avoided the Gnostic subject, when directly brought up, is because, as I've mentioned several times now amongst other things, I still don't properly understand the various confusing types of Christianity across the enormous population of USA-334,522,343.
(334million+ of which 65% are Christian)

I'm merely 1 dumbass individual-self motivated/taught-'Anthroposophist-"Gnostic Christian",...from a puny population of barely 5million NZers in existence.
Of which, only -37% max· are various Christians & 48%+ are hardcore-Christian-mocking-Atheists.

I've also minimized mention of Gnostic material, keeping discussion rather vague, because of serious concern for potentially triggering some freaky unexpected metaphorical witch-hunt type deal,...pitchforks, flaming torches and my stoically unvaxxed dumbass once again becoming a fuckin heretic or similar.

🤔Although I dig Slipknot's Heretic Anthem,...it's not fuckin fun being socially ostracized!
I can admit that from experience!

Dunno, how much so, many of y'all may or may not have seriously afforded contemplation upon a perspective of how tricky it might be to fit in - constructively-&-reciprocally -for a random foreigner trying to naively juggle the often unknown-surprise cultural differences.

As things have been thus far, I know for sure that I've definitely offended heaps of ya'z simply by my dumbass using certain types of NZ humour.(👈not to mention my weird-offensive-spelling too,...apparently.😅)

So yeah, there ya have it.
This should explain why I stated in one of my first TFSF posts that Politics is not one my primary concerns, as it's merely another cunty-feigned-"participatory" aspect of a grand materiality-illusion-experience perpetually re-trapping our individuted Spiritual sparks-(souls)-within a spiritually-nightmarish-predatory Demiurgic dreamscape matrix,...as the willfully fuckin ignorant food source!

So, with that outa the way now, @QuanChi , @Croot_Overlord, and hopefully @Rebarcock. ,I'm fuckin keen as to read and discuss with you fullas, insights on this threads OPs.

#Shot QuanChi

#Also, at the risk of inadvertently provoking a beserker rage,...where in tf is our mighty @Viking warrior at?,...get in here once ya finish off that draugr bro! SKOL!
View attachment 97010
View attachment 97009

Let's get into shallz!
View attachment 97008
Ever wondered if the "Heliopause" is the "Dome" keeping the "waters at bay"??
Anyone else tried to traverse the "Solar System" while "Astral Projecting"???
If so,...how far'd ya get?
"I know for sure that I've definitely offended heaps of ya'z simply by my dumbass using certain types of NZ humour."

^not true in the least bit.

The reason this forum exists is for discussion like this. You know well and good that I enjoy reading, learning and talking about all of this stuff. I just have to keep my power level hidden to some degree, because as the owner of the forum, I need to maintain the presentation of objectivity (for lack of a better description)

I would wager that many more people on the forum are interested in this discussion than you imagine.

I guarantee that @PleasureMoose is all in


Jan 15, 2021
"I know for sure that I've definitely offended heaps of ya'z simply by my dumbass using certain types of NZ humour."

^not true in the least bit.

The reason this forum exists is for discussion like this. You know well and good that I enjoy reading, learning and talking about all of this stuff. I just have to keep my power level hidden to some degree, because as the owner of the forum, I need to maintain the presentation of objectivity (for lack of a better description)

I would wager that many more people on the forum are interested in this discussion than you imagine.

I guarantee that @PleasureMoose is all in
I’m in.

Deleted member 2886

"I know for sure that I've definitely offended heaps of ya'z simply by my dumbass using certain types of NZ humour."

^not true in the least bit.

The reason this forum exists is for discussion like this. You know well and good that I enjoy reading, learning and talking about all of this stuff. I just have to keep my power level hidden to some degree, because as the owner of the forum, I need to maintain the presentation of objectivity (for lack of a better description)

I would wager that many more people on the forum are interested in this discussion than you imagine.

I guarantee that @PleasureMoose is all in
I'd still argue the first bit, I can assure ya I've pissed numerous people off, but I ain't phased.
I said it before,...it cracks me up heartily mate.

I have to acknowledge the rest of your post is pretty darn wise, I'm in agreement.

#Hey just so ya'z are aware,...I swear A LOT irl, anytime I write "swear" words, I'm not actually meaning them with any degree of negative connotation at all.😂


Aug 18, 2021
Ever wondered if the "Heliopause" is the "Dome" keeping the "waters at bay"??
Anyone else tried to traverse the "Solar System" while "Astral Projecting"???
If so,...how far'd ya get?
you cant just wake up one day and decide to astral project to the event horizon lol.. that's a gift you have to dedicate your life too and still may never achieve

now with practice ,diet and lifestyle you may be able to control and construct a lucid dream where you can fly to a location for a period of time or have a conversation with "something".
but unless you can control your heart rate its not going to last long

Oler Ted

Apr 17, 2021
Ok, OP — I’m so fucking confused my head is spinning 😵‍💫. WTF are you trying to say?? Talk to me like I’m the five year old speacial needs love child of Biden and Kamala.

Deleted member 2886

you cant just wake up one day and decide to astral project to the event horizon lol.. that's a gift you have to dedicate your life too and still may never achieve

now with practice ,diet and lifestyle you may be able to control and construct a lucid dream where you can fly to a location for a period of time or have a conversation with "something".
but unless you can control your heart rate its not going to last long
😏Mate, I realize I post some utterly moronic shit,....on the regular, as well as that I'm uncommonly forthcoming with a lot of personal information & shit most others would likely not share, I guess.
I'm not sure about which interpretation-perspective to adopt, with regard to the structure of your response, imma just hang back in a neutral not give a fuck position for the mo.

Maybe I come off as though an obsequious child?, &/Or perhaps on some stupid ass-licking mission,...ever gump-ishly ingratiating some faggoty projected public image of this cunt - "cUrIoUsFiEnD"?

🖕🤣LoL, fuck, I would agree too,...now that I'm focused on thinking about it,...my profile kinda does seem like a total fuckin douche!

Shit, to be fuckin fair, I reckon that would be understandable.
But not in your particular case PleasureMoose.
Simply coz I've already sorta explained to ya about some of the shit I'd mentioned leading to "C"-"PTSD" and "Avoidant-PD" tags.

Think of a full grown-pure blooded tank of an American Pitbull.
Better yet,..try this.
If one of innocent pups were to end up in the "care", as a responsibility of those most irresponsible,...and endures nothing but severe beatings, food deprivation and prolonged psychological torture.
How might this pup develop into adulthood?
Except I've ditched that wicked path I was forced to take in youth.
I've made self-driven progress to overcome the nurtured ignorance, lack of education, financial destitution, blind atheism, extreme rage, hostility and especially the sudden eruptions of raw violence.
I am not my experiences.
I am what I will.
I will,...to be like the heartiest example who ever existed.
Who assertively demonstrated, to all humanity, the greatest potentials a hu-man can seek to achieve.




Jks,...of course I mean Christ.

(The dude was a pure badass back in his day!)

Anyways, back to addressing the quoted post.
GC moose,...there's much I've never shared,...here or anywhere,...if I explained the reasoning necessitating keeping certain esoteric practices private, it will definitely piss people off and immediately repel deeper thought - because to "the common man" these reasons inherently imply either a delusional superiority whack-job &/or a deliberate insult alluding to total ignorance of the fundamentally-"bizarre", less-discernable, and highly uncommon nature of such "outlandish" seeming shit.
(*Relatively "speaking".)
I'm not making that up,...coz I have tried & failed countless times to explain simple-widely available esoteric insight and on occasion more complex occult type stuff.

The trouble I've had, is figuring out how to - essentially adopt Rebars "bard-like" approach - so to explain shit in their uniquely precise way so as to either bypass any pre-established &/or well developed sub/un-conscious biases.

Or more often,...I've optimistically chosen to afford the same respect I would appreciate unto myself.
Deciding "meh, fuck it",...bluntly dishing them the deets.
No one ever came to me and spilled the occult beans.
What little I currently like to think I have an understanding of,...was only ever learnt because I willfully made effort with focused intent towards exploring this vast unknown aspect of my very being - ie; the "Spiritual"/"Occultic"/"Esoteric" mysteries of which we are all connected whether we approve or not.

My current opinion is,...beyond responsibly leading an-other individual to water voluntarily,...it is the individuals own inherent duty to direct ones-self to drink, as they alone are director of their individuated sovereign entity,... ...it is solely for them whether they-them-selves have sufficiently debiased enough of the communally programmed cognitive & emotive inhibitors.

Anyways, in this particular case, those specific questions from my prior post, of which were referred to by Mr Moose, these are founded from personal experiences,...dating back over two decades so far.
Mr Moose,...I am no pro and yet I'm also no amateur with respect for OBEs bro.
I hope you, and others can understand that I'm generally very fuckin hesitant to elaborate upon my subjective experiences specifically relating to OBEs.
I really don't mind sharing anything,...if by doing so can be of benefit for others learning, yet if otherwise I see no point to opening my-self up to potential mockery from the multitudinous ignorant online dick-bag hordes.
(Mr Moose, that isn't aimed at you in anyway mate.)

I ain't seeking to covertly imply as if to be some queer bloody enlightened fuckin master or some such fuck-wittery.

Just like you and every-other mofo to have ever existed, I'm the same.
I am merely a hu-man,...just as fallible as any-other.

I'll share this though,...
-The first fully conscious & stable experience of a "Lucid Dream" state, for me, was totally unintentional.
This occured during the day, while meditating.
At this time I was totally ignorant of tripppy stuff we can do,...like remaining conscious while allowing the body to go into "standby- mode".
I still clearly recall the events,...and at no point did my [lack-of]awareness notice any transition.
I finished meditation, and casually strolled outside to continue on with the days missions.
It wasn't long before becoming aware something very unusual was occuring, suddenly feeling really weakened when becoming overwhelmed with a confused-frustration as to why my brothers and their gfs,...and even the fuckin dogs all seemingly decided to go above and beyond, as a group, to ignore my direct questions & their seemingly impossible refusal to even acknowledge my presence at all.
As the growing confused-frustration rapidly increased, another entirely new sense first became manifest!
It was like being severely drained to the point of falling unconscious.
I remember thinking shit like... #["why do I suddenly feel so fucked up?!"] -
#["do I need to go to the hospital?!"] -
#["I'm not sensing any physical alerts from my flesh bod.!!"] -
#["the fuck's happening?!"]

🤣This is as I went to lean against the open garage door frame,...except the expected pressure sensation from leaning my weight against the frame never happened,...
...it's hard to describe the full blown shock & awe that occured within the fleeting miliseconds realizating I have apparently just toppled backwards-at a slight angle-through a metal wall and was now partially within the mountain of junk stacked behind that wall.

That was immediately followed by jolting open my physical eyes in a state of panic,...finding that I'm looking at the ceiling of my bedroom in confused terror.

It still took me a few stressed out weeks of frantic researching before finding the right information to begin figuring out what had happened.

If I hadn't experienced this, there's little chance I'd believe someone else describing such an oddity.

Yeah,...😏I'm looking at you TJ, go for it mate, I'll bust out an equally hilarious counter-meme in your honour.

To finish this post, here's the only pic that I have of my-self. It's from a local tattooists public collection of his works. Taken years ago just after he'd completed the right sleeve.
Followed by some random shit I'd originally come here to post this morning prior to getting sidetracked.
IMG_20220429_225054.jpgI agree with Samael on that last one,...though I seriously wonder who he is referring to "as our Father".
Last edited by a moderator:


Jan 9, 2021
😏Mate, I realize I post some utterly moronic shit,....on the regular, as well as that I'm uncommonly forthcoming with a lot of personal information & shit most others would likely not share, I guess.
I'm not sure about which interpretation-perspective to adopt, with regard to the structure of your response, imma just hang back in a neutral not give a fuck position for the mo.

Maybe I come off as though an obsequious child?, &/Or perhaps on some stupid ass-licking mission,...ever gump-ishly ingratiating some faggoty projected public image of this cunt - "cUrIoUsFiEnD"?

🖕🤣LoL, fuck, I would agree too,...now that I'm focused on thinking about it,...my profile kinda does seem like a total fuckin douche!

Shit, to be fuckin fair, I reckon that would be understandable.
But not in your particular case PleasureMoose.
Simply coz I've already sorta explained to ya about some of the shit I'd mentioned leading to "C"-"PTSD" and "Avoidant-PD" tags.

Think of a full grown-pure blooded tank of an American Pitbull.
Better yet,..try this.
View attachment 97268
If one of innocent pups were to end up in the "care", as a responsibility of those most irresponsible,...and endures nothing but severe beatings, food deprivation and prolonged psychological torture.
How might this pup develop into adulthood?
View attachment 97269
Except I've ditched that wicked path I was forced to take in youth.
I've made self-driven progress to overcome the nurtured ignorance, lack of education, financial destitution, blind atheism, extreme rage, hostility and especially the sudden eruptions of raw violence.
I am not my experiences.
I am what I will.
I will,...to be like the heartiest example who ever existed.
Who assertively demonstrated, to all humanity, the greatest potentials a hu-man can seek to achieve.




Jks,...of course I mean Christ.

(The dude was a pure badass back in his day!)

Anyways, back to addressing the quoted post.
GC moose,...there's much I've never shared,...here or anywhere,...if I explained the reasoning necessitating keeping certain esoteric practices private, it will definitely piss people off and immediately repel deeper thought - because to "the common man" these reasons inherently imply either a delusional superiority whack-job &/or a deliberate insult alluding to total ignorance of the fundamentally-"bizarre", less-discernable, and highly uncommon nature of such "outlandish" seeming shit.
(*Relatively "speaking".)
I'm not making that up,...coz I have tried & failed countless times to explain simple-widely available esoteric insight and on occasion more complex occult type stuff.

The trouble I've had, is figuring out how to - essentially adopt Rebars "bard-like" approach - so to explain shit in their uniquely precise way so as to either bypass any pre-established &/or well developed sub/un-conscious biases.

Or more often,...I've optimistically chosen to afford the same respect I would appreciate unto myself.
Deciding "meh, fuck it",...bluntly dishing them the deets.
No one ever came to me and spilled the occult beans.
What little I currently like to think I have an understanding of,...was only ever learnt because I willfully made effort with focused intent towards exploring this vast unknown aspect of my very being - ie; the "Spiritual"/"Occultic"/"Esoteric" mysteries of which we are all connected whether we approve or not.

My current opinion is,...beyond responsibly leading an-other individual to water voluntarily,...it is the individuals own inherent duty to direct ones-self to drink, as they alone are director of their individuated sovereign entity,... ...it is solely for them whether they-them-selves have sufficiently debiased enough of the communally programmed cognitive & emotive inhibitors.

Anyways, in this particular case, those specific questions from my prior post, of which were referred to by Mr Moose, these are founded from personal experiences,...dating back over two decades so far.
Mr Moose,...I am no pro and yet I'm also no amateur with respect for OBEs bro.
I hope you, and others can understand that I'm generally very fuckin hesitant to elaborate upon my subjective experiences specifically relating to OBEs.
I really don't mind sharing anything,...if by doing so can be of benefit for others learning, yet if otherwise I see no point to opening my-self up to potential mockery from the multitudinous ignorant online dick-bag hordes.
(Mr Moose, that isn't aimed at you in anyway mate.)

I ain't seeking to covertly imply as if to be some queer bloody enlightened fuckin master or some such fuck-wittery.

Just like you and every-other mofo to have ever existed, I'm the same.
I am merely a hu-man,...just as fallible as any-other.

I'll share this though,...
-The first fully conscious & stable experience of a "Lucid Dream" state, for me, was totally unintentional.
This occured during the day, while meditating.
At this time I was totally ignorant of tripppy stuff we can do,...like remaining conscious while allowing the body to go into "standby- mode".
I still clearly recall the events,...and at no point did my [lack-of]awareness notice any transition.
I finished meditation, and casually strolled outside to continue on with the days missions.
It wasn't long before becoming aware something very unusual was occuring, suddenly feeling really weakened when becoming overwhelmed with a confused-frustration as to why my brothers and their gfs,...and even the fuckin dogs all seemingly decided to go above and beyond, as a group, to ignore my direct questions & their seemingly impossible refusal to even acknowledge my presence at all.
As the growing confused-frustration rapidly increased, another entirely new sense first became manifest!
It was like being severely drained to the point of falling unconscious.
I remember thinking shit like... #["why do I suddenly feel so fucked up?!"] -
#["do I need to go to the hospital?!"] -
#["I'm not sensing any physical alerts from my flesh bod.!!"] -
#["the fuck's happening?!"]

🤣This is as I went to lean against the open garage door frame,...except the expected pressure sensation from leaning my weight against the frame never happened,...
...it's hard to describe the full blown shock & awe that occured within the fleeting miliseconds realizating I have apparently just toppled backwards-at a slight angle-through a metal wall and was now partially within the mountain of junk stacked behind that wall.

That was immediately followed by jolting open my physical eyes in a state of panic,...finding that I'm looking at the ceiling of my bedroom in confused terror.

It still took me a few stressed out weeks of frantic researching before finding the right information to begin figuring out what had happened.

If I hadn't experienced this, there's little chance I'd believe someone else describing such an oddity.

Yeah,...😏I'm looking at you TJ, go for it mate, I'll bust out an equally hilarious counter-meme in your honour.

To finish this post, here's the only pic that I have of my-self. It's from a local tattooists public collection of his works. Taken years ago just after he'd completed the right sleeve.
View attachment 97287
Followed by some random shit I'd originally come here to post this morning prior to getting sidetracked.
View attachment 97288View attachment 97289View attachment 97290View attachment 97291View attachment 97292View attachment 97294
View attachment 97298I agree with Samael on that last one,...though I seriously wonder who he is referring to "as our Father".
Holy shit....
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