A 15 y/o girl has been shot and killed by police in Columbus, Ohio

At least the mayor of Columbus is apparently not a complete fucking retard like these other mayors. Made a statement saying the cop made a decision to protect a girl from an attacker, basically.
He is a complete moron. This one was so open and shut he couldnt even find a reason to criticize the decision making.

He let the riots go on for a month last year. Limited what officers were allowed to do. Downtown businesses were destroyed and insurance told them to kick rocks because they didnt have riot insurance. The hundreds of arrests that were made were let go and never sent to court. This included felonies.

Instead, Mayor spend almost a million dollars hiring an investigative team to find and charge officers that used force unlawfully againsy rioters.

Luckily Donny Ts DOJ came in and took the felonies. Charged most under Rico.
The gentle giant narrative is unfolding.

It be time to bust out popcorn when this all comes crashing down. Black people make up 13% of the pop, and the majority live in the south. And half of them live in 105 specific counties. To give an idea of the level of concentration, Florida has 67 counties, so you are talking a space the size of Florida and half of Georgia.

The majority of whites don’t ever interact with blacks. Their exposure is black panther, lebron, or some concocted media narrative and apply that understanding to the population as a whole. So there is this fantasy idea about who blacks people are or what their culture is really like.

I’m not suggesting who they are or their culture as being bad, that’s impossible in a country this size and a group of 40 million people to be homogenous. A black guy in Colquitt Georgia is not the same as a black guy in LA or a black guy in Wisconsin. Or even a black guy in Brooklyn has nothing to do with a black guy in the projects. That’s fucking normal, but that’s not how the media treats eat when they speak of all blacks being the same. Or have the audacity to pretend one black person speaks for them all.

What’s really bad though is the concocted gentle giants bullshit that keeps popping up. Floyd was a pornstar, ex-con drug addict that had held a woman at gun point, and was known to be violent with the cops.then you have this dumbass trying to stab some other girl in front of the cops. The narratives aren’t matching what everyone can see on social media and it’s going to create a backlash. And it’s going to create a backlash where because the media pushes universal narratives and groupings, and folks in general not regularly interacting with blacks, it’s going to create a situation where all blacks are associated with this trash. And that’s the real crime in all of this.

Now it may not be something that gen z does, they may be even bigger pussies than my millennial gen. But at some point the upcoming generations are going to see what sort of shit show we’ve become and have to pick up the pieces. I just hope it’s not in a negative way where they go the opposite extreme.
I drove a church bus for ten years. We picked up kids in the projects, and brought them to church. Very few people have any idea what a housing project is like. I'd get the kids on my route a pizza on their birthday. I had to take them and their siblings to a pizza place after I'd dropped off everyone else. If they got off the bus with a pizza, they would have it taken away from them before they could cross their yard. If they didn't, their parents / grandparents would take it. I bought a girl a cheap Walmart bicycle for her and her sister. She never road my bus again. Another kid said their mom sold it. The kid was ashamed to tell me. They literally had to fend for themselves against anyone who wasn't a sibling. I can honestly confess, I wouldn't have ever gone in any of those neighborhoods if I hadn't been doing it for Jesus. I'm absolutely sure few of us would have survived without God's protection.
Here is LeBron being a twat. He at least deleted this in the morning. But, not before half of America associated him with being a racist kid killer. Capture+_2021-04-21-18-18-45.png

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