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2024 GOP candidate poll

Who is going to get your vote in an ideal situatio

  • Donald Trump. Wouldn't consider voting for anyone else.

    Votes: 15 18.5%
  • Donald Trump. Would vote for someone else tho.

    Votes: 33 40.7%
  • Desantis is preferable but will vote Trump too

    Votes: 23 28.4%
  • Desantis and nobody else

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Mike Pompeo but would vote for someone else

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Donald Trump but would vote for Ivanka or Jr. as well

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Trump Jr. but would vote for Donald/ Ivanka as well

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trump Jr. and nobody else.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ivanka and nobody else.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ivanka but would vote for Donald or Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Been lots of trolling lately about Donald not getting people's vote if he ran again even if it were against Joe or Heels.

Let's put some numbers behind it.

Noem was left off because of her caving to trannies.


I run shit around here
Jan 8, 2021
I’m DeSantis first, still like Tim Scott from SC. Poor black kid does big things.
If Nikki Haley decided to run with DeSantis or Noem runs with him it’s donezo

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I’m DeSantis first, still like Tim Scott from SC. Poor black kid does big things.
If Nikki Haley decided to run with DeSantis or Noem runs with him it’s donezo
When Trump is the nominee will you vote or abstain?

Long cat

Jan 10, 2021
Desantis can stay as governor of Florida. He can run for President in 2032 when he will be 53.

I will be voting for the least swampy option. At this point I think the country is best served by anybody who will fight against the status quo corruption in Washington.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Guys!!! It doesn’t matter who runs, the dems will just cheat again. Once elections are stolen, there’s no going back! Unless we figure out how to counter attack them and fuck up the systems like dominion, we will never win again.
Elections and cheating have happened in every election.

The most shocking part of this whole saga is the people screeching about elections being gone forever after 2020. Did people honestly believe we had fair elections in this country before that?

We should go back to the early days of the republic and simply let the legislatures alone pick the CiC. Would have been no way to install the clown we have now and people would be forced to focus on elections in their own state.
the “other” option is missing OhPee
Go on...
Last edited:


Jan 8, 2021
Elections and cheating have happened in every election.

The most shocking part of this whole saga is the people screeching about elections being gone forever after 2020. Did people honestly believe we had fair elections in this country before that?

We should go back to the early days of the republic and simply let the legislatures alone pick the CiC. Would have been no way to install the clown we have now and people would be forced to focus on elections in their own state.

Go on...

i need an option for “other” because none of those are my ideal scenario

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021

I am sticking by my girl Noem. Throw her in that crowd also.

All the Republicans in America and we loathe all but 3/4. Talk about love from the constituents.
I haven't written her off completely because she should be a rockstar but hopefully this teaches her to stick to her guns in the future.

Trump would've double downed and jammed that shit home. Not hesitated then signed it like she is gonna.

Branding yourself is everything and she needs to work on that if she is going to command respect from the state she is in.


Jan 7, 2021
I haven't written her off completely because she should be a rockstar but hopefully this teaches her to stick to her guns in the future.

Trump would've double downed and jammed that shit home. Not hesitated then signed it like she is gonna.

Branding yourself is everything and she needs to work on that if she is going to command respect from the state she is in.

It is hard to be sensible these days, but some of our proven patriot politicians need to be given a little room to work.

These knee jerk reactions, set in motion by people that dont have our best interests in mind, need to be calmed a bit.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
It is hard to be sensible these days, but some of our proven patriot politicians need to be given a little room to work.

These knee jerk reactions, set in motion by people that dont have our best interests in mind, need to be calmed a bit.
Generally I'd agree but I believe if she is going to be the leader for sensible Americans, or even just the GOP, she needs to engage in the culture war first and foremost.

Policy is great but people want someone willing to call bullshit. A Reagan style leader simply wouldn't work in today's world in the same way a Trump style leader does.

We need more Trumps and less smooth talking politicians.


Jan 7, 2021
Generally I'd agree but I believe if she is going to be the leader for sensible Americans, or even just the GOP, she needs to engage in the culture war first and foremost.

Policy is great but people want someone willing to call bullshit. A Reagan style leader simply wouldn't work in today's world in the same way a Trump style leader does.

We need more Trumps and less smooth talking politicians.

I doubt we get another Trump as a politician.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I doubt we get another Trump as a politician.

When he wins in 2024 the big question will be whether Jr. or Ivanka are willing to follow up.

We need one of the two to step up and lock up 8 more years behind him (ideally Ivanka).

After that you have Elon or someone else from the outside follow up.

The GOP needs to pull from the outside as opposed to acting like Nom Nom and Desantis are the future. People don't want pols and that's what those two are.

They would make great VP's, especially Desantis, but I have no desire to put another pol in charge of The People's Party.


Jan 7, 2021

When he wins in 2024 the big question will be whether Jr. or Ivanka are willing to follow up.

We need one of the two to step up and lock up 8 more years behind him (ideally Ivanka).

After that you have Elon or someone else from the outside follow up.

The GOP needs to pull from the outside as opposed to acting like Nom Nom and Desantis are the future. People don't want pols and that's what those two are.

They would make great VP's, especially Desantis, but I have no desire to put another pol in charge of The People's Party.

I started to mention Elon, is he allowed to run? Thought he was South African.

Nobody besides elon is going to fill Trumps shoes. Love his kids, but they ain't him.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I started to mention Elon, is he allowed to run? Thought he was South African.

Nobody besides elon is going to fill Trumps shoes. Love his kids, but they ain't him.
I disagree. Ivanka would be great.

Elon can run as long as he is a US citizen.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Not sold on Jared.

Natural born US citizen?
I believe one of his parents has citizenship but I've never looked into it specifically (just really like him, his attitude, and trolling about him). Being born oversees isn't a disqualification tho as long as one parent is a citizen.

Jared doesn't bother me. His experience in the international arena is a plus to me. Like his net worth too; he won't be getting bribed or dragging the family down.


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
Some combo of Trump/DeSantis/Pompeo

Although if Trump wanted to dominate the media, or took Speaker of the House/Senate Maj Leader I'd be cool with those options. He's going to keep being influential in some manner

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Some combo of Trump/DeSantis/Pompeo

Although if Trump wanted to dominate the media, or took Speaker of the House/Senate Maj Leader I'd be cool with those options. He's going to keep being influential in some manner
Pompeo should move to WV and take Manchin's seat then lead that chamber.

Desantis would make a great Speaker.

Keep the WH being run by an outsider who isn't a pol and Congress run by pols. It's natural.


Dec 2, 2020
I would have put Elon on the list if I had space.

I'm surprised we don't hear this name more often. I am almost a Trump or nothing guy, but do like Desantis and a few others. Love Devin Nunes, though I do not think he would run, or have a chance to win...but Elon Musk, yes, I do like this idea. I think he could win. He seems alot like Trump in many ways- rich, anti-establishment, marches to the beat of his own drum, gets shit done. All excellent qualities for a President. I'd want to know his platform, obviously, but I like the idea from a distance at least.


Jan 13, 2021
Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, or Devin Nunez need to be involved. I'd gladly vote for Trump I just don't think he is going to run.


Dec 9, 2020
DeSantis will be the next president. Sucks cause we lose 2 years of him as governor. But he is the best candidate out there as he is Trump but nor Orange Man Bad.

As for the love for the Trump family, we need to get away from electing royalty. Between the Bushes, Clintons, not Trump and Obama we need to leave the family rule. People are talking about Mike Obama running and even their fake kids. Don't need Don Jr running.


Jan 9, 2021
Scott is just as much a deep state pigeon as Nikki Haley. He's a race-baiting loser who refused to fight for Trump.

Screw him.
Scott is a Mitch guy. With that said, I agree with you. He was very underwhelming in his support or lack of for a republican president.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
DeSantis will be the next president. Sucks cause we lose 2 years of him as governor. But he is the best candidate out there as he is Trump but nor Orange Man Bad.

As for the love for the Trump family, we need to get away from electing royalty.
Between the Bushes, Clintons, not Trump and Obama we need to leave the family rule. People are talking about Mike Obama running and even their fake kids. Don't need Don Jr running.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
If Indiana comes down to 1 vote you can blame me

Ultimately I'm not going to criticize people for not voting but sweet baby Jesus people
Yeah I'm not sweating Indiana. Do you in that state.
Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, or Devin Nunez need to be involved. I'd gladly vote for Trump I just don't think he is going to run.
If he doesn't run we are all fucked.

It goes well beyond there not being a republican in the White House for decades. It could mean the actual collapse of our country to economic policies and rioting.
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