1st Annual Crootn NSFW tourney sponsored by @EssoClub- Submissions requested.


Submissions to the committee have been extended to 5pm Sunday, 3/14. The threads for submitting nominees are by bracket and can be found here:

Current guidelines call for 4 chicks per bracket, although the committee has authority to go to 8 per bracket if submissions warrant an expansion. Only rule is that the chick must have plenty of nudes- once the bracket has been seeded, @Esso Club will do what he does and post pics for you to use to determine which sloot has earned your vote. Voting will go for 48 hours and start Monday morning at 8am.

Also, the committee has determined that both Hannah Palmer and Nata Lee are ineligible due to testing positive for Covid 19 (also positive for cocaine and chlamydia) so don't bother submitting those 2.
I think we stick with 16 just to keep it manageable this year and we can expand later. But you guys have final say
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