If you take a step back and really look at this shit, it’s a much bigger problem than even you all recognize. I can say the obvious thing that the companies themselves don’t give a shit about this crap that they spew, and say it is all about money, and most conservative right side of the spectrum can see that. However...
Take the latest tax plan, it doesn’t look like taxes will get raised on these guys. I’m against tax increases because I’m an economist that is for more efficient small government. Companies have figured out lobbying behind the scenes doesnt go far enough to secure their positions. As the big guys get bigger, and antitrust looms, they calculate most Republicans/ conservatives aren’t going to generally support government interference in the market place. Liberals and leftists would. So to win them over, they create these bullshit campaigns to gain their support.
You can see in the opinion polling that it’s changing opinion too. There has been drop off in right leaning free market support, but not nearly enough to counter the increase in left leaning support. The point of these campaigns is to effectively weaponize the left and use them to politically protect their market shares. It gives companies like google huge leverage when dealing with upcoming antitrust battles. It’s a power grab in a weird way.
Compare this back to using celebrities and athletes in the old days. That never bought brand loyalty to the same degree as much as it was one brand, the specific celebrity, recommending the product.
The NFL specifically is an interesting case. I think it’s different than your googles and facebooks, and Nike’s. It’s not about extending political power as much as it is them knowing their fan base is t going to other sports. And they can risk pissing off current customers if it helps raise their market share a few extra points. They saturated men, and women. Now they are going after the gheys. Nike also isn’t at anti trust risk, but they do want to keep their slave shops open in China.