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Jan 9, 2021
I had to give up ice cream after 30 yrs of having a milkshake 5/7nights. (Over 40 cholesterol and weight) it was damn hard but now I don't even think about it. But every 6-8months ill stop and get a shake. I miss it til I'm done. Then I wanna throw up

I had to give it up all together along with sugary drinks. Now the taste of them makes me sick also.


Jun 23, 2021
Just who would want to take a bullet for the citizen, this sounds like an invitation for graft and outright lawlessness by the hired help. I think a year of lawlessness is in order by these worthless cities and their communist ass wipe officials. I don't own anything of value so I pretty much dismissed the idea of buying a nice riot gun. They want 5 grand for a 60s era riot gun that was popular for the prisons and military, a bit much just to shoot some thug. A good surrounding camera system for your home is probably the best investment you could make if you live in one of those shit hole cities. At the rate they are busing and flying all these Haitians into our cities it won't be long until it will be time for Cowboys and Haitians. To be honest everyone is responsible for their own behavior, but I haven't seen many Haitians that I want for a neighbor. They want our money and that's all, why would they want to live in a country that has law and order when they can remain in their own shit hole and do anything they like including murder and get a way with it. In short it takes a big brush to paint Haitians. I can see it now, Haitians and Somali gangs fighting it out over turf in Minnesota. I don't think any are being settled in Maine ! How convenient, these leftist liberal ass wipes just make up laws and do as they like. Never has there been a political party worse than a democrap.
My thinking is this, if a sitting US President ignores federal law and repeatedly breaks the law isn't he responsible and should be charged or impeached, hell yes he should.


Jan 9, 2021
I quit B&J a few years ago when they went full blown Commie

Edit: I'm sure they were always full blown Commie, but they never outwardly showed it. Now they do with reckless abandon. Fuck them and their ice cream.
I loved as a kid to take my beach cruiser to B&J after a good surf session and grab a small cup, a couple of pints to take home, and just relax and enjoy.

They had a campaign similar to this year’s ago and made me go “they can suck my fart box now.” Haven’t spent a dime since then.
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