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Woman to divorce her gender fluid husband (link)...


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
What has she done to make her a POS racist?
Call me JUDGEMENTAL......but....

There is literally NO WAY anyone could be with a Racist POS like Trudeau (see black face photos and all other cultural appropriation photos....... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: 😜) for 18 years and NOT AGREE with any of it.

Best Part is I don't ascribe to their stupid everything/everyone is Racist belief/mentality.... BUT they do and have weaponized it SO ITS ONLY FAIR TO APPLY THEIR OWN STANDARD TO THEM......
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Feb 9, 2023
Call me JUDGEMENTAL......but....

There is literally NO WAY anyone could be with a Racist POS like Trudeau (see black face photos and all other cultural appropriation photos....... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: 😜) for 18 years and NOT AGREE with any of it.

Best Part is I dont subscribe to their stupid everything/everyone is Racist belief/mentality.... BUT they do and have weaponized it SO ITS ONLY FAIR TO APPLY THEIR OWN STANDARD TO THEM......

No, not judgmental just MENTAL and ignorant. It's irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

So if blackface is "racist" would that not make Dave Chappelle racist? Is it ok for blacks to do white face? LMAO cultural appropriation. These terms were all made up by Jews my guy they use these terms against the white race. Lookup the history of these terms. The double standard exists for a reason.

Keep living in your fairytale where the Edomites/Canaanites are somehow now not destroying our current reality in many different ways. You can pretend they're not but that's the only way it's not happening in your small mind. Time for a reality check.
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B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
So if blackface is "racist" would that not make Dave Chappelle racist? Is it ok for blacks to do white face? LMAO cultural appropriation. These terms were all made up by Jews my guy they use these terms against the white race. Lookup the history of these terms.

I had to post 2 times and the second actually spell out that I don't ascribe to the belief BUT the people that DO should be held to their own standard. JFC RETAD.

People like You @ETNVol @Hoppo and other like minded retards ARE PEOPLE I WOULD NEVER STAND NEXT TOO EITHER. You fuckin retarded losers are damn near as bad as the full enemies. Understand when the end comes......YOU WILL BE TREATED AS ENEMIES TOO! Until we rid the world of ALL YOU MORONS.....humanity isn't safe!


Jan 9, 2021
Bro....even those 5 words are too many and too large for that simpleton. Dont waste yore breath or finger strength.......its almost Football season and you have too many Cocks By 20 posts to worry about!!
Feb 9, 2023

I had to post 2 times and the second actually spell out that I don't ascribe to the belief BUT the people that DO should be held to their own standard. JFC RETAD.

People like You @ETNVol @Hoppo and other like minded retards ARE PEOPLE I WOULD NEVER STAND NEXT TOO EITHER. You fuckin retarded losers are damn near as bad as the full enemies. Understand when the end comes......YOU WILL BE TREATED AS ENEMIES TOO! Until we rid the world of ALL YOU MORONS.....humanity isn't safe!

I simply showed you the double standard and you immediately go to name calling which appears to be the standard for people who lack the mental capacity to defend their position with any certainty.

Context matters my dear Watson. Also, all of our ancestors had some level of racism within them and it's a completely natural protection mechanism and without it a pure blood person would not exist today. We would all be a mud blood mixed race which is the end game goal of the Jews. We had boarders for our Nations for thousands of years for a reason and keeping the bloodlines pure was one of those reasons. This is logical, natural and ethical. All races should have the right to protect their culture and heritage.

As for this cultural appropriation, I personally could care less. It doesn't offend me that black women wear white wigs, it doesn't offend me when other races use the white man's language and sound "white". Actually I consider it to be a form of them paying homage and embracing our culture and customs as their own. Now again, context matters but to do it as a form of mockery could be deemed as offensive but again, Dave Chappelle does this to insult whites when he paints his face white and "acts white". For the most part people just see it as funny. God forbid if a white person did this today, they would be crucified upside-down and be tortured if they painted their faces black and acted "black". I know for a fact that person will be punished, forced to apologize, banned off all social media for life and getting a job would be damn near impossible.

Again these made up Jew terms are nothing more than tools used to slaughter 100's of millions of white christians. For a person to use these terms against their own race demonstrates they don't know history or shall I say true history. It's not that you're ignorant, it's simply you've been brainwashed in to knowing the wrong things which is why you go on those emotional rants and calling people retard. I've seen it thousands of times where if a person points out double standards or true history then the other person will immediately get triggered and start calling them names. It's quite funny but sad at the same time.

Now what's much more dangerous than so called racism when people use black face and cultural appropriation is racism in which people are completely committing genocide to another race or races of people due to their racist or supremacist ideology. The Jews have been doing this four many decades against the white race. Yet you're concerned about blackface and cultural appropriation.

We're near the end and guess what my Guy GOD, YHWH is indeed a White Nationalist and even a supremacist. So we will be rewarded for following his commandments and ideology while your ignorance will be punished. We're supposed to be segregated from the nonwhite ethnicities and pro create with our own kind. Yes, YHWH even demanded our people to completely wipe out many different races including the men, women and children. If you do your research you will understand why. It's called seed wars, not all races are human my friend. It all started in the Garden of Eden. YHWH flooded the earth because the bloodline became corrupted so he reset the earth. As it was in the beginning so it shall be in the end. Now the bloodline is becoming tainted again but in a different way and these Edomite/Canaanite Jews are using the injections to taint the bloodlines again. We're in the end times now my guy and if you're going to cry about black face and cultural appropriation as if it's a issue you need to wake up to smell the roses and open your eyes to see the major issues at hand.

Justin is a POS and I wouldn't doubt it if his partner is as well. With that being said, blackface and cultural appropriation is a non issue except to those of the mainstream media/gov/puppets of the Jews who make it an issue. Now, is it a double standard for them to weaponize so called racism and to do it themselves? Sure, but nobody really cares except those in control that say we should. This is why everyone laughs when blacks do white face it's because we're told it's only socially acceptable for them to do it but not whites. Either way I could give two fucks because nobody is being harmed by it and it's comical. Stop worrying over the useless crap. Justin is simply a puppet and him doing blackface is irrelevant. Follow the money and see who controls Justin and virtually all governments. See who is behind the forcing of non whites into white nations. Lookup who owns the central banks and the IMF, the mainstream media, social media, etc etc etc. You immediately calling people a retard and going on a rant is projection since you can't substantiate your claims.
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Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
So if blackface is "racist" would that not make Dave Chappelle racist? Is it ok for blacks to do white face? LMAO cultural appropriation. These terms were all made up by Jews my guy they use these terms against the white race. Lookup the history of these terms. The double standard exists for a reason.
Only whites are racist. Except about half my neighbors. Shit is the same everywhere.
Black,any orientals, and spanish speaking, european descendants are all 50% racist.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
There isnt a person here who read all that. Short and succinct dude. Shortbisbmost inportant
I simply showed you the double standard and you immediately go to name calling which appears to be the standard for people who lack the mental capacity to defend their position with any certainty.

Context matters my dear Watson. Also, all of our ancestors had some level of racism within them and it's a completely natural protection mechanism and without it a pure blood person would not exist today. We would all be a mud blood mixed race which is the end game goal of the Jews. We had boarders for our Nations for thousands of years for a reason and keeping the bloodlines pure was one of those reasons. This is logical, natural and ethical. All races should have the right to protect their culture and heritage.

As for this cultural appropriation, I personally could care less. It doesn't offend me that black women wear white wigs, it doesn't offend me when other races use the white man's language and sound "white". Actually I consider it to be a form of them paying homage and embracing our culture and customs as their own. Now again, context matters but to do it as a form of mockery could be deemed as offensive but again, Dave Chappelle does this to insult whites when he paints his face white and "acts white". For the most part people just see it as funny. God forbid if a white person did this today, they would be crucified upside-down and be tortured if they painted their faces black and acted "black". I know for a fact that person will be punished, forced to apologize, banned off all social media for life and getting a job would be damn near impossible.

Again these made up Jew terms are nothing more than tools used to slaughter 100's of millions of white christians. For a person to use these terms against their own race demonstrates they don't know history or shall I say true history. It's not that you're ignorant, it's simply you've been brainwashed in to knowing the wrong things which is why you go on those emotional rants and calling people retard. I've seen it thousands of times where if a person points out double standards or true history then the other person will immediately get triggered and start calling them names. It's quite funny but sad at the same time.

Now what's much more dangerous than so called racism when people use black face and cultural appropriation is racism in which people are completely committing genocide to another race or races of people due to their racist or supremacist ideology. The Jews have been doing this four many decades against the white race. Yet you're concerned about blackface and cultural appropriation.

We're near the end and guess what my Guy GOD, YHWH is indeed a White Nationalist and even a supremacist. So we will be rewarded for following his commandments and ideology while your ignorance will be punished. We're supposed to be segregated from the nonwhite ethnicities and pro create with our own kind. Yes, YHWH even demanded our people to completely wipe out many different races including the men, women and children. If you do your research you will understand why. It's called seed wars, not all races are human my friend. It all started in the Garden of Eden. YHWH flooded the earth because the bloodline became corrupted so he reset the earth. As it was in the beginning so it shall be in the end. Now the bloodline is becoming tainted again but in a different way and these Edomite/Canaanite Jews are using the injections to taint the bloodlines again. We're in the end times now my guy and if you're going to cry about black face and cultural appropriation as if it's a issue you need to wake up to smell the roses and open your eyes to see the major issues at hand.

Justin is a POS and I wouldn't doubt it if his partner is as well. With that being said, blackface and cultural appropriation is a non issue except to those of the mainstream media/gov/puppets of the Jews who make it an issue. Now, is it a double standard for them to weaponize so called racism and to do it themselves? Sure, but nobody really cares except those in control that say we should. This is why everyone laughs when blacks do white face it's because we're told it's only socially acceptable for them to do it but not whites. Either way I could give two fucks because nobody is being harmed by it and it's comical. Stop worrying over the useless crap. Justin is simply a puppet and him doing blackface is irrelevant. Follow the money and see who controls Justin and virtually all governments. See who is behind the forcing of non whites into white nations. Lookup who owns the central banks and the IMF, the mainstream media, social media, etc etc etc. You immediately calling people a retard and going on a rant is projection since you can't substantiate your claims.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
I simply showed you the double standard and you immediately go to name calling which appears to be the standard for people who lack the mental capacity to defend their position with any certainty.

Context matters my dear Watson. Also, all of our ancestors had some level of racism within them and it's a completely natural protection mechanism and without it a pure blood person would not exist today. We would all be a mud blood mixed race which is the end game goal of the Jews. We had boarders for our Nations for thousands of years for a reason and keeping the bloodlines pure was one of those reasons. This is logical, natural and ethical. All races should have the right to protect their culture and heritage.

As for this cultural appropriation, I personally could care less. It doesn't offend me that black women wear white wigs, it doesn't offend me when other races use the white man's language and sound "white". Actually I consider it to be a form of them paying homage and embracing our culture and customs as their own. Now again, context matters but to do it as a form of mockery could be deemed as offensive but again, Dave Chappelle does this to insult whites when he paints his face white and "acts white". For the most part people just see it as funny. God forbid if a white person did this today, they would be crucified upside-down and be tortured if they painted their faces black and acted "black". I know for a fact that person will be punished, forced to apologize, banned off all social media for life and getting a job would be damn near impossible.

Again these made up Jew terms are nothing more than tools used to slaughter 100's of millions of white christians. For a person to use these terms against their own race demonstrates they don't know history or shall I say true history. It's not that you're ignorant, it's simply you've been brainwashed in to knowing the wrong things which is why you go on those emotional rants and calling people retard. I've seen it thousands of times where if a person points out double standards or true history then the other person will immediately get triggered and start calling them names. It's quite funny but sad at the same time.

Now what's much more dangerous than so called racism when people use black face and cultural appropriation is racism in which people are completely committing genocide to another race or races of people due to their racist or supremacist ideology. The Jews have been doing this four many decades against the white race. Yet you're concerned about blackface and cultural appropriation.

We're near the end and guess what my Guy GOD, YHWH is indeed a White Nationalist and even a supremacist. So we will be rewarded for following his commandments and ideology while your ignorance will be punished. We're supposed to be segregated from the nonwhite ethnicities and pro create with our own kind. Yes, YHWH even demanded our people to completely wipe out many different races including the men, women and children. If you do your research you will understand why. It's called seed wars, not all races are human my friend. It all started in the Garden of Eden. YHWH flooded the earth because the bloodline became corrupted so he reset the earth. As it was in the beginning so it shall be in the end. Now the bloodline is becoming tainted again but in a different way and these Edomite/Canaanite Jews are using the injections to taint the bloodlines again. We're in the end times now my guy and if you're going to cry about black face and cultural appropriation as if it's a issue you need to wake up to smell the roses and open your eyes to see the major issues at hand.

Justin is a POS and I wouldn't doubt it if his partner is as well. With that being said, blackface and cultural appropriation is a non issue except to those of the mainstream media/gov/puppets of the Jews who make it an issue. Now, is it a double standard for them to weaponize so called racism and to do it themselves? Sure, but nobody really cares except those in control that say we should. This is why everyone laughs when blacks do white face it's because we're told it's only socially acceptable for them to do it but not whites. Either way I could give two fucks because nobody is being harmed by it and it's comical. Stop worrying over the useless crap. Justin is simply a puppet and him doing blackface is irrelevant. Follow the money and see who controls Justin and virtually all governments. See who is behind the forcing of non whites into white nations. Lookup who owns the central banks and the IMF, the mainstream media, social media, etc etc etc. You immediately calling people a retard and going on a rant is projection since you can't substantiate your claims.

ONLY a complete loser lives their lives BLAMING THE JEWS for everything. (and NO IM NOT JEWISH....) You and @fschmidt should get a room and just scream about "THE JEWS..."!

Feb 9, 2023

ONLY a complete loser lives their lives BLAMING THE JEWS for everything. (and NO IM NOT JEWISH....) You and @fschmidt should get a room and just scream about "THE JEWS..."!

Nice, see my post on the low IQ peanut gallery responses. Your eloquent responses fit perfectly.

My poor guy, it's not blaming the Edomites/Cannanites, it's just presenting reality for what it truly is. Since this triggers you, that makes it obvious you're ignorant on true history.

Your childish ad hominem attacks only prove my claims and provide me with laughter at your expense. Don't get me wrong I don't want to laugh at you or for you to be ignorant but this is the path you've chosen.
Feb 9, 2023
but but but they're racist sexist homophobes POS meanie heads and it triggers me so Ima call you a retarded faggot because I'm projecting and it makes me feel better about myself and even though I'm ignorant and refuse to look into true history I'm just going to strawman you along with my ad hominem attacks because that's all I know since I can't substantiate my claims. So go suck a dick retarded faggot. ;)

signed: BurntJ


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Nice, see my post on the low IQ peanut gallery responses. Your eloquent responses fit perfectly.

My poor guy, it's not blaming the Edomites/Cannanites, it's just presenting reality for what it truly is. Since this triggers you, that makes it obvious you're ignorant on true history.

Your childish ad hominem attacks only prove my claims and provide me with laughter at your expense. Don't get me wrong I don't want to laugh at you or for you to be ignorant but this is the path you've chosen.
See that is still a little to long to read. Better though. Yahweh bless you 1/12
Feb 9, 2023
See that is still a little to long to read. Better though. Yahweh bless you 1/12

I know what you're getting at. I have no patience for back and forth posts, therefore I simply answer all or most of the potential objections and comebacks from each specific person to prevent these ordeals. Therefore it prevents this issue and the response is either nothing at all or childish insult which means I win in both instances. Certain conversations don't require this but some do.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I know what you're getting at. I have no patience for back and forth posts, therefore I simply answer all or most of the potential objections and comebacks from each specific person to prevent these ordeals. Therefore it prevents this issue and the response is either nothing at all or childish insult which means I win in both instances. Certain conversations don't require this but some do.
I don't either. Wuddah you think about us dancing currently Mr Long Tongue?
Jews eat tongue and liver to get deli meat gout. Completely different from Southern gout. @TopHook
Feb 9, 2023
I don't either. Wuddah you think about us dancing currently Mr Long Tongue?
Jews eat tongue and liver to get deli meat gout. Completely different from Southern gout. @TopHook

We're performing a masterful cha cha with improvised additional choreography. It's quick, and to the point but with some curveballs that were unexpected.

Edomite/Canaanites also practice inbreeding so they eat their cousins pussies.

Tongue and liver taste horrible. Heart is the only palatable organ meat for me. However, I'll eat some liver for the nutrients.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
Maybe @kingsolomonwisdom can tell us how the JEWS ruined his day and life yesterday..... I assume it was when the fat lady with a minivan full of kids ordered extra fries with their big mac. Imagine the amount of work it took @kingsolomonwisdom to flip (5) extra fries orders yesterday. You know if backed up the lines and stressed him TF out.

Oh the life of the fry guy at McDonalds....if ONLY everyone understood the stress.

Also....ONLY Faggits refer to people as My Guy.......
Feb 9, 2023
Maybe @kingsolomonwisdom can tell us how the JEWS ruined his day and life yesterday..... I assume it was when the fat lady with a minivan full of kids ordered extra fries with their big mac. Imagine the amount of work it took @kingsolomonwisdom to flip (5) extra fries orders yesterday. You know if backed up the lines and stressed him TF out.

Oh the life of the fry guy at McDonalds....if ONLY everyone understood the stress.

Also....ONLY Faggits refer to people as My Guy.......

You bore me with your childish and meaningless responses. It wasn't even funny, surely you can do better than that.

Yawn, well good luck with being triggered by blackface and "cultural appropriation" by political puppets of your slave master Edomites/Canaanites and living in ignorance.

Mar 8, 2023
You bore me with your childish and meaningless responses. It wasn't even funny, surely you can do better than that.

Yawn, well good luck with being triggered by blackface and "cultural appropriation" by political puppets of your slave master Edomites/Canaanites and living in ignorance.

He actually has Down’s syndrome. And I’m not saying that jokingly. Don’t make fun of him, just go with it and make his day better. He actually thinks you have to flip fries in a deep fryer.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
You bore me with your childish and meaningless responses. It wasn't even funny, surely you can do better than that.

Yawn, well good luck with being triggered by blackface and "cultural appropriation" by political puppets of your slave master Edomites/Canaanites and living in ignorance.



Jan 12, 2021

I had to post 2 times and the second actually spell out that I don't ascribe to the belief BUT the people that DO should be held to their own standard. JFC RETAD.

People like You @ETNVol @Hoppo and other like minded retards ARE PEOPLE I WOULD NEVER STAND NEXT TOO EITHER. You fuckin retarded losers are damn near as bad as the full enemies. Understand when the end comes......YOU WILL BE TREATED AS ENEMIES TOO! Until we rid the world of ALL YOU MORONS.....humanity isn't safe!
You sound a little crazy.
Mar 8, 2023
You sound a little crazy.
He is literally special needs AND a stroke victim. Not joking. That’s a hell of a combination and life has to be hell living like that. It’s the reason nothing he says makes sense and random capitalization throughout his posts.
Mar 8, 2023

I had to post 2 times and the second actually spell out that I don't ascribe to the belief BUT the people that DO should be held to their own standard. JFC RETAD.

People like You @ETNVol @Hoppo and other like minded retards ARE PEOPLE I WOULD NEVER STAND NEXT TOO EITHER. You fuckin retarded losers are damn near as bad as the full enemies. Understand when the end comes......YOU WILL BE TREATED AS ENEMIES TOO! Until we rid the world of ALL YOU MORONS.....humanity isn't safe!
This is honestly how I picture you:
Sorry about the stroke. Those sucks.
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