Why I want to exterminate the American people


"You’ll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So you’ll recognize them by their fruit."
-- Jesus in Matthew 7:16-20

Jesus expresses very well why the American people should be cut down and thrown into the fire. And to clarify, the American people means the people who are part of modern American culture. These American people are pure evil, they produce no good fruit. I can't think of one single thing that Americans produced since 2010 that isn't pure crap. Not only that, but as a programmer I know that they hate all good software and only love bad software. Another example - I use a trampoline to work out. First I bought an American trampoline. It was crap and quickly fell apart. Then I bought a German trampoline and it is well-made. So the German people are still capable for producing good things, so they can't be pure evil, so they shouldn't be exterminated. What about Jews. Yes they are parasites, so any sane country would evict them. But I have been to Israel and I know that Jews can make good things. For example their apartment buildings are well made. So the Jews should not be exterminated. The only people who I am sure are pure evil are the American people, so they are the only ones who I want to exterminate.

At an emotional level, I have plenty of life experiences that make me hate Americans. I was incel for 10 years and rejected about 500 times. My first business partner was American and he screwed me over. I became successful working with an Indian and a Mexican. But even there, the venture capitalists were American and they clearly hated me. Of my former American friends, of the 2 good ones, one went crazy and the other killed himself. The rest turned bad and tried to stab me in the back. My former best friend chased my wife. And the last American employee I had was a programmer who freaked out and cursed me out because my code is "too simple". My experiences with Americans have been consistently horrible. I can't think of a single American that I have met in years who I wouldn't like to kill.

But these experiences are anecdotal. Jesus was very wise in saying that one can judge people by their fruit (by what they produce). This lets one quickly judge an entire society. If everything that a society produces is crap, then one can safely conclude that the entire society is evil and should be destroyed. And that is why I want to exterminate the American people.
Another example - I use a trampoline to work out.
"You’ll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So you’ll recognize them by their fruit."
-- Jesus in Matthew 7:16-20

Jesus expresses very well why the American people should be cut down and thrown into the fire. And to clarify, the American people means the people who are part of modern American culture. These American people are pure evil, they produce no good fruit. I can't think of one single thing that Americans produced since 2010 that isn't pure crap. Not only that, but as a programmer I know that they hate all good software and only love bad software. Another example - I use a trampoline to work out. First I bought an American trampoline. It was crap and quickly fell apart. Then I bought a German trampoline and it is well-made. So the German people are still capable for producing good things, so they can't be pure evil, so they shouldn't be exterminated. What about Jews. Yes they are parasites, so any sane country would evict them. But I have been to Israel and I know that Jews can make good things. For example their apartment buildings are well made. So the Jews should not be exterminated. The only people who I am sure are pure evil are the American people, so they are the only ones who I want to exterminate.

At an emotional level, I have plenty of life experiences that make me hate Americans. I was incel for 10 years and rejected about 500 times. My first business partner was American and he screwed me over. I became successful working with an Indian and a Mexican. But even there, the venture capitalists were American and they clearly hated me. Of my former American friends, of the 2 good ones, one went crazy and the other killed himself. The rest turned bad and tried to stab me in the back. My former best friend chased my wife. And the last American employee I had was a programmer who freaked out and cursed me out because my code is "too simple". My experiences with Americans have been consistently horrible. I can't think of a single American that I have met in years who I wouldn't like to kill.

But these experiences are anecdotal. Jesus was very wise in saying that one can judge people by their fruit (by what they produce). This lets one quickly judge an entire society. If everything that a society produces is crap, then one can safely conclude that the entire society is evil and should be destroyed. And that is why I want to exterminate the American people.
Are you a follower of Jesus Christ?
"You’ll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So you’ll recognize them by their fruit."
-- Jesus in Matthew 7:16-20

Jesus expresses very well why the American people should be cut down and thrown into the fire. And to clarify, the American people means the people who are part of modern American culture. These American people are pure evil, they produce no good fruit. I can't think of one single thing that Americans produced since 2010 that isn't pure crap. Not only that, but as a programmer I know that they hate all good software and only love bad software. Another example - I use a trampoline to work out. First I bought an American trampoline. It was crap and quickly fell apart. Then I bought a German trampoline and it is well-made. So the German people are still capable for producing good things, so they can't be pure evil, so they shouldn't be exterminated. What about Jews. Yes they are parasites, so any sane country would evict them. But I have been to Israel and I know that Jews can make good things. For example their apartment buildings are well made. So the Jews should not be exterminated. The only people who I am sure are pure evil are the American people, so they are the only ones who I want to exterminate.

At an emotional level, I have plenty of life experiences that make me hate Americans. I was incel for 10 years and rejected about 500 times. My first business partner was American and he screwed me over. I became successful working with an Indian and a Mexican. But even there, the venture capitalists were American and they clearly hated me. Of my former American friends, of the 2 good ones, one went crazy and the other killed himself. The rest turned bad and tried to stab me in the back. My former best friend chased my wife. And the last American employee I had was a programmer who freaked out and cursed me out because my code is "too simple". My experiences with Americans have been consistently horrible. I can't think of a single American that I have met in years who I wouldn't like to kill.

But these experiences are anecdotal. Jesus was very wise in saying that one can judge people by their fruit (by what they produce). This lets one quickly judge an entire society. If everything that a society produces is crap, then one can safely conclude that the entire society is evil and should be destroyed. And that is why I want to exterminate the American people.
I just re read this and I've changed my mind
Who the fuck is terrydavjs dude?

He started out as a really smart programmer who modified C to create his own programming language which he called "Holy C". Among other things, one notable feature was its ability to handle graphics like pictures and gifs right in the code. That's something that didn't come into popular use until later like in Flash programming.

He was schizophrenic and believed he could communicate with God using random number generators in his programs. He made a Moses simulator where you could shepherd the Israelites and teach them the 10 commandments, punish them for worshipping the golden calf, lead them through the desert, etc. He also made other programs like a divine word generator and a divine song generator which both used RNG.

Eventually he became so unhinged he had to stop development and became homeless. As he became unhinged he would go on racist tirades and he thought the CIA was spying on him.
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He actually was smart and his OS actually did have a lot of interesting capabilities. But since it never became popular not a lot of people developed programs for it.

It's not impressive by today's standards but at the time he released it, it was notable for its capability and the fact he developed it by himself.

A OS this feature rich developed by 1 guy is impressive, even if you don't think much of the OS by the standards of OS used today.

I pick on him because I pick on everyone. The Holy OS developed by the homeless crazy guy is meme food.
"You’ll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So you’ll recognize them by their fruit."
-- Jesus in Matthew 7:16-20

Jesus expresses very well why the American people should be cut down and thrown into the fire. And to clarify, the American people means the people who are part of modern American culture. These American people are pure evil, they produce no good fruit. I can't think of one single thing that Americans produced since 2010 that isn't pure crap. Not only that, but as a programmer I know that they hate all good software and only love bad software. Another example - I use a trampoline to work out. First I bought an American trampoline. It was crap and quickly fell apart. Then I bought a German trampoline and it is well-made. So the German people are still capable for producing good things, so they can't be pure evil, so they shouldn't be exterminated. What about Jews. Yes they are parasites, so any sane country would evict them. But I have been to Israel and I know that Jews can make good things. For example their apartment buildings are well made. So the Jews should not be exterminated. The only people who I am sure are pure evil are the American people, so they are the only ones who I want to exterminate.

At an emotional level, I have plenty of life experiences that make me hate Americans. I was incel for 10 years and rejected about 500 times. My first business partner was American and he screwed me over. I became successful working with an Indian and a Mexican. But even there, the venture capitalists were American and they clearly hated me. Of my former American friends, of the 2 good ones, one went crazy and the other killed himself. The rest turned bad and tried to stab me in the back. My former best friend chased my wife. And the last American employee I had was a programmer who freaked out and cursed me out because my code is "too simple". My experiences with Americans have been consistently horrible. I can't think of a single American that I have met in years who I wouldn't like to kill.

But these experiences are anecdotal. Jesus was very wise in saying that one can judge people by their fruit (by what they produce). This lets one quickly judge an entire society. If everything that a society produces is crap, then one can safely conclude that the entire society is evil and should be destroyed. And that is why I want to exterminate the American people.
Fuck you're a faggot
Right, so how can you in the same breath, quote Jesus, and also not follow Jesus? You are either on the wagon or off.

You will never succeed in changing anyones mind unless you walk the talk.
But fschmidt does "walk the talk" . . .

. . . of his father.

-John 8:44-45

⁴⁴You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father.
That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him.
When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.

⁴⁵Because I, on the other hand, tell you the truth, you do not believe me.


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