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Who's it going to be? Scheffler and Morikawa set to battle it out for the Tour Championship Title


Jan 9, 2021
Scheffler is the man. Worst foot work for a professional golfer I have ever seen and he hits almost every shot pure. As an instructor myself, I would not ever teach someone his style. I’d lose clients left and right. Scottie though, turns it into gold. I really appreciate that guy. He is not a cookie cutter golfer and he is the absolute best there is currently.


Dec 9, 2020
Scheffler is the man. Worst foot work for a professional golfer I have ever seen and he hits almost every shot pure. As an instructor myself, I would not ever teach someone his style. I’d lose clients left and right. Scottie though, turns it into gold. I really appreciate that guy. He is not a cookie cutter golfer and he is the absolute best there is currently.
Fantastic to watch

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