Four fucked ballsacks Lafester!
Stay in meta-character!
ā¢"Lafester" must never post reasonably coherent contentāever!
ā¢The dribbleguts character of "Lafester" always maintains the queefish reactivity that would impress even the most swinish "Leftoids" & "Rightards".
ā¢This "Lafester" character's primary persona always presents as an ambiguous analcorn riddled regurgation of what appears to be veiling an orgiastic cry for help with acute agronacity screechingsāat all times.
ā¢As "Lafester", the roleplay being performed is that of a snivelish status role being TFSF's current resident hemorrhoidal rot flavoured dickpaste-obsessed karenflammer.

Pfft, your imbecilic failure OP is a cowardly and cruel attempt nigga.
Ironically it demonstrates the exact opposite of what you seem to have intended.
It presents compelling indications that you are an individual afflicted with significant psychological and cognitive dysfunctions.

"Experts" might brand a rancid cuntfungus like "Lafester" as perhaps "Antisocial" or a morbid psychopansie or whatever, butt eye just call that weasel shit what it actually appears to be, ie: Acute Retardation.
I reckon it'd be quite entertaining if several dozen of your favourite TFSF shitposters randomly threw a drunken party up in old "Lafester's" precious widdle DM safe space.
Fyi, wadding through this latest retardothread of your's has been unusual, butt fuckin productive for lazily documenting the "Lafester" subject's unique limb flailing tanties.
Eyerection this is more than adequate "Lafesterized" data.

Yes you read that correctly dipshit, butt ya'll niggas can fuckin wait for the surprise.