On a fucking internet message forum. Not a reply in a thread, but a private message. This place is crawling with faggots, especially the fucking twats in the thread with thousands of replies where all they do is jerk each others twitters off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Donā€™t private message me you fucking homo. Iā€™m not your fucking pen pal.

Edit to add: a 146 iqšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Go back to rehab you dumb fuck.
TJā€™s off his meds again.

Your sister is your brother.

She fucks donkeys.

You post about fucking dogs. **

You posted on here about having no friends.

You still have no friends. No wife. No sister (gained a brother though)

Your parents are failures.

Youā€™re a failure.

Your tailgates suck.

Iowa football sucks

Nebraska grows better corn.

Your toilet doesnā€™t work.

Your dog is gay. **

Imagine being in the lac thread calling other posters homos when 90% of the contributors in there want to literally get fucked by a politician they love who also pushed dirty vaccines and campaigned for a fuck ton of other shitty politicians to be on his staff.

They are what they call the libs. A cult. Just like the lib freaks.
If anyone is antagonized by this forum they are a yuuuuge bitch and should probably stay off the internet altogether, and then seek help for also being such a faggot.

And thinking about it, if anyone is antagonized by anything on the internet they need to reevaluate their life.
I'm not antagonized by the forum. I said that "I" am not here to be an antagonist to the forum, as a select few here seem to only be interested in doing.

If I wanted to do that, I'd seek out some bleeding heart, leftist commie forum, but I got better things to do than to intentionally try to become a thorn in the side of others and with no gain for myself.
All that would serve to do, is to steel their resolve to be against anything I might try to share with them. What good does that do?

If you are trying to share knowledge and hopefully change minds to your POV, you aren't going to do it by always being an asshole to everyone about virtually everything.

Antagonize: intentionally cause (someone) to become hostile or angry.
I'm not antagonized by the forum. I said that "I" am not here to be an antagonist to the forum, as a select few here seem to only be interested in doing.

If I wanted to do that, I'd seek out some bleeding heart, leftist commie forum, but I got better things to do than to intentionally try to become a thorn in the side of others and with no gain for myself.
All that would serve to do, is to steel their resolve to be against anything I might try to share with them. What good does that do?

If you are trying to share knowledge and hopefully change minds to your POV, you aren't going to do it by always being an asshole to everyone about virtually everything.

Antagonize: intentionally cause (someone) to become hostile or angry.
Im not on the internet trying to change minds about politics. Thatā€™s just fucking retarded. 90% of the posters on here are in a cult, much like 90% of the posters on a lib forum are also in a cult. Theyā€™re all fucking retarded.

This is the internet. This site is for entertainment purposes only when I visit it. Anyone on here ā€œtrying to change mindsā€ is a fucking moron, especially those posters in the lac thread who post 20-200 TIMES PER DAY. What a bunch of fucking losers with absolutely no lives. Scrolling Twitter all fucking day to see which stuff they can copy and paste on their circle jerk forum in order to feel good about themselves.

And I never claimed you were antagonized by this forum. You may need to read my post again.
Im not on the internet trying to change minds about politics. Thatā€™s just fucking retarded.
What's fucking retarded is actually wanting to be on a forum where one believes that 90% of the members are retarded.

Did you also like to ride the short bus to school and hang out with the speds at lunch time when you were a kid? Sounds like it.

90% of the posters on here are in a cult, much like 90% of the posters on a lib forum are also in a cult. Theyā€™re all fucking retarded.
In your opinion perhaps, and what makes yours any better than theirs?

This is the internet. This site is for entertainment purposes only when I visit it. Anyone on here ā€œtrying to change mindsā€ is a fucking moron, especially those posters in the lac thread who post 20-200 TIMES PER DAY.
Why do you care so much about how much any one else posts?

What a bunch of fucking losers with absolutely no lives.
I'd say the loser with no life is the one who seeks out a forum filled with people he disagrees with. Sounds like something a true masochist might do.

And I never claimed you were antagonized by this forum. You may need to read my post again.
I did, and am I not included in the term "anyone"? That sounds all encompassing, does it not? To not be a part of anyone would make me a no one, and I'm def a some one.

If anyone
What's fucking retarded is actually wanting to be on a forum where one believes that 90% of the members are retarded.

Did you also like to ride the short bus to school and hang out with the speds at lunch time when you were a kid? Sounds like it.

In your opinion perhaps, and what makes yours any better than theirs?

Why do you care so much about how much any one else posts?

I'd say the loser with no life is the one who seeks out a forum filled with people he disagrees with. Sounds like something a true masochist might do.

I did, and am I not included in the term "anyone"? That sounds all encompassing, does it not? To not be a part of anyone would make me a no one, and I'm def a some one.
Iā€™m sorry youā€™re also in a cult and are on the internet to argue with people thinking youā€™re going to change minds. What a life!!

And I would have loved to ride the short bus rather than the normal bus. Would have been way more entertaining. The exact same as being on here rather than some other forum. Itā€™s more entertaining because of all the retards like yourself.
Iā€™m sorry youā€™re also in a cult and are on the internet to argue with people thinking youā€™re going to change minds. What a life!!
Only cult I'm in, is the one that supports the Founders intent for our nation. Granted, membership has been at an all time low for awhile now.

And I would have loved to ride the short bus rather than the normal bus. Would have been way more entertaining. The exact same as being on here rather than some other forum. Itā€™s more entertaining because of all the retards like yourself.
I'm startin' to think that you really did ride the short bus. Just not voluntarily.
Only cult I'm in, is the one that supports the Founders intent for our nation. Granted, membership has been at an all time low for awhile now.

I'm startin' to think that you really did ride the short bus. Just not voluntarily.
if not being in a cult means you think I rode the short bus then I sure as hell did. Thereā€™s never been a politician in this nations history that deserved to have his supporters eat his ass, but you trump cultists would have your tongues all up in trumps asshole if given the chance. They wouldnā€™t require you to ride the short bus. They wouldnā€™t even fucking let you on, because youā€™d never meet the double digit iq requirement šŸ˜‚

Like I said before, youā€™re the rights version of the crazy cultists on the left that will defend anything and everything for their politician, even when their own words contradict the supporters narrative.

Trump has fucked you 4 ways to Sunday and none of you can even realize it because youā€™ve all got his cock shoved down your throats.
Only cult I'm in, is the one that supports the Founders intent for our nation. Granted, membership has been at an all time low for awhile
Also, I donā€™t think it was the founders intent, ever, that there should be a certain deadline where you should be able to kill babies before theyā€™re born. You should pass that on to trump (the Christian šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚) the next time he fucks your ass.
Only cult I'm in, is the one that supports the Founders intent for our nation. Granted, membership has been at an all time low for awhile now.

I'm startin' to think that you really did ride the short bus. Just not voluntarily.
Also, are these the same founders who owned slaves and thought that was a good thing??

Ya, nothing should be changed since then šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

ā€œAll men are created equal, unless youā€™re not white.ā€

Also, are these the same founders who owned slaves and thought that was a good thing??

Ya, nothing should be changed since then šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

ā€œAll men are created equal, unless youā€™re not white.ā€

It was the way the World worked back then. Slavery was not an American invention, and existed prior to the nation existing.

To judge those who lived then, by our standards today isn't right.

Besides, even if slavery had never been permitted here, the slaves that were brought here (and their descendants) are better off then they would have otherwise been.

Had slaves that came to America ended up having to go somewhere else, as most slaves did, the would have been worse off.

Had the entire Atlantic slave trade never existed, those that would have been slaves would have mostly just been slaughtered. Why do I say that? Because those people were made into slaves by warring tribes who had conquered their tribe. Ie: their own people (other Africans) were the ones who enslaved them. Had their not been a market for them, the conquering tribes would have simply slaughtered them, as would have been no value in keeping them alive.

Less than 400,000 people were imported as slaves into all of North America during the Atlantic slave trade.

For comparison, well over a million white people were enslaved by Barbary pirates. All races have had their members enslaved over the course of human history. To only make a big deal about the 388,747 imported into N. America is silly. It was the best place they could have ended up.
It was the way the World worked back then. Slavery was not an American invention, and existed prior to the nation existing.

To judge those who lived then, by our standards today isn't right.

Besides, even if slavery had never been permitted here, the slaves that were brought here (and their descendants) are better off then they would have otherwise been.

Had slaves that came to America ended up having to go somewhere else, as most slaves did, the would have been worse off.

Had the entire Atlantic slave trade never existed, those that would have been slaves would have mostly just been slaughtered. Why do I say that? Because those people were made into slaves by warring tribes who had conquered their tribe. Ie: their own people (other Africans) were the ones who enslaved them. Had their not been a market for them, the conquering tribes would have simply slaughtered them, as would have been no value in keeping them alive.

Less than 400,000 people were imported as slaves into all of North America during the Atlantic slave trade.

For comparison, well over a million white people were enslaved by Barbary pirates. All races have had their members enslaved over the course of human history. To only make a big deal about the 388,747 imported into N. America is silly. It was the best place they could have ended up.
This is the first reasonable post youā€™ve made.
On a fucking internet message forum. Not a reply in a thread, but a private message. This place is crawling with faggots, especially the fucking twats in the thread with thousands of replies where all they do is jerk each others twitters off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
View attachment 193458
Donā€™t private message me you fucking homo. Iā€™m not your fucking pen pal.

Edit to add: a 146 iqšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Go back to rehab you dumb fuck.
šŸ˜‚ It's hilarious that you're so hysterically upset by nothing.
šŸ˜ŽFour fucked ballsacks Lafester!


Stay in meta-character!


ā€¢"Lafester" must never post reasonably coherent contentā€”ever!

ā€¢The dribbleguts character of "Lafester" always maintains the queefish reactivity that would impress even the most swinish "Leftoids" & "Rightards".

ā€¢This "Lafester" character's primary persona always presents as an ambiguous analcorn riddled regurgation of what appears to be veiling an orgiastic cry for help with acute agronacity screechingsā€”at all times.

ā€¢As "Lafester", the roleplay being performed is that of a snivelish status role being TFSF's current resident hemorrhoidal rot flavoured dickpaste-obsessed karenflammer.

šŸ˜Pfft, your imbecilic failure OP is a cowardly and cruel attempt nigga.


Ironically it demonstrates the exact opposite of what you seem to have intended.

It presents compelling indications that you are an individual afflicted with significant psychological and cognitive dysfunctions.

šŸ˜"Experts" might brand a rancid cuntfungus like "Lafester" as perhaps "Antisocial" or a morbid psychopansie or whatever, butt eye just call that weasel shit what it actually appears to be, ie: Acute Retardation.

I reckon it'd be quite entertaining if several dozen of your favourite TFSF shitposters randomly threw a drunken party up in old "Lafester's" precious widdle DM safe space.

Fyi, wadding through this latest retardothread of your's has been unusual, butt fuckin productive for lazily documenting the "Lafester" subject's unique limb flailing tanties.

Eyerection this is more than adequate "Lafesterized" data.

šŸ–•šŸ˜ŽYes you read that correctly dipshit, butt ya'll niggas can fuckin wait for the surprise.

Imagine being in the lac thread calling other posters homos when 90% of the contributors in there want to literally get fucked by a politician they love who also pushed dirty vaccines and campaigned for a fuck ton of other shitty politicians to be on his staff.

They are what they call the libs. A cult. Just like the lib freaks.
No, they are just morons. It's that simple.

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