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Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
I could give a shit what they do "around the world" - we have an embassy in each of the most fucked up countries in the world. They know better than to try that abomination from hell here. The fag flag wouldn't last.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Qatar’s official response to the DOD about stationing same sex couples in their country....It is an abomination in the eyes of god, and we will not allow it.

wish I still had the email.
Did the troops end up there tho?


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
I think this is dumb but this is a little extreme don't you think?
Sure but less extreme than any path to cultural unity that remains, would love for you to propose a path to said unity that would change my mind

Also I’m a Texan first and could give a damn if other states aren’t ready to secede we’ve been ready since the beginning and one bad commie executive order we out

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Sure but less extreme than any path to cultural unity that remains, would love for you to propose a path to said unity that would change my mind

Also I’m a Texan first and could give a damn if other states aren’t ready to secede we’ve been ready since the beginning and one bad commie executive order we out
Why would cultural unity be required?

Don't give a damn what state you're in. Secession deserves to be treated like any other form of rebellion. I'd sincerely hope they droned you all to kingdom come.


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Why would cultural unity be required?

Don't give a damn what state you're in. Secession deserves to be treated like any other form of rebellion. I'd sincerely hope they droned you all to kingdom come.
Because the left and the right can’t coexist in a capitalist first economy anymore since one side has embraced socialism

Oh gtfo with that hyperbole. We’ve talked both this before, it would be a referendum type thing and then get the Brexit stalling treatment so no life is lost. The deep state has an answer for everything

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Because the left and the right can’t coexist in a capitalist first economy anymore since one side has embraced socialism

Oh gtfo with that hyperbole. We’ve talked both this before, it would be a referendum type thing and then get the Brexit stalling treatment so no life is lost. The deep state has an answer for everything
Maybe but hopefully the drones happen if people push it seriously.

Not sure what you mean with that first paragraph either since America has always been a mixed economy?


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Maybe but hopefully the drones happen if people push it seriously.

Not sure what you mean with that first paragraph either since America has always been a mixed economy?
First paragraph meant that they want full bore socialism all the way. Stimulus forever and most people not working.

You’re an evil fuck to actually want that to happen to people wanting to peacefully exit

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
First paragraph meant that they want full bore socialism all the way. Stimulus forever and most people not working.

You’re an evil fuck to actually want that to happen to people wanting to peacefully exit
Secession isn't a peaceful exit. It's rebellion no different than the CSA or Antifa.

If people want to leave they can renounce their citizenship and do so individually but whole states leaving isn't ever gonna fly for numerous reasons.


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Secession isn't a peaceful exit. It's rebellion no different than the CSA or Antifa.

If people want to leave they can renounce their citizenship and do so but whole states leaving isn't ever gonna fly for numerous reasons.
It’s way different and you know it. If they actually got it to vote and it’s the peaceful will of the masses you’re not going to see people droned for that in the first world, get real

It probably will never fly since the roadmap has already been set with Brexit, but it’s upon a state to successfully do it to show the ability to fight against a Globalist regime. You need a test case that works out to start bucking trends like globalism, otherwise it’s just slavery to the federal government who has no recourse or accountability to the people

I don’t understand how you can see the corruption in this country in DC and literally wish for drone strikes on people who want to peacefully get away from it.


Jan 9, 2021
It’s way different and you know it. If they actually got it to vote and it’s the peaceful will of the masses you’re not going to see people droned for that in the first world, get real

It probably will never fly since the roadmap has already been set with Brexit, but it’s upon a state to successfully do it to show the ability to fight against a Globalist regime. You need a test case that works out to start bucking trends like globalism, otherwise it’s just slavery to the federal government who has no recourse or accountability to the people

I don’t understand how you can see the corruption in this country in DC and literally wish for drone strikes on people who want to peacefully get away from it.
Its a very retarded argument from him. He does this when someone doesn't agree with him. He's as bad as the lunatic left.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
It’s way different and you know it. If they actually got it to vote and it’s the peaceful will of the masses you’re not going to see people droned for that in the first world, get real

It probably will never fly since the roadmap has already been set with Brexit, but it’s upon a state to successfully do it to show the ability to fight against a Globalist regime. You need a test case that works out to start bucking trends like globalism, otherwise it’s just slavery to the federal government who has no recourse or accountability to the people

I don’t understand how you can see the corruption in this country in DC and literally wish for drone strikes on people who want to peacefully get away from it.
Secession isn't peaceful and no amount of votes will ever make it so. It's nothing like brexit because brexit is / was legal and secession is not.

A state can't force it's citizens out of the union via a vote and even attempting to do so would be rebellion and domestic terrorism.

No amount of corruption in the federal government excuses rebellion.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Its a very retarded argument from him. He does this when someone doesn't agree with him. He's as bad as the lunatic left.
There is no argument to be had with secession. It's a settled matter.


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Secession isn't peaceful and no amount of votes will ever make it so. It's nothing like brexit because brexit is / was legal and secession is not.

A state can't force it's citizens out of the union via a vote and even attempting to do so would be rebellion and domestic terrorism.

No amount of corruption in the federal government excuses rebellion.

holy Jesus palomino, there’s no way you seriously believe that. And the way they dodge and jump around constitutional rights, which they will CONTINUE to do, yiur argument of it being an illegal move will grow very untenable

You’re as deep state as it gets, anti states rights, pro droning, pro US Dollar and Fed manipulation....
Jan 8, 2021
It’s way different and you know it. If they actually got it to vote and it’s the peaceful will of the masses you’re not going to see people droned for that in the first world, get real

It probably will never fly since the roadmap has already been set with Brexit, but it’s upon a state to successfully do it to show the ability to fight against a Globalist regime. You need a test case that works out to start bucking trends like globalism, otherwise it’s just slavery to the federal government who has no recourse or accountability to the people

I don’t understand how you can see the corruption in this country in DC and literally wish for drone strikes on people who want to peacefully get away from it.

He’s not making great points.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021

holy Jesus palomino, there’s no way you seriously believe that. And the way they dodge and jump around constitutional rights, which they will CONTINUE to do, yiur argument of it being an illegal move will grow very untenable

You’re as deep state as it gets, anti states rights, pro droning, pro US Dollar and Fed manipulation....
I don't support the fed so not sure where you got that?

States don't have a right to secede.

The US dollar is the currency of We The People.

Droning those that would rebel against the will of We The People is no different than how we had to treat the CSA. They did it to themselves the same way secessionist of today would be doing it to themselves.

Oh and if you don't like what the government is doing then do what needs done to peacefully remove them. We The People have the power and always will.


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
I don't support the fed so not sure where you got that?

States don't have a right to secede.

The US dollar is the currency of We The People.

Droning those that would rebel against the will of We The People is no different than how we had to treat the CSA. They did it to themselves the same way secessionist of today would be doing it to themselves.

Oh and if you don't like what the government is doing then do what needs done to peacefully remove them. We The People have the power and always will.
I know states don’t have the legal right but that would assume faith in the US law as fair and just and if it isn’t perceived that way in Texas then it will become a political decision. Still would be upon the US to instigate violence

The “currency of we the people” doesn’t mean anything and it’s wrong so you need to stop saying it and making yourself look like a moron. You don’t have access or voting rights over the money supply. A horrendous cliche isn’t a substitute for an understanding of economics. Also we figured out a few weeks ago a bunch of Harvard guys have been rigging the inflation index robbing your dollars of even more purchasing power

We do not have the power to peacefully remove them, as we just saw in a rigged phony election

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I know states don’t have the legal right but that would assume faith in the US law as fair and just and if it isn’t perceived that way in Texas then it will become a political decision. Still would be upon the US to instigate violence

The “currency of we the people” doesn’t mean anything and it’s wrong so you need to stop saying it and making yourself look like a moron. You don’t have access or voting rights over the money supply. A horrendous cliche isn’t a substitute for an understanding of economics. Also we figured out a few weeks ago a bunch of Harvard guys have been rigging the inflation index robbing your dollars of even more purchasing power

We do not have the power to peacefully remove them, as we just saw in a rigged phony election
I know you don't really believe this.

The dollar is the currency of We The People. It's what our elected leaders adopted as outlined by law in The Constitution. No amount of inflation, "Harvard guys", or The Fed (fuck them) changes that.

Furthermore a dirty election doesn't mean you don't have the power to remove them. Elections have always been dirty and it has nothing to do with your ability to remove government officials under The Constitution.

Finally, even if a whole state (which would never happen because no group would ever agree 100%) wanted to leave the Union they could do so as individuals but not as a state. Individuals have the right to leave the Union but not whole states. The will of a majority of of citizens in a state doesn't usurp the rights of the citizens of that state (to be US citizens and all the rights granted as such).

A majority vote for secession doesn't mean shit in a republic which is the government all the states and citizens belong to. Rights and the rule of law trump mob rule (rebellion).


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
I know you don't really believe this.

The dollar is the currency of We The People. It's what our elected leaders adopted as outlined by law in The Constitution. No amount of inflation, "Harvard guys", or The Fed (fuck them) changes that.

Furthermore a dirty election doesn't mean you don't have the power to remove them. Elections have always been dirty and it has nothing to do with your ability to remove government officials under The Constitution.

Finally, even if a whole state (which would never happen because no group would ever agree 100%) wanted to leave the Union they could do so as individuals but not as a state. Individuals have the right to leave the Union but not whole states. The will of a majority of of citizens in a state doesn't usurp the rights of the citizens of that state (to be US citizens and all the rights granted as such).

A majority vote for secession doesn't mean shit in a republic which is the government all the states and citizens belong to. Rights and the rule of law trump mob rule (rebellion).
“No amount of inflation changes that”

I don’t think you have a good enough grasp on economics to comment any further. If they inflate the currency and steal its value and purchasing power away from you than you don’t have much of anything. Doesn’t matter what elected officials told you about it but doesn’t matter, enjoy being poor

“elections being dirty doesn’t mean you don’t have power”
-I don’t really know what to even say here or how you can make a real defense of that. Especially when there are 5am vote dumps and the media declaring states based on exit poll data being clear encroachments outside the norm that you’re ignoring

And stop arguing a point I already granted to you. They don’t have the legal right to secede yes, I was saying it would be a political decision and you cheered violence upon it like a deep state shill.

If you want zero successful cases of people standing up to globalism in favor of your “we the people” cliches then I don’t really think you’re appreciating the gravity of the issue or seriously considering any methods by which globalism is stopped or the country ever heals. A secession of a single state could start conversations that could actually heal the country potentially and not stick with the status quo


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Its a very retarded argument from him. He does this when someone doesn't agree with him. He's as bad as the lunatic left.
He’s fine as long as it’s not economics. We all have our weak spots I do too, mine being immigration and boxing

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
“No amount of inflation changes that”

I don’t think you have a good enough grasp on economics to comment any further. If they inflate the currency and steal its value and purchasing power away from you than you don’t have much of anything. Doesn’t matter what elected officials told you about it but doesn’t matter, enjoy being poor

“elections being dirty doesn’t mean you don’t have power”
-I don’t really know what to even say here or how you can make a real defense of that. Especially when there are 5am vote dumps and the media declaring states based on exit poll data being clear encroachments outside the norm that you’re ignoring

And stop arguing a point I already granted to you. They don’t have the legal right to secede yes, I was saying it would be a political decision and you cheered violence upon it like a deep state shill.

If you want zero successful cases of people standing up to globalism in favor of your “we the people” cliches then I don’t really think you’re appreciating the gravity of the issue or seriously considering any methods by which globalism is stopped or the country ever heals. A secession of a single state could start conversations that could actually heal the country potentially and not stick with the status quo
Secession isn't going to stop globalism. It would only make it more capable of affecting We The People.

I understand inflation perfectly fine and being poor or having an inflationary currency doesn't give anyone the right to rebel.

I'm not defending dirty elections. I'm simply pointing out that you still have power even in dirty elections. You also have to ability to strike, protest, partake it state elections, and call constitutional conventions as just a few other examples of way to influence government.

You're living in the greatest country on earth in the most blessed and prosperous time in human history. You might see plenty you don't like but just like I've already explained nothing is stopping you from leaving as an individual if you think things are really that bad.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
He’s fine as long as it’s not economics. We all have our weak spots I do too, mine being immigration and boxing
I certainly know enough about economics to know sovereign nations should control their own currencies...
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