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What happens when the proof cannot be ignored any longer?


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
When America gets the irrefutable proof that their elections are as shamwowed as Syria's or Russia's. We are about to find out. Post your predictions here
We just lived through one and everyone in the top echelons of government know it, especially Trump. What happened? Not a goddamn thing, that's what happened, and that's what will happen in the midterms we are supposed to win. Nothing. Nada.
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A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021
Nothing, there is no provision to remove a president in this manner, people will go to prison but not the people really responsible. Voter registration laws will be pushed and approved in most states (outside of the shit holes).


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
Except the DOJ is just another arm of the Democrat party
You've got that right. Don't forget the FBI and the CIA. They are all suck buddies. Trust me. There is a time in history when a country you know well have different divisions of investigative and spying departments.

That country is named Germany. Once Adolf Hitler and the "brown shirts" gained enough power they brought all of the different investigative and spying departments into one elite force - the SS. The SS wielded a brand of butchery and ruthlessness unlike anything the world had seen at that time - BUT - here is the good part - only after the total collapse of the Third Reich did the world begin to learn about the SS dark ops.

Now, fast forward to 2020 and the "coming together" of our investigative and spying departments. They had to save America from Donald Trump. Now that they are irrefutably galvanized, their power has increased beyond accurate calculation. They are still separated by name to avoid scrutiny from the general public. But don't you think for one minute that they are not all marching to the same drum beat. These different agencies work seamlessly together. Their power is unrivaled and irrepressible. Our own SS. Imagine that.

They have the blood of power on their hands and they are constantly sucking their fingers. No one, I repeat no one, fucks them over. They always win. They are on top of the food chain and will remain there until we have a true, TRUE revolution.
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