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What’s Still Out There?


Feb 2, 2021
If you believe in evolution, the first primates evolved around 124 million years ago. Homo sapiens, or modern man appeared around 800,000 years ago. But it has only been the last 150 years that we invented the internal combustion engine, harnessed the power of electricity for our day to day use, invented mind boggling communication and transportation systems, landed a man on another celestial body, split the atom, learned to look at our world and ourselves on a microscopic level, and found treatments for what were once catastrophic diseases. I believe that energy sources exist that our minds can’t even grasp yet. I think it is entirely plausible that someday, curing cancer might be as simple as a visit to the doctor and a prescription at the local pharmacy. I think we will discover that “ghosts” are nothing more than residual human energy left behind by those who have passed. And someday that residual energy will be used to solve crimes, much like DNA. Even as I post this message, if I so chose, I could talk with someone on the other side of the world, face to face. When our forefathers first landed in the New World, the journey took months. All of the advancements in the last 150 years. Just a coincidence that they occurred during the rise of a society that value individual freedom and encourages creative thinking? I think not.


Dec 2, 2020
I do not know, but to me, one of the most mind blowing things in human history is how we had so little technological advancement for thousands of years (for the most part) and then in the last century or two the advancement has been beyond exponential. Crazy how quickly we went from the wild west to the moon, and from the telegraph to the iphone, etc.


Dec 1, 2020
I do not know, but to me, one of the most mind blowing things in human history is how we had so little technological advancement for thousands of years (for the most part) and then in the last century or two the advancement has been beyond exponential. Crazy how quickly we went from the wild west to the moon, and from the telegraph to the iphone, etc.


Get Steppin’
Feb 19, 2021
I think there is a ton out there we can do with electromagnetic energy that we haven’t figured out yet ( or at least not publicly available ). Like using EM radiations to heal many ailments, maybe even cancer


Dec 2, 2020
If you believe in evolution, the first primates evolved around 124 million years ago. Homo sapiens, or modern man appeared around 800,000 years ago. But it has only been the last 150 years that we invented the internal combustion engine, harnessed the power of electricity for our day to day use, invented mind boggling communication and transportation systems, landed a man on another celestial body, split the atom, learned to look at our world and ourselves on a microscopic level, and found treatments for what were once catastrophic diseases. I believe that energy sources exist that our minds can’t even grasp yet. I think it is entirely plausible that someday, curing cancer might be as simple as a visit to the doctor and a prescription at the local pharmacy. I think we will discover that “ghosts” are nothing more than residual human energy left behind by those who have passed. And someday that residual energy will be used to solve crimes, much like DNA. Even as I post this message, if I so chose, I could talk with someone on the other side of the world, face to face. When our forefathers first landed in the New World, the journey took months. All of the advancements in the last 150 years. Just a coincidence that they occurred during the rise of a society that value individual freedom and encourages creative thinking? I think not.
Apparently after all that you still don't believe in paragraphs.


Feb 2, 2021
Hell of a question this late, but care to be more specific about what your question is exactly? Besides your thread title?
I didn’t mean it in an X Files kind of way. I just meant that with all man has done in the last 150 years, it boggles the mind to imagine the kinds of thins we are yet to discover.


Dec 1, 2020
Theres going to be a huge growth in nuero (brain) / tech integration. They can already put a device on the back of your head to read your brain waves that form your words and can speak for the person.


Jan 8, 2021
I didn’t mean it in an X Files kind of way. I just meant that with all man has done in the last 150 years, it boggles the mind to imagine the kinds of thins we are yet to discover.

I think we're going to stall ourselves with the immense focus on AI. We've essentially admitted we've created all we can create and now we need AI to continue progress. Not saying AI is a bad thing, just that most current advancements are focusing on it rather than finding more efficient ways to advance modern technology.


Feb 2, 2021
We stick pieces os metal into people to infuse medications. Someday I see all meds loaded into patches programmed to release the med at a certain rate. And I mean the big boy drugs like epinephrine, neo synephrine, and levophed. It might even get to the point where the different drugs are microscopically suspended in the atmosphere of specialized hospital rooms. The patient’s electromagnetic signature is programmed into the system and the room releases specific drugs in specific amounts which will just absorb through the skin or adhere to a portal placed somewhere on the body.I believe that we will discover a way to alter each person’s individual electromagnetic field to prevent and cure diseases.


Feb 2, 2021
Theres going to be a huge growth in nuero (brain) / tech integration. They can already put a device on the back of your head to read your brain waves that form your words and can speak for the person.
We also have polygraphs which read brain waves. And they’re admissible in court.


Jan 9, 2021
I honestly think we need to regress. Our frontal lobe has progressed to the point where most people don’t know what to do with it. People are spending their lives paralyzed by ‘anxiety’ and ‘depression,’ which is mostly a product of their own cognitions. I’m a psychologist and spend all day trying to help people recognize that they’re thinking themselves into their own misery. Most humans would be better off as apes. It’s like putting an Asian woman behind the wheel of a sports car. They have no idea what to do with it, and they’re a danger to themselves and others.


A Real A Hole
Jan 11, 2021
Just some stream of consciousness ready for rebuttal and rebuke:

The incredible advancements that we have achieved in the last 150 years (well 500+) are primarily due to our free time. We no longer roam the earth looking for food, we grow our food and have machinery to harvest. Then, we created other jobs in place of gathering and hunting. Read Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond for further very dry analysis of this phenomenon. The single greatest achievement of mankind is domesticated grain and animals. Without that, we are still cave dwellers.

If you go back in time and ask a Roman/Byzantine/Chinese, they would talk about all their advancements like aqueducts, roads, farming equipment, weapons, etc. Our advancements would be like magic to them, but nonetheless are advancements just the same.

To your question, individual freedom has always been a common thing because of the ratio of acreage to person. Most everyone was free to live away from others without constant interference. It is true that personal wealth of lands and possessions impact personal freedom. And of course, freedom is often challenged by kings, lords, etc. Then, later by governments. Today, with mass urbanization of our society (due mostly to the amount of free time we have), individual freedom is often curtailed simply because of the constant interaction with others. Infringement of these individual freedoms will continue as our world becomes smaller and individuals can no longer distance themselves.

Our advancement as a society has already started to slow. We no longer reward achievement, in favor of rewarding social justice and popularity. We don't look up to the stars any more, we look down to our devices for validation. Introspection is the focus for the betterment of society. Do you think that Copernicus/Galileo/Whitney/Einstein/Edison/Bell cared what people thought of them? Nah, but Gates and Jobs and even Musk do. Until we have those that break the mold of what we are doing now as a society, we will continue to see this decline. I'm normally a positive person, but it is tough with what is happening now.


Dec 9, 2020
I honestly think we need to regress. Our frontal lobe has progressed to the point where most people don’t know what to do with it. People are spending their lives paralyzed by ‘anxiety’ and ‘depression,’ which is mostly a product of their own cognitions. I’m a psychologist and spend all day trying to help people recognize that they’re thinking themselves into their own misery. Most humans would be better off as apes. It’s like putting an Asian woman behind the wheel of a sports car. They have no idea what to do with it, and they’re a danger to themselves and others.
Your last 2 lines absolutely killed me. Well done.
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