Sorry, no vid for this minor rant.
According to mainstream NZ propagandists, in recent days Trump cut US funding to some (*unspecified) NZ science hippies who were apparently meant to be traveling to & participating in a US science convention of some sort.
The NZ propagandists have pretty much seized this as another opportunity to lazily smear Trump while near entirely glossing over/or possibly distorting almost all relevant factual information.
Best I can figure from the idiotic articles, NZers are supposed to be outraged coz orange man bad and simply hates the whole "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion" bollocks, thus he spitefully decided to cancel ~$50k US taxpayer funding for some NZ science hippies. Reeeeee!
Doesn't make sense to me. I ain't got a clue what that "Diverse, Equine, Incuntery" shit has to do with NZ science hippies at all. However I especially don't get why US taxpayers were ever funding some NZ science hippies for anything in the first place. NZ ain't poor.
As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't even matter what reasoning Trump's had for his decision. I'd tell these science hippies to get fucked too. America shouldn't be giving foreign cunties free handouts full stop....

except for the treacherous Israelis of course.
Butt anyways, y'all know how it is.