Videos for fun

it wasn't the kids
it was the info
for me
is it the kids
& not the info
for u?
Nah I realize y'all are smart enough to see the presented baby birthin' price tag info is relevant and somehow reasonable for ya'z.
The US healthcare system is be the best in the world prolly.

I'm curious though, what happens if people can't afford $16k for childbirth? Are there cheaper options, discounts or something? Or do the nurses cart pregnant women out the front and dump 'em on the roadside?

Down here we're still uncivilized savages. Childbirthing costs are fully covered for NZ citizens. Weird cunts aye.
Nah I realize y'all are smart enough to see the presented baby birthin' price tag info is relevant and somehow reasonable for ya'z.
The US healthcare system is be the best in the world prolly.

I'm curious though, what happens if people can't afford $16k for childbirth? Are there cheaper options, discounts or something? Or do the nurses cart pregnant women out the front and dump 'em on the roadside?

Down here we're still uncivilized savages. Childbirthing costs are fully covered for NZ citizens. Weird cunts aye.
That is spa treatment birth. If someone's doesn't have money 1st they try to abort it 2nd they try to abort it.
3rd the baby is born at the hospital and they don't get paid shit so that is why that bill sounds high. They got to spread the osts around
The hospital doesn't mind bc they kbow they have a newly born piggy bank
That is spa treatment birth. If someone's doesn't have money 1st they try to abort it 2nd they try to abort it.
3rd the baby is born at the hospital and they don't get paid shit so that is why that bill sounds high. They got to spread the osts around
The hospital doesn't mind bc they kbow they have a newly born piggy bank
Really doesn't make sense to me. USA corp generates trillions each year.
Y'all should easily be able to cover healthcare for US breeders and still have trillions left over.

Any average NZ breeder can go with the fully covered public hospital option. Or splash out on expensive private services if they've got the cheddar.
Can't see why cheddar abundant US breeders, in a similar situation, wouldn't prefer splashing out on private services too rather than birthin' amongst the peasantry.

Coz if ya think about it, either way, the corporate slave system gets another victim.

Just seems like the US system is extremely inefficient overall.

A healthier slave population means a healthier slave economy.

An unhealthy slave population means an unhealthy slave economy subsequently also burdened by costly societal diseases.

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