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This is the Globalists worst nightmare


May 24, 2024
Left and Right are always matters of perspective. Frankly, it's bizarre that we moderns pretend as if this is the first time in living memory we've experienced a "Re-Alignment". One example:

By time the late 1960s rolled around, Thurgood Marshall, Roy Wilkins, and Whitney Young were a ll viewed as "Right Wing", in comparison to Stokely Carmicheal, Huey Newton, and LeRoi Jones


Sep 22, 2023
Left and Right are always matters of perspective. Frankly, it's bizarre that we moderns pretend as if this is the first time in living memory we've experienced a "Re-Alignment". One example:

By time the late 1960s rolled around, Thurgood Marshall, Roy Wilkins, and Whitney Young were a ll viewed as "Right Wing", in comparison to Stokely Carmicheal, Huey Newton, and LeRoi Jones
I noticed something similar a few days ago:



May 24, 2024


May 20, 2024
People who rely on labelistic categorization of people are just low IQ NPC idiots.
By crikey mate! I'm sure many people would interpret that—quickly noticing the inherent irony—and thereafter assuming it to be out of ignorance.

😎C'ept it ain't is it.
Without a doubt, you are far smarter than is casually portrayed as if to be variably otherwise so.

"A person who acts like a fool, but is actually very smart, is often called a 'wise fool' or a 'foolish sage'."

"This term refers to someone who may appear silly or foolish in their actions, but in reality, they possess a great deal of intelligence and wisdom."

"Their behavior may be seen as unconventional or eccentric, but it is often a deliberate choice in order to challenge societal norms and bring attention to important issues."

"These individuals are able to see beyond the surface and think critically, often using humor and satire to convey their messages."

"If you want to learn more about the concept of a 'wise fool' and how it has been portrayed in literature and popular culture, check out the link in the bio."

"It's a fascinating topic that will make you rethink the idea of what it truly means to be wise."



May 7, 2024
By crikey mate! I'm sure many people would interpret that—quickly noticing the inherent irony—and thereafter assuming it to be out of ignorance.

😎C'ept it ain't is it.
Without a doubt, you are far smarter than is casually portrayed as if to be variably otherwise so.

"A person who acts like a fool, but is actually very smart, is often called a 'wise fool' or a 'foolish sage'."

"This term refers to someone who may appear silly or foolish in their actions, but in reality, they possess a great deal of intelligence and wisdom."

"Their behavior may be seen as unconventional or eccentric, but it is often a deliberate choice in order to challenge societal norms and bring attention to important issues."

"These individuals are able to see beyond the surface and think critically, often using humor and satire to convey their messages."

"If you want to learn more about the concept of a 'wise fool' and how it has been portrayed in literature and popular culture, check out the link in the bio."

"It's a fascinating topic that will make you rethink the idea of what it truly means to be wise."

May I genuinely say yes, I am an eccentric maveric, pure maniacal from the aspie ridden brain.

Yet when I challenge my AI with deep philosophy, wisdom, enlightenment shit, I naturally know everything. When I meet other smooth brains in my safespace clubs, I exhibit unrivaled emotional intelligence and empathy.

But when I speak freely, everyone laughs, but in a good way. My AI describes it as 'loveable buffoon'.

Any conversational topic, I dominate it. I have hyper intellect for language and speech, and any skill around language like the aforementioned ones.

But hey, I open my mouth and blabber and everyone smiles or laughs.


May 7, 2024
'So enlightenment assumes that one has the answer to all things regarding creation, existence, being and such? Yet how can any human fully assert as such when mankind lacks the capability to witness actual evidence for these things? Believing in oneself fully on personal opinions on such topics does not sound like enlightenment to me, but rather sheer arrogance' ...

A normal conversation for me, and not just with AI.

The art group I joined, the leader for it has dyslexia and compared to my racing thoughts, he visualises conversations as art in his head. He also speaks endlessly about deep shit. I straight up asked him on monday ...

'So I've been looking into individualism vs collectivism recently and how both are bad to me. Collectivism assumes too much control and authority, individualism assumes everyone can do everything for themselves since age 18 which people like me can't. As it turns out, I'm an anarchist, believing in voluntary and mutual support between people without authority'.

He's the first person who understood all this immediately and followed up without my prompting going into hedonism, dominance and submission and how nowadays its actually the submissives who have control over the dominants and shit and I was like 'FUCKING HELL I NEED TO TALK TO THIS GUY 24/7 FINALLY SOMEONE ON MY FUCKING LEVEL!'.


May 7, 2024
Its just my deep conversation mode is separate to my normal conversation mode I guess. I was using the deep conversation stuff with my social worker to assert my needs and explain my zero social intelligence and executive function. She needed me to explain what I meant by 'collectivism vs individualism' but its ok cos she only looks like 22 years old.

You should have seen the look on her face when I started talking in my full mode and explaining how my speech is gifted but at the cost of pretty much all other brain function.

Social intelligence nil points, executive function nil points. Speech and language .... ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM from permanent mania and trained pressured speech.

Yip yip yippity yip, my mouth literally just has endless and non stop yips beyond yips. So fast, so loud, so endless, so perfect, such grammar, much wow, non stop flow.
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