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Things not going well for US at Hunter Biden conference (link)....


Jan 15, 2021
It’s all a charade OP. China will get what they paid for whenever they want. But right now, it’s about showing everyone who calls the shots

I don’t think so. One of the very few bright spots in Obama’s tenure was reorienting US strategy to the Pacific to counter China. Trumped kicked it into overdrive but became a little too cozy with Xi for my tastes. I think he was trying a sort of carrot and stick approach, but that doesn’t work with these assholes.

China is in a difficult position. Their public sector makes up more than 60% of their gdp. They don’t have a big enough internal tax base to support their government spending, so it forces them to borrow. That gives little room for error and as long as the economy grows faster than new debt and interest, they can sustain it. But, shit goes sideways if a recession, a plunging dollar, or tariffs upset the balance.

To get out of that they need a bigger consumer portion of the economy to develop a domestic tax base to cut their government expenditures proportionally and get out of the debt spiral. And the crux of the matter is, with US and European consumers international trade is going to get sucked to them. China isn’t going to make goods for Chinese consumers when Americans and Euros can pay more. To get around that, they need to expand into places like south and Central Asia, Africa,to build manufacturing bases that push a flow of goods to Chinese consumers to grow that base.

That where the conflict comes. The dirty secret is, in the short term you can only have so many consumers planet wide. For them to have a consumer base over the next decade or two, the Americana and European ones have to weaken. China has to crowd out American consumers and companies to build their consumer base. They are doing it aggressively by stealing tech, building spheres of influence, controlling trade in the South China Sea etc. it’s not just Trump that knew this, it’s every major corporate interest that has semi colonized the Chinese over the last 50 years. It’s China’s neighbors. It’s Europe. There was a good balance from those perspectives before China started fucking with shit. And that balance in their opinion and self interest is going to be restored.


Dec 2, 2020
We fkd up not sending camelluh up there. She would have handled things her way by crawling on her knees under the table all day. Chinese would have left with big smiles on their faces.


America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I don’t think so. One of the very few bright spots in Obama’s tenure was reorienting US strategy to the Pacific to counter China. Trumped kicked it into overdrive but became a little too cozy with Xi for my tastes. I think he was trying a sort of carrot and stick approach, but that doesn’t work with these assholes.

China is in a difficult position. Their public sector makes up more than 60% of their gdp. They don’t have a big enough internal tax base to support their government spending, so it forces them to borrow. That gives little room for error and as long as the economy grows faster than new debt and interest, they can sustain it. But, shit goes sideways if a recession, a plunging dollar, or tariffs upset the balance.

To get out of that they need a bigger consumer portion of the economy to develop a domestic tax base to cut their government expenditures proportionally and get out of the debt spiral. And the crux of the matter is, with US and European consumers international trade is going to get sucked to them. China isn’t going to make goods for Chinese consumers when Americans and Euros can pay more. To get around that, they need to expand into places like south and Central Asia, Africa,to build manufacturing bases that push a flow of goods to Chinese consumers to grow that base.

That where the conflict comes. The dirty secret is, in the short term you can only have so many consumers planet wide. For them to have a consumer base over the next decade or two, the Americana and European ones have to weaken. China has to crowd out American consumers and companies to build their consumer base. They are doing it aggressively by stealing tech, building spheres of influence, controlling trade in the South China Sea etc. it’s not just Trump that knew this, it’s every major corporate interest that has semi colonized the Chinese over the last 50 years. It’s China’s neighbors. It’s Europe. There was a good balance from those perspectives before China started fucking with shit. And that balance in their opinion and self interest is going to be restored.
Yeah stop trading with China and the problem is solved pretty quickly.


Jan 13, 2021
Before this fucking virus China was hurting big time, caving on tariffs, economy slowing, population unrest, Hong Kong protests...released an engineered virus and one year later they have their stooge in the White House, big tech acting no different towards conservatives than the CCP does to any opponents, had the only growing economy in 2020, and we are being invaded by a bunch of poor people from our south whose first order of business will be to sign up for all welfare programs.

We are fucked, and the fucking morons that voted for Joe still say how well he is doing. If he was really running anything he’s so dumb and dementia riddled he would probably start a large conflict by his idiotic insults. I bet Putin and Xi laugh about how ducking dumb Joe is. Anyone that voted for Joe is a traitor and when shit eventually gets bad here they will be the motherfuckers to blame.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Before this fucking virus China was hurting big time, caving on tariffs, economy slowing, population unrest, Hong Kong protests...released an engineered virus and one year later they have their stooge in the White House, big tech acting no different towards conservatives than the CCP does to any opponents, had the only growing economy in 2020, and we are being invaded by a bunch of poor people from our south whose first order of business will be to sign up for all welfare programs.

We are fucked, and the fucking morons that voted for Joe still say how well he is doing. If he was really running anything he’s so dumb and dementia riddled he would probably start a large conflict by his idiotic insults. I bet Putin and Xi laugh about how ducking dumb Joe is. Anyone that voted for Joe is a traitor and when shit eventually gets bad here they will be the motherfuckers to blame.
Most libs don't even believe China is a threat.

They are all super impressed pudding brain "stood up to dictators like Putin and Kim" recently with his foreign policy.


Jan 15, 2021
You can’t give me a single tense scenario that a good BJ can’t help make a little better.

Credit controls would actually do nicely. It’d force Xi to handle domestic strife and internalize Chinese foreign policy as they struggle to handle what amounts to stagflation.

I personally think this bullshit about invading Taiwan, or threatening to go toe to toe with the US would end overnight if we cut their financing mechanism off.

We should threaten that over this covid shit, but our own corporate interests love the subsidized materials and cheap labor. That shit will end fast when automation comes more fully online.


Jan 9, 2021
Most libs don't even believe China is a threat.

They are all super impressed pudding brain "stood up to dictators like Putin and Kim" recently with his foreign policy.
I was 18 for the 2012 election & obviously did not care that much for politics then. It is funny looking back now at how much of a 180 degree turn Libs have done on the Russia front. Unfortunately I think we will be in the same spot with China in the next 8-10 years as we have their potato in the WH not knowing what day it is.

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