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The Vatican


Aug 31, 2021
Hi guys I'm here to share some information.

For many this will be hard to fathom.

The rulers against humanity is the people who controls the Vatican. They made ''The 3 headed monster''

Vatican - Religious control an main base.
City Of London (Not London) for economic control
Washington for military control.

To make it short. It is about negative entities against the evolution of the powerful mind inside you.

You are apart of ''god'' you are god.

People from the stars like us are trying to help but they cant interfere to much doe to universal rules. We have to to this ourselves.

Money will not exist in the future if we do this right. Everything will be free.
but WE have to make it happen. WE need to evolve.

''America'' ''England'' ''Russia'' is not really a thing. ''Islam'' ''Judaism'' ''Christianity'' is not really a thing.
It is all a big game made to control you.

The thing the top ''evil'' people pray to is ATONISM. it is the BLACK SUN. it is SATURN. Saturn has the most materials wealth doe to its large quantities of metals is orbit. Gold, Rare metals.
But it is also on deeper spiritual level.

It started on earth with Akhenaten (ten / Ton)

Everything that ends with TON is named after this tradition. All high freemasons and other cabal people know this - Washington

the dark ones of them believe in dark rituals and so on. but they live of people fear and unwillingness to take control. Like parasites.

Ask for help in the stars. Some people are watching over us.

Seek and you will find. believe in yourself.


Aug 31, 2021


Dec 1, 2020
Hi guys I'm here to share some information.

For many this will be hard to fathom.

The rulers against humanity is the people who controls the Vatican. They made ''The 3 headed monster''

Vatican - Religious control an main base.
City Of London (Not London) for economic control
Washington for military control.
View attachment 43640

To make it short. It is about negative entities against the evolution of the powerful mind inside you.

You are apart of ''god'' you are god.

People from the stars like us are trying to help but they cant interfere to much doe to universal rules. We have to to this ourselves.

Money will not exist in the future if we do this right. Everything will be free.
but WE have to make it happen. WE need to evolve.

''America'' ''England'' ''Russia'' is not really a thing. ''Islam'' ''Judaism'' ''Christianity'' is not really a thing.
It is all a big game made to control you.

The thing the top ''evil'' people pray to is ATONISM. it is the BLACK SUN. it is SATURN. Saturn has the most materials wealth doe to its large quantities of metals is orbit. Gold, Rare metals.
But it is also on deeper spiritual level.

It started on earth with Akhenaten (ten / Ton)
View attachment 43641

Everything that ends with TON is named after this tradition. All high freemasons and other cabal people know this - Washington

the dark ones of them believe in dark rituals and so on. but they live of people fear and unwillingness to take control. Like parasites.

Ask for help in the stars. Some people are watching over us.

Seek and you will find. believe in yourself.
Hope you stick around here.

I’ve got some theories about this. Something interesting about the Egyptian dynasties is that there were 31 dynasties, and the 32nd dynasty was when Egypt was conquered by the Macedonians (Alexander the Great). And the next stage of the Egyptian dynasty, the 33rd, was the Holy Roman Empire.

I bring up these numbers because the Freemasons have 32 degrees in the Scottish Rite. And sometimes the bestow the 33rd degree on highly successful Masons. So the degrees of Masonry mirror the Egyptian dynasties.

Alexander was known to have paved the way for the Roman Empire, as well as Christianity. Jesus spent a potion of his life in Egypt, and died at the age of 33.

I think you have some interesting thoughts about this, but IMO you should recognize these as theories, and not truth. In my personal opinion, you are just replacing Satanism with Satanism: belief in God is replaced with belief in self.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
Hope you stick around here.

I’ve got some theories about this. Something interesting about the Egyptian dynasties is that there were 31 dynasties, and the 32nd dynasty was when Egypt was conquered by the Macedonians (Alexander the Great). And the next stage of the Egyptian dynasty, the 33rd, was the Holy Roman Empire.

I bring up these numbers because the Freemasons have 32 degrees in the Scottish Rite. And sometimes the bestow the 33rd degree on highly successful Masons. So the degrees of Masonry mirror the Egyptian dynasties.

Alexander was known to have paved the way for the Roman Empire, as well as Christianity. Jesus spent a potion of his life in Egypt, and died at the age of 33.

I think you have some interesting thoughts about this, but IMO you should recognize these as theories, and not truth. In my personal opinion, you are just replacing Satanism with Satanism: belief in God is replaced with belief in self.
I have noticed this but when previously discussed people claimed I made up the 33rd degree OR that it was at all recognized by the Masons. I had heard 33 for Jesus age too BUT didn’t actually put that together as the discussion was quickly ended. (Imagine talking about all this and mentioning the 33rd degree…then having that entire board attack you “as a crazy conspiracy theorist”. 🤣

I would live to delve into this discussion…but…if it couldn’t be had on 4chan prior to 2015 😳….I don’t know where you can have it without faggit trolls intentionally derailing it.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021


Dec 1, 2020
I have noticed this but when previously discussed people claimed I made up the 33rd degree OR that it was at all recognized by the Masons. I had heard 33 for Jesus age too BUT didn’t actually put that together as the discussion was quickly ended. (Imagine talking about all this and mentioning the 33rd degree…then having that entire board attack you “as a crazy conspiracy theorist”. 🤣

I would live to delve into this discussion…but…if it couldn’t be had on 4chan prior to 2015 😳….I don’t know where you can have it without faggit trolls intentionally derailing it.
We can have it right here


Jan 8, 2021
Vatican is evil. I do believe that. If anyone has any doubts about it now with this current Pope then you have your head WAY up your own ass. Crimes against children always brushed under the rug, symbolism all over representing evil. Etc etc.



Aug 31, 2021
Hope you stick around here.

I’ve got some theories about this. Something interesting about the Egyptian dynasties is that there were 31 dynasties, and the 32nd dynasty was when Egypt was conquered by the Macedonians (Alexander the Great). And the next stage of the Egyptian dynasty, the 33rd, was the Holy Roman Empire.

I bring up these numbers because the Freemasons have 32 degrees in the Scottish Rite. And sometimes the bestow the 33rd degree on highly successful Masons. So the degrees of Masonry mirror the Egyptian dynasties.

Alexander was known to have paved the way for the Roman Empire, as well as Christianity. Jesus spent a potion of his life in Egypt, and died at the age of 33.

I think you have some interesting thoughts about this, but IMO you should recognize these as theories, and not truth. In my personal opinion, you are just replacing Satanism with Satanism: belief in God is replaced with belief in self.


Egypt is more ancient then any historian is saying. Pyramids are placed on earths energetic points and are build by Stella races. They are real powerplants and energetic powerplants running on Either. The reason it had the gold top was because of golds conductivity. It is advanced tech.

Jesus is an invention by the roman empire to control people. The messianic movement was a rebellious movement by many people who called the selves messiahs against Rome.

The Roman empire came up with the tactic of integrating it into their empire and consume it with their own holy ''savior'' this is no news. It is based on ancient Egyptian Horus believes mixed with roman war and control strategies Look into Titus, the Vespasian and the FLEVIANS
Titus - Kopi.PNG

Josephus was the guy from the Messianic rebel movement who was captured by the romans and told about their believes system (Older Egyptian believes) , helped them form the bible texts (in favor of Rome) and exterminate the rest of the rebel movement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephus

the bible was also written as a mirror of the roman military's campaigns.

The Jewish movement is the same just with moses. It is all super complex.

Jesus is based on Horus and sun warship. The Egyptian start of the new years was in Virgo. the reason for the virgin mother. It is the start of the new solar year. The SON/SUN is BORN out of VIRGO / The Virgen MotherHorus - Kopi.PNG

YOU have the power. we are all a part of you. With high energy we manifest reality.

All what I say about the Roman empire here is documented and can be found here on earth.

One of the main tactics of the Roman empire is to infiltrated and consume religious beliefs and knowledge. They killed the Druids and stole all their books with ancient knowledge. Ireland has a connection to Egypt but that's another story. They burned Alexandria and stole all the books. Burned all the copies. in second world war with the puppet Hitler they did the same in the middle east and all over. Today they did it in Iraq with the American troops. It is all in the Vatican or on strategic places today.

''Hours'' comes from Horus. What hour is it? Where is Horus on the heaven. Some say Horus was and ancient spacecraft. Horizon also comes from Horus.

The Vatican priests and the Jesuits are Egyptian Hight priests worshipping the black sun and doing weird stuff under the Vatican and at rituals. they even wear the ancient Babylonian fish hat symbolizing pisces. The Roman empire basally consume all and use it for raw power. yuy - Kopi.PNG

BUT only as long as YOU let them. They have no real power.

To all the so called Catholics here. Look into the Jesuit oath.

From the Jesuit Oath -

''I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus''

so not super nice and loving. The holy father is the pope. = Modern Cesar. The Society of Jesus is the Society of the roman empire.

If you Catholics want to listen to some young guys doing great work on this topic i recommend this channel.

To people who say this is Satanist. Nope Nope. I want you to believe in yourself. Don't follow old men who eat kids on islands and in basements. You have the power. Manifest your reality. Live on a higher vibration.

What I am saying here is only the start. It is much deeper and more fantastic that you will ever believe. But you have to find the truth in your self and look at the right places.

May the stars be with you!
Last edited:


Apr 14, 2021
Hi guys I'm here to share some information.

For many this will be hard to fathom.

The rulers against humanity is the people who controls the Vatican. They made ''The 3 headed monster''

Vatican - Religious control an main base.
City Of London (Not London) for economic control
Washington for military control.
View attachment 43640

To make it short. It is about negative entities against the evolution of the powerful mind inside you.

You are apart of ''god'' you are god.

People from the stars like us are trying to help but they cant interfere to much doe to universal rules. We have to to this ourselves.

Money will not exist in the future if we do this right. Everything will be free.
but WE have to make it happen. WE need to evolve.

''America'' ''England'' ''Russia'' is not really a thing. ''Islam'' ''Judaism'' ''Christianity'' is not really a thing.
It is all a big game made to control you.

The thing the top ''evil'' people pray to is ATONISM. it is the BLACK SUN. it is SATURN. Saturn has the most materials wealth doe to its large quantities of metals is orbit. Gold, Rare metals.
But it is also on deeper spiritual level.

It started on earth with Akhenaten (ten / Ton)
View attachment 43641

Everything that ends with TON is named after this tradition. All high freemasons and other cabal people know this - Washington

the dark ones of them believe in dark rituals and so on. but they live of people fear and unwillingness to take control. Like parasites.

Ask for help in the stars. Some people are watching over us.

Seek and you will find. believe in yourself.


Jan 8, 2021

Egypt is more ancient then any historian is saying. Pyramids are placed on earths energetic points and are build by Stella races. They are real powerplants and energetic powerplants running on Either. The reason it had the gold top was because of golds conductivity. It is advanced tech.

Jesus is an invention by the roman empire to control people. The messianic movement was a rebellious movement by many people who called the selves messiahs against Rome.

The Roman empire came up with the tactic of integrating it into their empire and consume it with their own holy ''savior'' this is no news. It is based on ancient Egyptian Horus believes mixed with roman war and control strategies Look into Titus, the Vespasian and the FLEVIANS
View attachment 43965

Josephus was the guy from the Messianic rebel movement who was captured by the romans and told about their believes system (Older Egyptian believes) , helped them form the bible texts (in favor of Rome) and exterminate the rest of the rebel movement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephus

the bible was also written as a mirror of the roman military's campaigns.

The Jewish movement is the same just with moses. It is all super complex.

Jesus is based on Horus and sun warship. The Egyptian start of the new years was in Virgo. the reason for the virgin mother. It is the start of the new solar year. The SON/SUN is BORN out of VIRGO / The Virgen MotherView attachment 43975

YOU have the power. we are all a part of you. With high energy we manifest reality.

All what I say about the Roman empire here is documented and can be found here on earth.

One of the main tactics of the Roman empire is to infiltrated and consume religious beliefs and knowledge. They killed the Druids and stole all their books with ancient knowledge. Ireland has a connection to Egypt but that's another story. They burned Alexandria and stole all the books. Burned all the copies. in second world war with the puppet Hitler they did the same in the middle east and all over. Today they did it in Iraq with the American troops. It is all in the Vatican or on strategic places today.

''Hours'' comes from Horus. What hour is it? Where is Horus on the heaven. Some say Horus was and ancient spacecraft. Horizon also comes from Horus.

The Vatican priests and the Jesuits are Egyptian Hight priests worshipping the black sun and doing weird stuff under the Vatican and at rituals. they even wear the ancient Babylonian fish hat symbolizing pisces. The Roman empire basally consume all and use it for raw power. View attachment 43989

BUT only as long as YOU let them. They have no real power.

To all the so called Catholics here. Look into the Jesuit oath.

From the Jesuit Oath -

''I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus''

so not super nice and loving. The holy father is the pope. = Modern Cesar. The Society of Jesus is the Society of the roman empire.

If you Catholics want to listen to some young guys doing great work on this topic i recommend this channel.

To people who say this is Satanist. Nope Nope. I want you to believe in yourself. Don't follow old men who eat kids on islands and in basements. You have the power. Manifest your reality. Live on a higher vibration.

What I am saying here is only the start. It is much deeper and more fantastic that you will ever believe. But you have to find the truth in your self and look at the right places.

May the stars be with you!
Anxiously awaiting @Croot_Overlord reply.


Dec 1, 2020
Anxiously awaiting @Croot_Overlord reply.
It was a TLDR situation for me yesterday.

For me a very simple way to separate actual truth from confusion is to take it back to the Garden of Eden:

Adam fell when he ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil - which represents the thought process that man can become like God through information. He was given the Tree of Life to eat from as much as he wants - which represents staying connected to God in the eternal moment as well as fully trusting God.

So we have two options: 1. Trust in God or 2. Trust in self. If someone’s spiritual philosophy is grounded in trust in self, it is an immediate red flag to me. I do enjoy reading this things, and I have found tons of good information in esoteric writings, but if you don’t have a compass you can be very confused and misled.

In the end, Jesus revealed all to us. He pulled back the veil of mystery and that’s why he was so hated. Look at the bold part below. And then look where I underlined the word “revealed”. The mystery of grace existed from the beginning of time, but it was hidden away and guarded as a secret and shared to only the select (by the mystery societies). But Jesus revealed it to everyone who was willing to accept it.

6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.8 So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. 9 He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, 10 but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed deathand has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

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