The Trump GOP is awesome

If you really want to see some panic, get it into the socialist libs' ears that minimum wage should apply to foreign labor too. In a post-constitutional republic there is no stopping any sort of regulation, so if someone like AOC could be manipulated into pushing for something that regulated the price of labor used in the supply chain of any goods sold in the US, the corporatists who pull the strings would start sweating a bit.
If you really want to see some panic, get it into the socialist libs' ears that minimum wage should apply to foreign labor too. In a post-constitutional republic there is no stopping any sort of regulation, so if someone like AOC could be manipulated into pushing for something that regulated the price of labor used in the supply chain of any goods sold in the US, the corporatists who pull the strings would start sweating a bit.

On a somewhat related note... my company is trying to move into federal contracts, and more specifically grants. I’ve been looking into the grant application process, and you can’t find a more fvcked up work relationship than a white liberal professor and their cadre of PhD students.

They basically import brown kids, through IMF scholarships, world bank, WHO, etc etc the kids get “free education” and sucked into indentured servitude. The scholarship may give them a stipend of something like $5k a semester, and in the meantime the academic dept drags out their PhD work 6 to 8 years to get unpaid employees to teach undergrad, grade papers, deal with student issues, etc etc. And if you don’t play the academic politics correctly, they’ll extend your dissertation.

The PhD students are really used to write grant applications to get federal money, which the university take a 50% to 90%, and the rest goes to the tenured professor/ slave owner. All the tenured professors are mostly white liberals. Half of the phd students don’t make it through, so they get to go home with nothing to show for it. The ones that do make it, are the last fvcking people their home countries want to hire for advanced PhD work. No, those countries want to hire the same white liberal that was exploiting the kids that they sent in the first place.

And then my favorite part, a lot of the grants tied to work in foreign countries are open ended items like “helping the Pakistani Economy recover,” or opening a education workshop in bosnia. It’s state dept bullshit and it’s akin to what was missionary work going back to the middle ages and trying to convert pagans to Christianity. Or you could call it “the white mans burden” to bring civilization to the savages.

White leftist liberals are some of the most oblivious people on the planet.
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No way that flies with the libs. They want to destroy the small players with the $15/hr bullshit.
How will all the corporations be able to afford to fight 47 and fuck the elections if they have to compensate their workers adequately for dealing with their corporate bullshit?

I'll only work for private companies at this point in my life.
On a somewhat related note... my company is trying to move into federal contracts, and more specifically grants. I’ve been looking into the grant application process, and you can’t find a more fvcked up work relationship than a white liberal professor and their cadre of PhD students.

They basically import brown kids, through IMF scholarships, world bank, WHO, etc etc the kids get “free education” and sucked into indentured servitude. The scholarship may give them a stipend of something like $5k a semester, and in the meantime the academic dept drags out their PhD work 6 to 8 years to get unpaid employees to teach undergrad, grade papers, deal with student issues, etc etc. And if you don’t play the academic politics correctly, they’ll extend your dissertation.

The PhD students are really used to write grant applications to get federal money, which the university take a 50% to 90%, and the rest goes to the tenured professor/ slave owner. All the tenured professors are mostly white liberals. Half of the phd students don’t make it through, so they get to go home with nothing to show for it. The ones that do make it, are the last fvcking people their home countries want to hire for advanced PhD work. No, those countries want to hire the same white liberal that was exploiting the kids that they sent in the first place.

And then my favorite part, a lot of the grants tied to work in foreign countries are open ended items like “helping the Pakistani Economy recover,” or opening a education workshop in bosnia. It’s state dept bullshit and it’s akin to what was missionary work going back to the middle ages and trying to convert pagans to Christianity. Or you could call it “the white mans burden” to bring civilization to the savages.

White leftist liberals are some of the most oblivious people on the planet.

It is insane. The amount of waste in that system is mind-blowing as well. I'd venture to say that 90% of academic research grant dollars go entirely to waste, and I think that's actually a conservative estimate.
It is insane. The amount of waste in that system is mind-blowing as well. I'd venture to say that 90% of academic research grant dollars go entirely to waste, and I think that's actually a conservative estimate.

My issue with it isn't so much the waste as it is a predatory institution.

Between importing brown people for grunt work, and locking so many kids into debt that they'll spend the first 10 years of their career paying it off, they aren't so much an institution of higher learning as they are a negative. Speaking to the student loans, sure we can laugh and bitch about how easy it is to get a loan and how stupid it is that someone gets an art degree. Fact of the matter is, these universities are knowingly offering these shit degrees. The reason someone goes 50k into debt to earn a degree is because of the bullshit prices the universities are charging for products that they knowingly sell with the full awareness that they'll never make a return for their customers, the students.

Think about the professor group, they get tenure without any likelihood of ever being fired, they then overcharge for their textbooks that has the same shit in it that any other textbook does, and forces you to use them, and then they take full advantage of the imported brown people to teach undergrad, grade papers, and write their grant apps. And do the actual work under the guise of "mentoring."

And who's the first oblivious group of people to bitch about the "student loan crisis"??? These fvckers actually think education should be free so they can leach even more money.
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