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Sock accounts

Jul 9, 2022
How many sock accounts are on here? I have noticed that there is at least one poster who has many different accounts over the last two years. AKA The fiend, curious fiend, dickneck vergontix, and i am sure i am missing some others.

America 1st, rubereaper, and some others were also the same person, and I suspect others.

What is the purpose of these?

How much of a faggot do you have to be to have a bunch of sock accounts? What a pathetic joke.


May 7, 2024


May 7, 2024
Yesterday I met a mentally stunted woman in my aspie Scrabble group. I've seen her there a few times, she has the brain of a 2-3 year old in an adult, very vulnerable lady.

She was reading childrens books with her support worker, and she needs a rattle for comfort too.

A bit later on she comes and sits with us. Shes working on wordsearches for some language learning. She asks me what 'refractions' mean. I go into my deep, direct and clear mode about refractions of light rays and prisms. 'Whats a prism?' she asks. I pull up a pic of light rays bending through a glass prism and turning into a rainbow on my phone, and continue explaining.

She understood every word.

This lady had higher intelligence than @weaponoffreedom, locked in the brain of a child.
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