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Jul 9, 2022
Cross Dominance in shooting, can be a blessing and a curse. Sometimes, depending on the specific requirements of the shooter, special and unconventional techniques must be developed.

I am cross dominate, I shoot pistol right handed, and long guns left handed. I developed this technique to address some load out issues due to cross dominance, such as position of pistol, or spare magazines. It works in the prone, kneeing standing walking etc.

Let me know if you have any questions, thanks and enjoy.

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Dec 1, 2020
It is actually really fuckin cool he can pull off that technique
Jul 9, 2022
Whaaaaat, that’s awesome dude. I didn’t realize that was for real. It’s a great video. Normally videos don’t hold my attention but I watched all the way through
Glad you liked it. It is instructional. I promised some guys on another forum, the video a while back, and figured I might share it here.

Do you have any firearm handling related questions? I have thought about making a few more videos.


Dec 1, 2020
Glad you liked it. It is instructional. I promised some guys on another forum, the video a while back, and figured I might share it here.

Do you have any firearm handling related questions? I have thought about making a few more videos.
My grandad is a gun nut, probably around 100 guns. Once I learned how to shoot and weapon safety I never really stayed interested.

I have the right weapons to protect my house and family.

But, I think you should keep making videos. That was really enjoyable to watch. Might be able to get a little YouTube side hustle going if you keep at it a couple years


May 20, 2024
Cross Dominance in shooting, can be a blessing and a curse. Sometimes, depending on the specific requirements of the shooter, special and unconventional techniques must be developed.

I am cross dominate, I shoot pistol right handed, and long guns left handed. I developed this technique to address some load out issues due to cross dominance, such as position of pistol, or spare magazines. It works in the prone, kneeing standing walking etc.
Hey, is cross dominance similar to being ambidextrous?
Or a bit different?

One of the bros-(I think)-does something sorta like this cross dominance thing.
(I'd just assumed he was probably ambidextrous)

Let me know if you have any questions, thanks and enjoy.
Oh...ahh, yessir.

Man that is impressive af!

I vaguely recall someone-(¿might've been you?)-mentioning being a firearms instructor.(?)

Don't know any irl so I ain't gotta clue really.
Ya clearly have mad practical skills...c'ept, I dunno what's more terrifying...

...the deadly skills.....

...or the fact you're so incredibly well spoken...😄yeah nah for real, if you ain't already a teacher of some sort, ya probably should be coz you're actually really good at it man.
(*Genuine compliment*)
Jul 9, 2022
Hey, is cross dominance similar to being ambidextrous?
No not really. Some people are left eye dominate, but right handed, or right eye dominate and left handed. Some who are right hand and left eye (like me) will hold the rifle right handed, which is incorrect as far a basic rifle marksmanship goes. As kids, some peoples fathers put the rifle in the wrong shoulder, and they learn backwards. Doesn't mean they can shoot, but target acquisition and accuracy suffers.

The only thing I cannot do with my left is write. Writing is the common gauge on handedness.

IMO "ambidextrous" is really not thing, I think we give it a name, but with practice, anyone can be.
Ya clearly have mad practical skills...c'ept, I dunno what's more terrifying...

...the deadly skills...
Practically, efficiency of motion, speed, accuracy.........are all components, but as the the skills you speak of, they are one in the same. Without practicality and mechanics, you have nothing worth having, at least in shooting. Without basic skills, you have a US gang member who holds the pistol above their hand and sideways and shoots everything but the target.....so practicality and deadly, same thing.


May 20, 2024
No not really. Some people are left eye dominate, but right handed, or right eye dominate and left handed.
Oh yeah, think I get ya now.

Wanted to test this out, c'ept I ain't got no boom sticks and my compound bows are all typical right hand/eye types.

Although I had a go sighting with the left eye anyway...(Result: As expected...😂 I couldn't hit shit. Probably could with a bit of practice.)

(*Note: FaLs down here are queer af and not exactly clear to an average idiot like yours truly, so the following couple of short paragraphs are intentionally vague...and may or may not be describing real or fabricated, factual or fictive subject matters.)

So, the story goes: once upon a time some curious cuntlet may or may not have pieced together a more or less functional basic spring powered .22 pellet popper using parts from several old and very common—(non-functional)—breakbarrel air rifle junkers.


That cunt may or may not have been able to use the frankenpopper within an appropriate environment, ensuring safe and responsible practices at all times during testing left/right handedness & sightedness.

Subsequently, test results may or may not have indicated a preference for right hand/right eye dominance.

Whether or not the above ever happened, is anyone's guess as would also be so regarding whether or not the supposed craptacular diy frankenpopper has since been dismantled.

Some who are right hand and left eye (like me) will hold the rifle right handed, which is incorrect as far a basic rifle marksmanship goes. As kids, some peoples fathers put the rifle in the wrong shoulder, and they learn backwards. Doesn't mean they can shoot, but target acquisition and accuracy suffers.
Seems kinda odd teaching kids to do stuff incorrectly.
I dunno, is there some sort of benefit from that kind of approach?

The only thing I cannot do with my left is write. Writing is the common gauge on handedness.
Yeah same, I can't write too well with the left either.

IMO "ambidextrous" is really not thing, I think we give it a name, but with practice, anyone can be.
🤔Shit, aye.
I think you're right.

Practically, efficiency of motion, speed, accuracy.........are all components, but as the the skills you speak of, they are one in the same. Without practicality and mechanics, you have nothing worth having, at least in shooting. Without basic skills, you have a US gang member who holds the pistol above their hand and sideways and shoots everything but the target.....so practicality and deadly, same thing.
You're absolutely on point man!
Jul 9, 2022
Seems kinda odd teaching kids to do stuff incorrectly.
I dunno, is there some sort of benefit from that kind of approach?
Well, they dont do it on purpose. That is not what I meant. Father will instruct kids on how to hold a rifle, and most people are right handed, so they show the kid how to shoot right handed. Most do not know how to determine eye dominance.


May 20, 2024
Well, they dont do it on purpose. That is not what I meant. Father will instruct kids on how to hold a rifle, and most people are right handed, so they show the kid how to shoot right handed. Most do not know how to determine eye dominance.
Ahh yeah true aye, that makes a lot more sense compared to my initial misinterpretation.

😄Hey have you ever noticed that we-(specifically you & I)-each use-(*some)- punctuation quite differently?
Jul 9, 2022
In the service, I had to train right side, due to the propensity to stack up on the left side of a door, due to the typical right handedness of people. This is one aspect of CQB that is not commonly addressed, which is for right hands to train left.

This is what I am talking about propensity for right handedness. You will notice all of them stack or start on the left side of the door, demonstrating right hand bias in training. Ambidextrous weapon handling should be trained. If the adversary knows this, it is not a good thing for the door kicker.
Jul 9, 2022

evidently the other video had some kind of issue. This one is similar, shorter, same content, a bit different, recorded at the same time.


May 7, 2024
My brain empathizes with school shooters, psychopaths and sociopaths. I understand their needs to do what they do because I desire the same.


May 20, 2024
My brain empathizes with school shooters, psychopaths and sociopaths. I understand their needs to do what they do because I desire the same.
😂That is not empathy dipshit.
That's just more of your deluded psychotic fetishizing faggotry.


May 7, 2024
Can you even have guns where you live?

Nope ... Hence why everyone uses knives instead.

😂That is not empathy dipshit.
That's just more of your deluded psychotic fetishizing faggotry.

No its empathy. If you've watched Hannibal, the guy that works for the cops figuring out criminal motives and such.... My brain does that.

Its called dark empath(etic personality disorder) ... For me it triggers if I don't like someone ... And I don't like most people.

The biggest trigger for me ... If person A does something bad to person B ... I want to shove person A off a bridge.


May 20, 2024
Nope ... Hence why everyone uses knives instead.

No its empathy. If you've watched Hannibal, the guy that works for the cops figuring out criminal motives and such.... My brain does that.

Its called dark empath(etic personality disorder) ... For me it triggers if I don't like someone ... And I don't like most people.

The biggest trigger for me ... If person A does something bad to person B ... I want to shove person A off a bridge.

#1) Hannibal? Which is? A tv show or someshit?

#2) This, "dark empath(etic personality disorder)"...🤭sounds bloody fascinating. What is it?

#3) So, from your subjective pov as person *C, if you witnessed what you interpret to be person *A doing something bad to person *B....this, in your mind, is what you would equate as justification for your then going about doing something bad to person *A, such as shoving them off a bridge and likely killing them.

But what if you were wrong about person *A?

What if, for example, person *B had perhaps been guilty of having previously done something bad to person*A, whereby person *A was merely reciprocating the bad shit first done to them by person *B?

Furthermore, what of the potential povs of persons *D, *E, *F, *G, *H, *I, *J, *K, and etcetera?

Example, any combinations of persons *D through *Z and beyond, may or may not have seen exactly what you saw, or may have greater or lesser knowledge of the whole situation, perhaps they'd only rocked up just in time to witness person *C-(ie: you)-randomly shoving person *A off a bridge...in which case from their povs they would see you, as person *C, randomly shove some poor innocent cunt off a bridge to their death...😂


May 20, 2024
To each their own, right?
Of course.

I like the character.
Sounds like Mungri does too.

Yet still, it is a fictional character though isn't it.

The issue here is that Mungri's post clearly implies he supposedly interprets this fictional character from a fictional tv show as being realistic and relatable, even going so far as to suggest he[Mungri] has a fictional psychological disorder which, presumably, he's also hijacked from this fictional tv show character.

I simply don't care whether you or others can or cannot recognize, are or are not concerned about, nor able or unable to grasp, the significance of what Mungri has presented here, and it is irrelevant whether I suspect Mungri to be the latest fake persona manifestation created by a resident tfsf troller either.
The fact of the matter is, by knowingly failing to challenge Mungri, or any other, on such nonsensical absurdities as equating fictions~with actual realities, amounts to enabling delusionality.
A definitive form of psychological abuse.


May 7, 2024
Of course.

Sounds like Mungri does too.

Yet still, it is a fictional character though isn't it.

The issue here is that Mungri's post clearly implies he supposedly interprets this fictional character from a fictional tv show as being realistic and relatable, even going so far as to suggest he[Mungri] has a fictional psychological disorder which, presumably, he's also hijacked from this fictional tv show character.

I simply don't care whether you or others can or cannot recognize, are or are not concerned about, nor able or unable to grasp, the significance of what Mungri has presented here, and it is irrelevant whether I suspect Mungri to be the latest fake persona manifestation created by a resident tfsf troller either.
The fact of the matter is, by knowingly failing to challenge Mungri, or any other, on such nonsensical absurdities as equating fictions~with actual realities, amounts to enabling delusionality.
A definitive form of psychological abuse.
Oh shut up retard. Your narcissism is on full display of needing to invalidate and attack someone emotionally superior to you in order to cover up your own pathetically fragile ego.


May 20, 2024
Oh shut up retard. Your narcissism is on full display of needing to invalidate and attack someone emotionally superior to you in order to cover up your own pathetically fragile ego.
Whale, now there's no need to be gettin' all shy on us.
You can definitely flirt way better than that.

Weapon already likes ya, so we're halfway there.

He'd melt like butter if ya started asking real questions about right handed, left eye dominant reloading.

Ya watched his demonstration videos right?

What'd ya think?

Any questions you might like to ask weaponoffreedom?

Just be sure to avoid my earlier amateurish example of busting in, announcing: "My brain empathizes with school shooters, psychopaths and sociopaths. I understand their needs to do what they do because I desire the same."...
...as we can see...🤔 clearly, I lacked sufficient rizz....& no doubt had been huffin' turps & drinking bong water again.

😆Who're we kiddin'.

US school shooters are kinda boring.

Now, Eastern European school besiegers....🤣fuckin'ell!

Them mofos are somethin' else...the rescuers might be even worse.
What's that place called again? @weaponoffreedom? Something like Beslan aye?
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