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Random searches at high school


Dec 1, 2020
Jus got this email from the school. How would you all feel about it? I’ll reserve my thoughts until I hear from y’all. This is a public high school for the record.

Good afternoon, Beckham Families,

This is Principal Anna Dassing writing to inform you about a random search conducted today at our school by the Office of Security and Emergency Management, Charleston County School District.

The search turned up contraband including over the counter medication.

If students are caught with contraband, administration handles according to the school district’s Student Code of Conduct and Progressive Discipline Plan.

We ask that you speak with your student about the search today and remind them about what they should and should not bring to school. If you have any questions about what is defined as contraband, please visit www.ccsdschools.com/searches. There you will find a list of prohibited items (including over the counter medications) for students, along with other information about the search program. You are also always welcome to contact staff members here at the school, or our district’s security team.

Thank you for your support and understanding as we all work together to make Lucy Beckham High School a safe place for learning and personal growth.

Anna Dassing


Jan 9, 2021
Tldr but we had random dog searches in class room and cars. Is this like a stop and frisk?
Aug 21, 2021
They run a dog at my kids school,which I understand for illegal drugs. Especially since we are in a big meth area. The over the counter medication stuff is just BULLSHIT!!! Girls don't want to have to go to the nurse because they're cramping or have a headache when they can have some ibuprofen or Tylenol in their pockets. My son had asthma & I told him to keep his inhaler with him. If he went into an attack he wouldn't have time to get to the nurse. They better not be putting their hands on my kid tho. I'm sure @Rube Reaper would leave no butthole unturned but if they touch my kid we have a serious problem.

Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
They run a dog at my kids school,which I understand for illegal drugs. Especially since we are in a big meth area. The over the counter medication stuff is just BULLSHIT!!! Girls don't want to have to go to the nurse because they're cramping or have a headache when they can have some ibuprofen or Tylenol in their pockets. My son had asthma & I told him to keep his inhaler with him. If he went into an attack he wouldn't have time to get to the nurse. They better not be putting their hands on my kid tho. I'm sure @Rube Reaper would leave no butthole unturned but if they touch my kid we have a serious problem.
I’m shocked you live in a “big meth area”…


Jan 9, 2021
I don’t know, did stop and frisk need ANY sort of suspicion?

Totally random searches of high school students belongings.
stop and frisk like in NYC, basically targeting blacks. The dog searches were random. They got a girl because she had a seed in her car, 1 marijuana seed. They would take students out of class then have the dog go through and look for stuff, looking back, they could have planted shit on us. It's suspect.
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