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Price tag to vaccinate the world: $7 billion. And the U.S. is already coming up short.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
Show me the money! Organized crime fuels the covid conspiracy. Biden wants the US to pay to vaccinate the world and the drug companies count their billions!

The U.S. Agency for International Development is running out of money to pay for the Biden administration’s campaign to put millions of shots in arms across the world in 2022, according to two agency officials with direct knowledge of the matter.



Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Show me the money! Organized crime fuels the covid conspiracy. Biden wants the US to pay to vaccinate the world and the drug companies count their billions!

The U.S. Agency for International Development is running out of money to pay for the Biden administration’s campaign to put millions of shots in arms across the world in 2022, according to two agency officials with direct knowledge of the matter.

I saw the drug companies would make 98 billion last yr on vax

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