Politicians who oppose populism are traitorous evil shits


Populism is just another way to describe politicians who actually represent the people. Oh god the horror.

If they aren't representing the people, why are they in office? Why do they think it is more moral for them to be beholden to special interests? Big business? Globalists? The military industrial complex?

I don't think they are able to look in the mirror and realize they're gone deep down a rabbit hole of evil and corruption. This is the beginnings of fascism. This is how a Republic collapses and gets replaced with a fascist state. They don't recognize themselves as the bad guys, and anyone who wants to restore our government to its roots and "no taxation without representation"

Comparing populism to progressivism is slander and propaganda. Progressivism has the government represent minority groups and give them special favors. Populism would have the government represent the majority of the population and give everyone an equal playing field with a fair set of laws, transparency, and accountability.

Of course, they don't want that. They want to hide in the shadows and be corrupt evil shits who hoard all the wealth and power for themselves.

Pence is a traitor and I'm glad he's a nothingburger in the primaries. He doesn't deserve to be in office after stabbing Trump in the back.

He had the authority to launch an investigation into election fraud and he refused.
Bill Bar had the authority to launch an investigation and he refused
The whole GOP stabbed Trump in the back. I hope the GOP burns.

They had one chance to stay relevant and garner support from this nation's conservatives. The "conservative party" is no longer supported by conservative Americans. Maybe the GOP should rename itself to the Traitor Party because that's what it is.
Conservatives claim to support populism until it comes time for policy discussions. After that they just complain that anything that doesn’t go exactly how they want is “communism”. As a result we get next to zero populist policies and communism gets water down so people don’t fear it like they should.
But politicians do represent the people. I mean look at the last 3 presidents:

- A gay crack user
- A proud adulterer and crook
- A senile pedophile

Seems like they perfectly represent the disgusting depraved moronic modern scum that the American people have become.
Populism: A Political Style
Populism is a political style that appeals to the common people against the elite or the establishment

If you are against populism then it's pretty obvious who you support.
Populism: A Political Style
Populism is a political style that appeals to the common people against the elite or the establishment

If you are against populism then it's pretty obvious who you support.
This is what makes “conservatives” so unappealing to the majority of the population. The people that support that failed ideology know what they are doing is wrong and just don’t care.

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