Pelosi Suddenly Hits Trump with Sick Accusation – She Claims Donald Has This 1 Disease

When libs like Pelosi and the late Frakenstein and Trump are behind closed doors and being ignored, they are friendly and cooperative as they dismantle our Republic:

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You’re such a fag.

I'd say it takes one to know one, but you seem to have a problem with the truth so it's more like you're projecting. I'd bet if you had as many on you as you've had in you, you'd look like a penis porcupine.

I don't get the whole Trump worship thing. He's fucking you; you appear to enjoy it, but like making an ass out of yourself when it's pointed out to you publicly. You would have to be a dick licker to post such a ridiculous post. Why don't you grow the fuck up?
I'd say it takes one to know one, but you seem to have a problem with the truth so it's more like you're projecting. I'd bet if you had as many on you as you've had in you, you'd look like a penis porcupine.

I don't get the whole Trump worship thing. He's fucking you; you appear to enjoy it, but like making an ass out of yourself when it's pointed out to you publicly. You would have to be a dick licker to post such a ridiculous post. Why don't you grow the fuck up?
Nearest I can figure, it appears a lot of these "right-winger" guys resort to the schoolyard name-calling strategy because it actually does trigger the absolute mcfuck outta the feral "left-winger" drone people, who, in almost all cases, immediately fly off the handle—devolving into a state of full blown hysteria.

😂Ain't gonna deny, it's pretty fuckin' funny sometimes.

However, and I'm sure it is overtly apparent, the same schoolyard name-calling strategy simply does not elicit the same extreme degree of triggering from anyone who doesn't identify with the "left-wingers".

As an example of what I mean, your post demonstrates that the schoolyard name-calling merely elicited very minor irritation and your response was fairly measured.
That is to say, the childish name-calling did not do sweet fuck all beyond backfiring & making the name caller look foolish—although he's usually not a fool.

Yet in this case he has acted a fool due to the subconscious triggering elicited by someone highlighting an inconvenient truth the "right-wingers" are so desperate to hide from.

In general, the "left" exist in a state of collectively perpetuated delusionality—it is their identity—without which, they believe they, as individuals, would simply cease to exist. Obviously it is completely absurd, but that's just the nature of delusional ideological viruses.

While on the other hand, in general, the "right" also exist in/& identify with a very similar state of collectively perpetuated ideological delisionality—yet it is to a significantly lesser degree than the retarded "left". And the "right-wingers" consistently prove they are still quite capable of independent thought & action. Whereas the "left-wingers" rarely ever do so.

Of course, I'm framing this in generalized terms for brevity.
As I'm sure almost anyone can see the "left" & "right" are certainly not the only major ideological collectives active in the field. Since obviously there are countless variations of these political "left"/"right" idolaters and there are many non-political idolaters....all of which fail to recognize individuality in preference for ideological collectivism. They are possessed of corrupted beliefs that their existence depends upon perpetuating the group identity.
All collective idolaters aggressively resist facing any truthes which would shatter their identity because it is essentially equivalent to death in the minds of the deluded. It's that simple.
Furthermore still, there are those who just don't give even the slightest shit about identifying with any ideological collectives. This does not mean they are perfect or impervious to making fuck ups, yet because they are individuated, they are free from corrupted collective ideological possessions, thus they are more readily able to utilize our intrinsic capacities for resilience.

Schoolyard name-calling has little to no effect on such individuals, as you-yourself have proven.
John called you a fag.
You didn't become triggered, but merely irritated slightly.

Yesterday you threw a steaming wad of name-calling towards me over which, by comparison to John's one liner, was vastly more pervasive from an objective pov. . . . and yet...😎how did I respond to your vacuous name-calling?
There are good and bad in every group. JESUS was a jew and jews got the Romans to kill him.
Of course.
Using generalized communicative methods are the most effective way to describe concepts to those who are as yet incapable of nuanced perceptivity.
Plus...😂 there is no such thing as a "jew".
It's merely a delusional ideological fiction invented by the Talmudic desert cultists.
Everyone in the old land was Jews. There weren't arabs or Catholics. Read a book. Try the Bible heathen

Why don't YOU read the Bible? Jesus rebuked those who tried to claim they were Israelites - the Canaanites, Kenites, Edomites, etc. that falsely claimed to be of the tribe of Judah, but were poseurs.

YOU are the heathen, never discussing the real issues, but rather flirting with homosexuality and saying shit you would never say in public where you would be held accountable.
So is the fictional "Jesus" character.

There are eyewitnesses that saw Jesus. He is no more a fictional character than you are. It's just he isn't a "Jew" as such a term in the Bible can mean a Jew by religion (which Jesus was not); it sometimes refers to Jews by geography and at other times it is a reference to those from the Tribe of Judah - of which the Jews tried to claim to be. They are not. That is, according to the Bible.
Nearest I can figure, it appears a lot of these "right-winger" guys resort to the schoolyard name-calling strategy because it actually does trigger the absolute mcfuck outta the feral "left-winger" drone people, who, in almost all cases, immediately fly off the handle—devolving into a state of full blown hysteria.

😂Ain't gonna deny, it's pretty fuckin' funny sometimes.

However, and I'm sure it is overtly apparent, the same schoolyard name-calling strategy simply does not elicit the same extreme degree of triggering from anyone who doesn't identify with the "left-wingers".

As an example of what I mean, your post demonstrates that the schoolyard name-calling merely elicited very minor irritation and your response was fairly measured.
That is to say, the childish name-calling did not do sweet fuck all beyond backfiring & making the name caller look foolish—although he's usually not a fool.

Yet in this case he has acted a fool due to the subconscious triggering elicited by someone highlighting an inconvenient truth the "right-wingers" are so desperate to hide from.

In general, the "left" exist in a state of collectively perpetuated delusionality—it is their identity—without which, they believe they, as individuals, would simply cease to exist. Obviously it is completely absurd, but that's just the nature of delusional ideological viruses.

While on the other hand, in general, the "right" also exist in/& identify with a very similar state of collectively perpetuated ideological delisionality—yet it is to a significantly lesser degree than the retarded "left". And the "right-wingers" consistently prove they are still quite capable of independent thought & action. Whereas the "left-wingers" rarely ever do so.

Of course, I'm framing this in generalized terms for brevity.
As I'm sure almost anyone can see the "left" & "right" are certainly not the only major ideological collectives active in the field. Since obviously there are countless variations of these political "left"/"right" idolaters and there are many non-political idolaters....all of which fail to recognize individuality in preference for ideological collectivism. They are possessed of corrupted beliefs that their existence depends upon perpetuating the group identity.
All collective idolaters aggressively resist facing any truthes which would shatter their identity because it is essentially equivalent to death in the minds of the deluded. It's that simple.
Furthermore still, there are those who just don't give even the slightest shit about identifying with any ideological collectives. This does not mean they are perfect or impervious to making fuck ups, yet because they are individuated, they are free from corrupted collective ideological possessions, thus they are more readily able to utilize our intrinsic capacities for resilience.

Schoolyard name-calling has little to no effect on such individuals, as you-yourself have proven.
John called you a fag.
You didn't become triggered, but merely irritated slightly.

Yesterday you threw a steaming wad of name-calling towards me over which, by comparison to John's one liner, was vastly more pervasive from an objective pov. . . . and yet...😎how did I respond to your vacuous name-calling?

Let's be fair about that other site. You have a POS that wants to start something with me and I simply don't have the time or inclination to screw around with trolls that seek attention as he does. Instead of defending me, you took his side - AFTER inviting me there. He makes it look like I'm coming there out of desperation. I left that site rather than to have a coward try and gaslight me. There are too many faggots like him trying to dominate the boards and waste time. He doesn't trigger me because he was given the opportunity to put up or shut up. He just wants attention.

None of these people "trigger" me. I've learned how to start ignoring them and if there is nothing to be gained by posting somewhere, I ease on down the road. The cowards that push misinformation based upon popularity contests on discussion boards are the real enemy of America. They don't have the balls or the brains to defend their positions in forums that tax their IQ - so they avoid them. I hope to find that three percent of the population that wants to promote the concepts of Freedom and Liberty.

When you have guys like the ones here that spend their ever waking hour talking gay trash to each other and fret over the monkeys chasing the ball, they don't have what it takes to trigger me. I went to Bible college - actually two of them and graduated from both. It would serve no purpose to argue with an idiot. They will only beat you down with experience. The popularity of their bullshit doesn't make them right. Figuring out the truth requires a back and forth conversation, not name calling and browbeating. I just let them know that in my world, you shouldn't use fighting words if you don't have the balls to back it up. That is why, for that reason, I stand aside for NO mortal man. So, they aren't willing to back it up and it's not worth getting triggered when I've already won any pissing match they thought existed.
There are eyewitnesses that saw Jesus. He is no more a fictional character than you are. It's just he isn't a "Jew" as such a term in the Bible can mean a Jew by religion (which Jesus was not); it sometimes refers to Jews by geography and at other times it is a reference to those from the Tribe of Judah - of which the Jews tried to claim to be. They are not. That is, according to the Bible.
Yes, "eyewitnesses", eye'm sure there were, for whom else other but they authored the various literary works, a select number of which, nowadays so many collectively idolize.
Do you identify as a "christian"?
Let's be fair about that other site. You have a POS that wants to start something with me and I simply don't have the time or inclination to screw around with trolls that seek attention as he does. Instead of defending me, you took his side - AFTER inviting me there. He makes it look like I'm coming there out of desperation. I left that site rather than to have a coward try and gaslight me. There are too many faggots like him trying to dominate the boards and waste time. He doesn't trigger me because he was given the opportunity to put up or shut up. He just wants attention.

None of these people "trigger" me. I've learned how to start ignoring them and if there is nothing to be gained by posting somewhere, I ease on down the road. The cowards that push misinformation based upon popularity contests on discussion boards are the real enemy of America. They don't have the balls or the brains to defend their positions in forums that tax their IQ - so they avoid them. I hope to find that three percent of the population that wants to promote the concepts of Freedom and Liberty.

When you have guys like the ones here that spend their ever waking hour talking gay trash to each other and fret over the monkeys chasing the ball, they don't have what it takes to trigger me. I went to Bible college - actually two of them and graduated from both. It would serve no purpose to argue with an idiot. They will only beat you down with experience. The popularity of their bullshit doesn't make them right. Figuring out the truth requires a back and forth conversation, not name calling and browbeating. I just let them know that in my world, you shouldn't use fighting words if you don't have the balls to back it up. That is why, for that reason, I stand aside for NO mortal man. So, they aren't willing to back it up and it's not worth getting triggered when I've already won any pissing match they thought existed.
😂Mate, why in the fuck should anyone be compelled to defend someone who proactively disrespects them without provocation.

And fyi: your continued lying holds no sway over anyone.

It is quite comical that once again you have thrown a ridiculous false accusation at yours truly: "Instead of defending me, you took his side"....🤣yeah sure. If you say so, then it must be the true true.
Yes, "eyewitnesses", eye'm sure there were, for whom else other but they authored the various literary works, a select number of which, nowadays so many collectively idolize.
Do you identify as a "christian"?

I'm a Christian, just not in the mainstream. Let's go one further: my primary occupations were in the ministry and in the legal arena.

I don't know what your specific issue is with "Jews," but you can rest assured Jesus did exist. People wrote about him the same way historians wrote about King George or MLK. The problem with modern churchianity is that they have bought into a series of lies not supported by Scripture or history. Modern day "Jews" are NOT Israelites; Jesus was NOT a Jew and that sandpit in Palestine was left desolate by God himself and God named a New Jerusalem.
😂Mate, why in the fuck should anyone be compelled to defend someone who proactively disrespects them without provocation.

And fyi: your continued lying holds no sway over anyone.

It is quite comical that once again you have thrown a ridiculous false accusation at yours truly: "Instead of defending me, you took his side"....🤣yeah sure. If you say so, then it must be the true true.
You're a lying dumb ass. You just did it again. That stupid fuck on your site drew first blood - which is why I left. You defended him there and you just did it again. Are you really that stupid OR is that your silly ass attempt to gaslight me here?
Why don't YOU read the Bible? Jesus rebuked those who tried to claim they were Israelites - the Canaanites, Kenites, Edomites, etc. that falsely claimed to be of the tribe of Judah, but were poseurs.

YOU are the heathen, never discussing the real issues, but rather flirting with homosexuality and saying shit you would never say in public where you would be held accountable.
Different name for jews. Some call them kikes. I don't normally say that but I have. I know kikes, who call kikes, kikes. True story. They love Soros and Son junkyard
There are some who wi battle. They began a psychological operation to block the border. It recently went bust. Looking look. Dig in
Read everything
When libs like Pelosi and the late Frakenstein and Trump are behind closed doors and being ignored, they are friendly and cooperative as they dismantle our Republic:

Ok Jackass you talk like this and live in Lala land. You have no idea. but yet think you are so insightful. Youre dumb thats it. You know that too.
Different name for jews. Some call them kikes. I don't normally say that but I have. I know kikes, who call kikes, kikes. True story. They love Soros and Son junkyard
There are some who wi battle. They began a psychological operation to block the border. It recently went bust. Looking look. Dig in
Read everything
Regardless of what you call "Jews," they are not the same as the Israelites of the Bible - so saith the Holy Writ.

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