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Over diagnosis of Autism


Jun 11, 2021
Anyone else had a kid or someone close wrapped up in one of these BS diagnosis? The new “autism spectrum” is so subjective on and includes a lot of normal behaviors.

It feels like a scam that pharma is going to squeeze in somewhere. Lots of articles now coming out for adults now realizing they are on the spectrum and absolving them from all of their Asshole behaviors.

Weaponized Autism- Senior PGA Golfer finds out he’s retarted


Jan 7, 2021
Is there a correlation between the increase in vaccines to the increase in the people in the spectrum?

I have a youngster that was one of these kids. Keep hoping he grows out of it.


Dec 1, 2020
Anyone else had a kid or someone close wrapped up in one of these BS diagnosis? The new “autism spectrum” is so subjective on and includes a lot of normal behaviors.

It feels like a scam that pharma is going to squeeze in somewhere. Lots of articles now coming out for adults now realizing they are on the spectrum and absolving them from all of their Asshole behaviors.

Weaponized Autism- Senior PGA Golfer finds out he’s retarted
Hi @jkbone . I am legal guardian for my autistic / retarded brother in-law. He is about 47 years old now and was only diagnosed with Autism about 2-3 years ago.

Flash back 40-45 years ago and we knew little about Autism. Back then his parents always thought it best not to classify or label him. That was the way to go back then. However, his mom now has Alzheimers and his Dad is in poor health so it has become my wife and I's responsibility to care for him.

He really struggled when we took over and was acting out etc. so we got him some therapy etc. My wife finally pushed though all the paperwork and got him officially diagnosed as Autistic a couple years ago. When he got the diagnosis it improved his confidence so much because he could just tell people he was autistic. It was therapeutic in a way for him and has helped him a lot the last year or so.

Work with your doctor and just realize people are there to help. The best thing for autism is early help, I don't think there is much harm in receiving that help now and if its not needed you can always stop.

No judgement from me on whatever you decide to do. Parents know their children best, you spend the most time with them and know their personality etc.

I've got a lot of great stories from dealing with my brother in law too. Including a public altercation we got in one time. Ill try to post a couple in here over the next couple days. gotta run now.

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