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On the issue of gender normative shit increasing the rates of trannie shit.


May 7, 2024
A) I have no issue with people wearing whatever clothes they want, crossdressing, walking around as purple haired clown freaks or what not. I laugh and move on.

B) General society demanding things like 'Boys can't like pink / play with barbies ... Girls can't be into football' and such - enforcing archaic gender norms on kids likely encourages a lot of kids to want to 'transition' as a rebellion, furthermore when doing so is so highly encouraged by society.

In humanity's base need for tribalism, and everyone else having to be categorised into a specific label, definition or box, you dumbfucks sow the seeds for degeneracy to sprout in modern society.

If you had a son that wanted to play with barbies and put on lipstick and you let him, and with reinforcement that 'You can still be a boy and do these things' - right there is the literal fucking cure to gender bender lunacy, as opposed to reinforcement of transitioning by ever stating - positively or negatively - 'These things make you a girl / are girl things' - herein you reinforce transitioning.


Mar 12, 2024
The problem arises when they start pushing puberty blocking drugs on 12 year olds or convincing 16 year olds to chop their dicks off only to realize they can't orgasm for the rest of their lives or have periods. Then they kill themselves....

I mean yeah to me this is just natural selection but to each their own.


May 7, 2024
Thats something I've always thought of is whether post op trannies can still orgasm or not, and I am sure it was always a no.

Sex transitions are no different to FGM.
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