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NYC is a mess!


Jun 23, 2021
Last time I was in NYC was 1966. It was nasty as hell downtown except for the finance centers. One thing I can say about New York City in 1966 it was still a great City full of friendly people and kind as hell to servicemen. I spent the whole summer at West Point which had my company of Infantry and also an Artillery unit from Fort Campbell Ky. It was one of the best summers I have lived over my long life. We had a bus that would pick us up on Friday nights and drop us off in front of the Cardinal Spellman USO, then pick us up Sunday night for the trip back to West Point. We had girls come from New Jersey on Wednesday nights to a Dance at the West Point service club. The West Point Band members had a good band which would play at the dances. You walk outside the main gate and you are in Highland Falls NY and at that time there was nothing but small businesses lining each side of the street. Most of the bars were owned by retired Army people and if you walked in wearing your uniform you usually found your check was 0 dollars. We had one special place we all hung out at named the West Point Inn which was at the very end of town. I have some really good memories of that town. West Point built an outdoor amphitheater under the stars and across from the main parade ground. It was all new and now it is gone. Nothing but memories left for all who was there. The old Parade field was cut up and the land claimed for what ever. One good thing, the old Provost Marshals building where I bunked is still there, a two story that had the visitors barracks for sports upstairs and each end of the building had a large patio you could walk out onto and look out across the old football stadium which they also kept and did not destroy for some unknown reason. One of our members of the 506th and in my company met a girl there in Highland Falls and he re enlisted soon as we returned to Fort Campbell so he could return to New York and marry that girl. He died in a car accident before he made it back to NY. Some things you just don't forget.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021

New York City is the shining example of liberal governing and its intrinsic predilection for corruption and total control of the inhabitants. A dystopian train wreck we can all watch in real time.

The most wonderful thing about NYC is it is a microcosm of socialism and totalitarian rule that is so wretched and corrupt it gives the American poeple a chance to see what American can become. In short - a living nightmare.


Jan 15, 2021
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