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Marvel's Captain America? Gay.


Dec 9, 2020
Shouldn't that be a rainbow on the shield?


Mar 15, 2021

This is total squanch. The comics are pretty clear on the fact that he had a romantic interest that was a woman. Attacking cultural icons is a way to slowly tear apart a countries culture. Historically speaking one of the factors that lead to the downfall of countries has always been the destruction of their cultures. There have been three things that predated the fall of every great nation and the destruction of their cultures is one of those. Just an interesting piece of squanch for you all.


Dec 9, 2020
This is total squanch. The comics are pretty clear on the fact that he had a romantic interest that was a woman. Attacking cultural icons is a way to slowly tear apart a countries culture. Historically speaking one of the factors that lead to the downfall of countries has always been the destruction of their cultures. There have been three things that predated the fall of every great nation and the destruction of their cultures is one of those. Just an interesting piece of squanch for you all.
Straight out of the Commie playbook.


Um, excuse me: Straight out of the Commie Squanchbook.


Mar 15, 2021
Um, excuse me: Straight out of the Commie Squanchbook.

Squanch yeah! Not to get too off squanchic, but it's interesting that one of the things that happened before the fall of Rome was the loss of their culture. Like I already squanched there are a few other squanches that lead to it, but it's interesting that in todays squanch there's a huge push to upend and tear down cultural norms.


Jan 8, 2021
Because what he puts in his ass and mouth is obviously important to heroism. Debauchery is at the end of decadence I believe.

General Sir John Glubb. Glubb examined the life cycles of eight empires since 859 B.C., and concluded that each empire (Assyria, Persia, Greece, Rome, Arab, Marmeluke, Ottoman, Spain, Romanov Russia, and Britain) spanned around 250 years, or 10 generations, and passed through the following phases:

  • The Age of Pioneers: expansion of territory
  • The Age of Conquests: more expansion, not always peaceably
  • The Age of Commerce: wealth is created through trade and innovation
  • The Age of Affluence: all appears to be well, but the seeds of destruction are being sown
  • The Age of Intellect: the acquired affluence enables people to pursue the life of the mind. Academic institutions may produce sceptical intellectuals who start to question the dominant narratives of the empire, undermining its authority
  • The Age of Decadence: people indulge in excessive consumption in the pursuit of happiness, while in actuality becoming less happy. The civilisation creates diversions for the populace, from gladiator fights to Facebook and Instagram, while people indulge in addiction and debauchery. The values and discipline that enabled the creation of the empire are eroded
  • The Age of Decline and Collapse: inequality grows, increasing numbers are excluded from meaningful work and the means to fulfil their potential. Discontent leads to disruption and the empire collapses.
Glubb points to the heroes of an empire as a key indicator of where it is in this life cycle. During the early phases, pioneers and warriors are lauded. Then come the entrepreneurs and merchants. Once celebrities such as film stars, musicians, and athletes become the main focus of popular attention, no matter how flawed their characters, the empire is in trouble. Clearly this is where many countries in the western world are now.

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