It makes me sick that I have to be a student right now:

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
This is a blanket email I just received from the acting presidents office at my school (South Alabama). Not only are our tax dollars going to new positions such as “minister of diversity and inclusion” They are going to be putting 250k to the side to ensure “underrepresented” students are able to pass and graduate. They are giving out renewable scholarships to “underrepresented students” wtf does that even mean? I know what it means, but come the fuck on! Sick and fucking tired of this bullshit education system. And that is exactly why I’m putting myself through this crap, so I can one day try to do my part to fix this.

Dear USA Students, Faculty and Staff,

I’m writing to provide you with several updates in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion.

As many of you know, last month the University announced that there would be an investigation into the photos of business faculty members at a costume party in 2014. University leadership is in communication with the external investigator, who continues to make steady progress with the investigation. We all want to see this investigation move as quickly as possible, but it is critical that we give the investigator the time she needs to conduct a thorough and careful investigation. We will continue to monitor her progress.

Many individuals and groups have taken advantage of the invitation to provide comments, ideas and suggestions over the past 30 days about how USA can improve and enhance diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. More than 40 detailed and thoughtful proposals were received, and I have asked the University Committee on Diversity to review and discuss all of these proposals and put them into a priority list.

Once the Diversity Committee has the opportunity to discuss and prioritize the ideas, I will ask a group of our administrative leadership to review the committee’s work and identify what resources are needed and available to begin implementation. This group will include: Andi Kent, interim provost and senior vice president for academic affairs; Paul Frazier, chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer; Scott Weldon, vice president for finance and administration; Mike Mitchell; vice president for student affairs; and Kristin Dukes, general counsel.

While all of the ideas submitted will receive serious consideration, we realistically will not be able to accomplish everything we want to do immediately. The leadership group will be charged with identifying the resources required for each idea, and then deciding how to allocate resources in a manner that allows us to move forward on the initiatives that can be achieved. I will be back in touch with more information as the committee and the group carry out their work.

In the meantime, there are a number of initiatives which are already moving ahead. These include:

  • The Campus to Career Initiative, a new program designed to increase the graduation and retention rates of underrepresented students, has been funded with a $250,000 allocation from the University budget. In addition to offering support to underrepresented students in areas including academics, leadership and wellness, this program will provide renewable, $2,000 scholarships to incoming freshmen who meet the criteria. More information will be forthcoming on these scholarships and how to apply.
  • A new position has been created for a Campus to Career Initiative coordinator. This position, when hired, will be responsible for managing the program, overseeing scholarships and seeking additional external funding to support this initiative.
  • The University has created a new position for a Manager of Educational Resources and Outreach for Diversity and Inclusion. The person hired for this position will establish a vision and define strategic outcomes related to USA’s Strategic Diversity and Inclusion Plan, and will oversee the design, management, implementation and assessment of diversity and inclusion programs, partnerships and activities.
We will continue to work on these and other initiatives in the coming weeks and months, and I will provide the University community with regular updates on our progress. The thoughtful ideas and suggestions offered by our faculty, staff and students show that we, as an institution and as individuals, are committed to doing better in the future to ensure our campus is one that is diverse, inclusive, safe and welcoming to all.

John Smith

Acting President
It is clear that horrifically misguided sycophants are running institutions of higher education. Higher education my white privileged ass. The word education no longer is in play - they are setting up a pre-dystopian foundation for the ruination of personal achievement and common sense cognitive processing by a sentient being.

What a magnificent collection of self-deluded fools and imbeciles in one small area. Without a doubt, they are the embodiment of the maggot infested flesh eating bacteria of a society not in tune with REALITY and COMMON SENSE. The good news is that they have exposed their ignorance and are rendering themselves utterly irrelevant.
It is clear that horrifically misguided sycophants are running institutions of higher education. Higher education my white privileged ass. The word education no longer is in play - they are setting up a pre-dystopian foundation for the ruination of personal achievement and common sense cognitive processing by a sentient being.

What a magnificent collection of self-deluded fools and imbeciles in one small area. Without a doubt, they are the embodiment of the maggot infested flesh eating bacteria of a society not in tune with REALITY and COMMON SENSE. The good news is that they have exposed their ignorance and are rendering themselves utterly irrelevant.
Do you suggest I write an anonymous letter back?
lol underrepresented students are the white kids at USA.... They have the largest foreign student body in the country when my kid was looking at it as an option.
College was, is, and becoming more of a scam everyday. They’re Government bureaucrats with enough knowledge and lack of oversight to graft, overcharge, and generally rob students blind
Unfortunately, if I want to do what I wanna do, I’ve gotta have a fucking “degree” so I’m playing the game for now
Do you suggest I write an anonymous letter back?

Sure, ask them why the professor demographics are 75% caucasian. Ask who is going to give their job up for diversity?

Unfortunately, if I want to do what I wanna do, I’ve gotta have a fucking “degree” so I’m playing the game for now

Too bad you cant just identify as degreed.

And what are you going to do if you dont mind me asking?
You need to send out a tweet or whatever you all use to communicate to all students and faculty.. that by mathematical science if there is an inclusion ministry then there also has to be exclusion ministry.
Sure, ask them why the professor demographics are 75% caucasian. Ask who is going to give their job up for diversity?

Too bad you cant just identify as degreed.

And what are you going to do if you dont mind me asking?
Trying to teach/coach. Got the coaching part. My ultimate goal is to get on the board of education or even run for city council maybe. Help be a part of the grassroots movement.
I emailed OAN, Breitbart, NewsMax, The Blaze and unfortunately Fox News as much as I didn’t want to, they still have Tucker and Hannity who could do the story.
@Zgdaf @ETNVol @Cre8ive
@Jtrain80 @tiderollsonu @JordanPetersHorn
So I emailed all of my state level representatives for the Mobile and Baldwin County districts, the Lt Governor, Governor and my Alabama state representative for district 1 the same blanket email. I took a little of what y’all suggested. Let me know what ya think:
Dear Representative ____,

My name is _______. I was born and raised in this great state of Alabama and currently go to school in your district. I am a recently retired Army vet with 6 combat deployments and earned the Bronze Star for Valor. I currently am enrolled at the University of South Alabama.I received an email from our acting University President this morning that does several things.
First off, my tax dollars are going to pay for new positions such as the “University Committee on Diversity” and “ chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer”.
Second, they are allotting $250K to support “underrepresented “ students who need to pass and graduate. Essentially we are just pushing people through, and when it says underrepresented, it’s talking about minorities obviously, not to mention the fact that 41% of the school is minorities!
Third, they are creating a scholarship for all incoming freshmen who are also “underrepresented students”. When my GI Bill runs out, am I going to receive a scholarship to help me complete MY degree, after serving this country for 17 years and seeing multiple friends pay the ultimate sacrifice? Nope, I’m going to have to pay out of pocket while new incoming freshmen that are “underrepresented” will receive scholarships just for being black.
This is an outrage and divides our country even more. I’m tired of being force-fed BLM and “white man bad”.
Lastly, they have a stop Asian hate group for the Asian population, a black support group for the black population, but no white support group. This is REAL racism. Why can’t white students have a place to feel safe, we are tired of being labeled racists just because of the color of our skin. Division is happening because of their side, not ours. Just in the last semester I have been called a racist twice just because I’m a white male Patriot. Below is the email from the President. Please take consideration In this matter to make a change to this system!

Dear USA Students, Faculty and Staff,
I’m writing to provide you with several updates in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion.
As many of you know, last month the University announced that there would be an investigation into the photos of business faculty members at a costume party in 2014. University leadership is in communication with the external investigator, who continues to make steady progress with the investigation. We all want to see this investigation move as quickly as possible, but it is critical that we give the investigator the time she needs to conduct a thorough and careful investigation. We will continue to monitor her progress.
Many individuals and groups have taken advantage of the invitation to provide comments, ideas and suggestions over the past 30 days about how USA can improve and enhance diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. More than 40 detailed and thoughtful proposals were received, and I have asked the University Committee on Diversity to review and discuss all of these proposals and put them into a priority list.
Once the Diversity Committee has the opportunity to discuss and prioritize the ideas, I will ask a group of our administrative leadership to review the committee’s work and identify what resources are needed and available to begin implementation. This group will include: Andi Kent, interim provost and senior vice president for academic affairs; Paul Frazier, chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer; Scott Weldon, vice president for finance and administration; Mike Mitchell; vice president for student affairs; and Kristin Dukes, general counsel.
While all of the ideas submitted will receive serious consideration, we realistically will not be able to accomplish everything we want to do immediately. The leadership group will be charged with identifying the resources required for each idea, and then deciding how to allocate resources in a manner that allows us to move forward on the initiatives that can be achieved. I will be back in touch with more information as the committee and the group carry out their work.
In the meantime, there are a number of initiatives which are already moving ahead. These include:
* The Campus to Career Initiative, a new program designed to increase the graduation and retention rates of underrepresented students, has been funded with a $250,000 allocation from the University budget. In addition to offering support to underrepresented students in areas including academics, leadership and wellness, this program will provide renewable, $2,000 scholarships to incoming freshmen who meet the criteria. More information will be forthcoming on these scholarships and how to apply.
* A new position has been created for a Campus to Career Initiative coordinator. This position, when hired, will be responsible for managing the program, overseeing scholarships and seeking additional external funding to support this initiative.
* The University has created a new position for a Manager of Educational Resources and Outreach for Diversity and Inclusion. The person hired for this position will establish a vision and define strategic outcomes related to USA’s Strategic Diversity and Inclusion Plan, and will oversee the design, management, implementation and assessment of diversity and inclusion programs, partnerships and activities.
We will continue to work on these and other initiatives in the coming weeks and months, and I will provide the University community with regular updates on our progress. The thoughtful ideas and suggestions offered by our faculty, staff and students show that we, as an institution and as individuals, are committed to doing better in the future to ensure our campus is one that is diverse, inclusive, safe and welcoming to all.
John Smith
Acting President

I also wanted you to be aware of that they have a class going on right now entitled “How to get a job with a Chinese Business”. Again, this is an outrage. The CCP is a real threat and we are teaching KIDS how to get jobs with our enemy!? What country do I live in anymore? Please talk with your fellow legislators and help me with these matters of blatant division. I am a very disappointed Alabamian. We can do better than this. Thank you much for your time amd consideration in this matter. Take care.

Best Regards,
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