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America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Would rather have Ron at this point.
You like politicians and losing?

If Ron doesn't beat Trump's margin this next time around hopefully that will wake folks up to how bad of a decision this would be over the next four years.
We need to send the Don a formal request to join the FSF!
My message to him included some lite talk about what we are trying to do here.

If he reaches out I'll record and buy software to upload or if it's a written message I'll share.

I'm hoping we can get to a point where we can have a Forum live event and ask him to stop out (it's a different request form).
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Jan 9, 2021
You like politicians and losing?

Of Ron doesn't beat Trump's margin this next time around hopefully that will wake folks up to how bad of a decision this would be over the next four years.

My message to him included some lite talk about what we are trying to do here.

If he reaches out I'll record and buy software to upload or if it's a written message I'll share.

I'm hoping we can get to a point where we can have a Forum live event and ask him to stop out (it's a different request form).

Thats the thing though, Trump DID lose. Yes, there was almost certainly fuckery afoot but at the end of the day Trump still took that loss for numerous reasons.

I love Trump, but he will be too old imo and quite frankly he's exhausting. I'm one of the people who believed if he had just kept off twitter and didn't react to every single thing that was said about him he would still be the POTUS. Also lets be honest, the housewives from the suburbs aren't coming back to Trump. It became a "cool" thing in those groups to hate him, and like it or not we need those types of voters to win the general. On top of that if he runs again the media will pin every single covid death that happened in the US on him, fair or not. Covid will hang around his neck like an anchor.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Thats the thing though, Trump DID lose. Yes, there was almost certainly fuckery afoot but at the end of the day Trump still took that loss for numerous reasons.

I love Trump, but he will be too old imo and quite frankly he's exhausting. I'm one of the people who believed if he had just kept off twitter and didn't react to every single thing that was said about him he would still be the POTUS. Also lets be honest, the housewives from the suburbs aren't coming back to Trump. It became a "cool" thing in those groups to hate him, and like it or not we need those types of voters to win the general. On top of that if he runs again the media will pin every single covid death that happened in the US on him, fair or not. Covid will hang around his neck like an anchor.
It's amazing to me you don't think all that would happen with Ron.

Also a record number of collected votes and 50+% of red voters willing to walk away means if you don't run Trump you lose no matter what. You need all 75M of his votes to have a shot at winning in the future; losing even just 3-5% would be catastrophic and mean certain loss.

It doesn't matter how much anyone doesn't like him, his age, how "exhausting" he is, ect. because there is literally no other option but him.

Now 2028 is a different story. There might be some room for someone like Ron to try to run in the primaries against Don Jr. or Ivanka but right now Ron needs to continue to build his brand before he really has any true shot.

Ron will likely fall well short of Trump's margin in FL for his reelection which would be an obvious tell about not only how popular Trump is (the world's most popular man statistically speaking) but how much farther Ron needs to build his brand to have a shot in a general.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
How bout we take whoever wins the primary? I love DeSantis, but he nor anyone else is beating out The Donald. At this point, just win baby. Gotta get the commies out of office before we lose all of our liberties.

The Don is the best bet to continue to beat these fuckers back and save our republic.

Winning is winning and I want the best shot at it.

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