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May 20, 2024
A few years ago, shortly after I had first joined tfsf, I mentioned in the DYCA thread something about the crypto-jews.

Immediately triggering the shit out of almost all the regulars, including a bunch of hysterical jew idolizing spastics.

Most notably, the more feral of the biblical cultists, like Hoosier, AC2021, et al, were particularly unconcerned for publicly unleashing their festering corruption, all piling onboard the bullshit bandwagon with the cowardly mob attacking little old me with their vacuous ad hominems, gaslighting, projections & anything else they could muster.

This communal tantrum persisted for several months before they eventually gave up and slithered off.

🤣Alone I stood firm against the combined faggoteering of that cowardly mob, who ultimately proved about as effective as a fart in the wind.

Fast-forward to now...we see people openly criticizing the crypto-jew cultists, and includes members who'd previously been hostile towards me for doing so.

😂 Not sure what changed.
Butt I'm glad members no longer fear the screeching jew idolizing cultists.

Of course what I specifically mean by 'jew'/'crypto-jew'/'pseudo-jew', etc... is not in reference to the average jew identifying individual/s, but rather the subversive ideological virus of the jew cult, as in, the entire occultic "religion".

Individual jew cult adherents are merely the symptoms of the virulent occult ideology.

However the jew cult ain't the only one is it.

Being but 1 of the 3 primary sub-cult branches of the ancient Abrahamic desert cult of Babylon.


Obviously most "westerners" already recognize how repugnant the islamic cult is and its influence on us is laughable.

Whereas the powerful jew cult still has extreme influence on us due to the SOP of jew cultists covertly infesting "western" societies institutions and as such is definitely a significant threat to us all.

However we won't be able to effectively deal with the jew cult in the "west" until having first dealt with it's support network within "western" societies.

That being the judaic cult's "western" sibling, the christianic cult.

😄No doubt this will be quite triggering for the average christian identifying individuals.

Alas, inevitably we are going to have to deal with the fact these collective cults are the primary enablers for all earthly corruption & destruction of divinity.

Thus I simply don't give a fuck about anyones cult sensitivities and neither should you, because these human created "biblical" cults are fundamentally detrimental for all earth-bound creatures inherent divinity.

Although cult adherents may be afflicted with whatever variations of seemingly "benevolent" christian occult beliefs, the fact always remains unchanged, that our divine nature is not created by, does not come from, nor depend or rely upon, or ever required any human cults.

The reality is that these "biblical" cults are parasitic and their primary host is our divinity.

In other words, the "biblical" cult's "gods", the christianic "creator god", the islamic "creator-god" & the judaic "creator-g_d", are not the true source of all divinity, they are merely an abhorrent false-"god" being conflated with true divinity.

If the judaic, christianic & islamic cults were suddenly wiped away, entirely ceasing to exist right this moment.... would all life, all existence, all divinity also cease too?...(😄of fuckin' course not.)

Now, for those few of requisite capacities who may have actually bothered reading so far, (1) I applaud you for such, and (2) before concluding with a potential bombshell, I've included below, a few random bits of additional somewhat variably relevant info I found mildly interesting.

Translation vs Transliteration:
"While translating a word means that we give the meaning in another language, transliterating means coming up with a new word altogether based on the form of the original word."

"Words like “Christ,” “baptism,” “hypocrite,” “evangelism,” “apostle,” and others are not translations from Greek to English but rather transliterations."

"They are English terms that replicate the sounds made by the original Greek words, instead of translations of the original words into their English meanings."

"Old English: crīst, from Latin: christus, from Greek: khristos, noun use of an adjective meaning; ‘anointed’, from khriein; ‘anoint’, translating Hebrew māšīaḥ; ‘messiah’."

Christ + ian:
+ian: "suffix (adj) -from, -related to, -or like.
(noun) -one from, -belonging to, -relating to, -or like."

Christ + ian + ity:
+ity: "suffix used to form abstract nouns expressing state, condition, or quality."

~mildly interesting that the terms: 'christian' & 'christianity', can almost form certain antigrams, &/or "meta-antigrams"...eg:


(christ+ianity)=christ i ain't(y)
(christ+ianity)=is anti-christ



😂 Do y'all not realize christianic cults use a shamelessly blasphemous occultic symbol.

ie: the "cross", with & without an effigy of the tortured innocent generally called jesus the christ.
And no, the christianic cult's nonsensically inverted anti-christos "feel-good" rationale for doing so is just moronic.
The christian cross symbol is no different than a symbol of any other torture apparatus used to murder an innocent.
Were jesus instead hung, or burnt at the stake, or flayed alive, or buried neck deep in feces and forcibly fed molten chunks of metal, or beheaded, or fed to lions, or whatever else....would christianics then be using a symbol of a noose, or a flaming stake, or flaying tools, or a shit pit, or an executioners axe, or fattened lions—either with or without an effigy of a tortured jesus the christ.
😄 Frankly it'd be no surprise if they did, and of course they'd also invent a ridiculously backward occultic pseudo-"reason" for why idolizing whatever manner of an innocents murder is "a positive".

As that is exactly the case we have with the christianic cults proudly worshipping, adorning & virtue signaling the symbolic representation of the same fuckin' torture apparatus that was used to murder jesus the christ... the same man whom christian cultists worship and claim to serve.

😎 Not only is it totally absurd anti-christian idiocy, but absolutely fuckin' insulting to our selves as well as jesus the man and the christ.



May 20, 2024
I'm curious of how religious persons and also how non-religious persons may interpret the perspective I've loosely presented.

Are interpretations more or less based on objective reality?...mythological fantasism?, pseudo-"scientific" matter-realitivism?, or other?

Might a christian interpret my words an atheistic? antichristianic? or other?

Guessing a common jew would more than likely just resort to loudly screeching "muh antisemitismses"(?)... while an islamic... probably the same but screeching "muh infidel"(?)
Jul 9, 2022
I'm curious of how religious persons and also how non-religious persons may interpret the perspective I've loosely presented.

Are interpretations more or less based on objective reality?...mythological fantasism?, pseudo-"scientific" matter-realitivism?, or other?

Might a christian interpret my words an atheistic? antichristianic? or other?

Guessing a common jew would more than likely just resort to loudly screeching "muh antisemitismses"(?)... while an islamic... probably the same but screeching "muh infidel"(?)
Here is what I think, and like many things, I simplify them as much as possible:

There is, and has been, an ongoing war, between two things, you can call it what you will....

good and evil
light and darkness
truth and fact
.....and so on.......

Misinformation is a powerful weapon, maybe the most powerful one, in this respect.

If I were the Devil, I would try to make people think contrary to what was true, but do it in a way that would make them think that they figured it out for themselves. I would install several different variations, several different paths to darkness, but you would not know it.

So, while sometimes I cannot understand your posts with 100% understanding, the above is my answer.


May 20, 2024
Here is what I think, and like many things, I simplify them as much as possible:

There is, and has been, an ongoing war, between two things, you can call it what you will....

good and evil
light and darkness
truth and fact
.....and so on.......

Misinformation is a powerful weapon, maybe the most powerful one, in this respect.

If I were the Devil, I would try to make people think contrary to what was true, but do it in a way that would make them think that they figured it out for themselves. I would install several different variations, several different paths to darkness, but you would not know it.

So, while sometimes I cannot understand your posts with 100% understanding, the above is my answer.
Oh absolutely! And the thing is...I can almost completely agree.

There undeniably is, and probably always has been, this near imperceptible conflict between–or possibly a balancing of–"powers".

I don't think its a war though, at least in the typical sense of one side destined to defeat the other. Simply because neither light nor dark exist without the other..
Jul 9, 2022
Oh absolutely! And the thing is...I can almost completely agree.

There undeniably is, and probably always has been, this near imperceptible conflict between–or possibly a balancing of–"powers".

I don't think its a war though, at least in the typical sense of one side destined to defeat the other. Simply because neither light nor dark exist without the other..
Well, in this case, there is a winner, and an end, at least that is what I understand from the bible. This very idea is the foundation for what "good" is, at least in my opinion.


May 20, 2024
I don’t know what you are talking about?
😄John, honestly mate, I'm really not sure whether you're just being a smartass here—or genuinely aren't able to make sense of this shit aye.

Either way is fine of course.

I'm leaning towards the former because (a) I know you ain't a dumbass, and (b) law enforcement officers are trained in tactical communication skills, aren't ya(?)

So tbh I suspect your communicative perception would be a fair bit more developed than the average person.

Granted, there is likely a minor communication hurdle between us as well, yet still it just seems odd to me that you wouldn't easily ascertain at least a general idea of what I'm trying to communicate.


May 20, 2024
Well, in this case, there is a winner, and an end, at least that is what I understand from the bible. This very idea is the foundation for what "good" is, at least in my opinion.
Fair enough.

I do acknowledge and respect your beliefs and opinions.

😂 Might surprise ya that we seem to share a lot of very similar views—both overall in general, as well as regarding matters pertaining to the nature of divinity—as I've interpreted of opinions you've expressed throughout the years since we met.

In my preceding post to John I again highlighed, as you've also alluded to in the conclusion of post #6, that a US<>NZ comms barrier may often be inhibiting our accurate comprehension of each other's intended meanings, and that'd be in addition to any uniquely subjective conceptions as well as interpersonal & intersubjective comms hurdles which will exist too.

Tbh I'm still not sure how to correctly identify and mitigate these, although I do try because I think it is critically important that we-(*as in all beings)-always effort for developing greater degrees of cohesive communication and for establishing genuine intersubjectivity.


May 20, 2024
I don’t know what you are talking about?
Completely off topic, but I was just thinking about the time I was happily posting about indoor cannabis cultivation, when this tripppy cop dude unexpectedly dropped in, alluding to having had been participant to raids on such operations.

😄Still cracks me up man.

Ever since then I've wondered what your perspective might've been.

I'd imagined that as a law enforcement officer, your view of me & my hobby may have been more or less the same as you or any other officer might view actual criminals who were/are involved in illicit grow ops(?)

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
"Cults" is an apt framing, yet it's important to recognize that most people in these groups have good intentions. They seek belonging to something greater and find comfort in their religious practices. Attending church on Sundays, for instance, allows them to feel better about themselves while taking away lessons on morality and ethics, and fostering a belief in faith without evidence. This desire for self-improvement and community is commendable.

Some individuals participate to conform socially, while others believe it absolves them of their "sins". Meanwhile, preachers often use their position for control and financial gain. Many, having attended seminary school, are aware that their teachings are primarily life lessons. They essentially monetize these lessons, collecting tithes that amount to 10% of their congregation's incomes.

Certain groups within Christianity, Judaism, and Islam claim that their holy texts should be taken literally and are infallible. Conversely, others understand these texts as collections of ancient stories, fables, and fantasies. While these narratives contain some truths, they are often embellished as they are passed down through generations.

Understanding this, it’s crucial to distinguish between the intentions of the followers and the actions of those who might exploit these beliefs. While the core teachings of these religions often promote positive values, the interpretation and manipulation of these teachings can lead to control and exploitation.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that despite the potential for manipulation, these religious communities also provide significant social support, charity, and a sense of identity for many people. They can foster strong, supportive communities and contribute to social cohesion.

However, the challenge lies in addressing the negative aspects—the exploitation and the potential suppression of critical thinking—while acknowledging the positive contributions. Encouraging a more critical and open-minded approach to religious teachings can help mitigate the negative impacts while preserving the beneficial aspects of these communities.


Jan 8, 2021
A few years ago, shortly after I had first joined tfsf, I mentioned in the DYCA thread something about the crypto-jews.

Immediately triggering the shit out of almost all the regulars, including a bunch of hysterical jew idolizing spastics.

Most notably, the more feral of the biblical cultists, like Hoosier, AC2021, et al, were particularly unconcerned for publicly unleashing their festering corruption, all piling onboard the bullshit bandwagon with the cowardly mob attacking little old me with their vacuous ad hominems, gaslighting, projections & anything else they could muster.

This communal tantrum persisted for several months before they eventually gave up and slithered off.

🤣Alone I stood firm against the combined faggoteering of that cowardly mob, who ultimately proved about as effective as a fart in the wind.

Fast-forward to now...we see people openly criticizing the crypto-jew cultists, and includes members who'd previously been hostile towards me for doing so.

😂 Not sure what changed.
Butt I'm glad members no longer fear the screeching jew idolizing cultists.

Of course what I specifically mean by 'jew'/'crypto-jew'/'pseudo-jew', etc... is not in reference to the average jew identifying individual/s, but rather the subversive ideological virus of the jew cult, as in, the entire occultic "religion".

Individual jew cult adherents are merely the symptoms of the virulent occult ideology.

However the jew cult ain't the only one is it.

Being but 1 of the 3 primary sub-cult branches of the ancient Abrahamic desert cult of Babylon.


Obviously most "westerners" already recognize how repugnant the islamic cult is and its influence on us is laughable.

Whereas the powerful jew cult still has extreme influence on us due to the SOP of jew cultists covertly infesting "western" societies institutions and as such is definitely a significant threat to us all.

However we won't be able to effectively deal with the jew cult in the "west" until having first dealt with it's support network within "western" societies.

That being the judaic cult's "western" sibling, the christianic cult.

😄No doubt this will be quite triggering for the average christian identifying individuals.

Alas, inevitably we are going to have to deal with the fact these collective cults are the primary enablers for all earthly corruption & destruction of divinity.

Thus I simply don't give a fuck about anyones cult sensitivities and neither should you, because these human created "biblical" cults are fundamentally detrimental for all earth-bound creatures inherent divinity.

Although cult adherents may be afflicted with whatever variations of seemingly "benevolent" christian occult beliefs, the fact always remains unchanged, that our divine nature is not created by, does not come from, nor depend or rely upon, or ever required any human cults.

The reality is that these "biblical" cults are parasitic and their primary host is our divinity.

In other words, the "biblical" cult's "gods", the christianic "creator god", the islamic "creator-god" & the judaic "creator-g_d", are not the true source of all divinity, they are merely an abhorrent false-"god" being conflated with true divinity.

If the judaic, christianic & islamic cults were suddenly wiped away, entirely ceasing to exist right this moment.... would all life, all existence, all divinity also cease too?...(😄of fuckin' course not.)

Now, for those few of requisite capacities who may have actually bothered reading so far, (1) I applaud you for such, and (2) before concluding with a potential bombshell, I've included below, a few random bits of additional somewhat variably relevant info I found mildly interesting.

Translation vs Transliteration:
"While translating a word means that we give the meaning in another language, transliterating means coming up with a new word altogether based on the form of the original word."

"Words like “Christ,” “baptism,” “hypocrite,” “evangelism,” “apostle,” and others are not translations from Greek to English but rather transliterations."

"They are English terms that replicate the sounds made by the original Greek words, instead of translations of the original words into their English meanings."

"Old English: crīst, from Latin: christus, from Greek: khristos, noun use of an adjective meaning; ‘anointed’, from khriein; ‘anoint’, translating Hebrew māšīaḥ; ‘messiah’."

Christ + ian:
+ian: "suffix (adj) -from, -related to, -or like.
(noun) -one from, -belonging to, -relating to, -or like."

Christ + ian + ity:
+ity: "suffix used to form abstract nouns expressing state, condition, or quality."

~mildly interesting that the terms: 'christian' & 'christianity', can almost form certain antigrams, &/or "meta-antigrams"...eg:


(christ+ianity)=christ i ain't(y)
(christ+ianity)=is anti-christ



View attachment 218109
😂 Do y'all not realize christianic cults use a shamelessly blasphemous occultic symbol.

ie: the "cross", with & without an effigy of the tortured innocent generally called jesus the christ.
View attachment 218108
And no, the christianic cult's nonsensically inverted anti-christos "feel-good" rationale for doing so is just moronic.
View attachment 218110
The christian cross symbol is no different than a symbol of any other torture apparatus used to murder an innocent.
View attachment 218112
Were jesus instead hung, or burnt at the stake, or flayed alive, or buried neck deep in feces and forcibly fed molten chunks of metal, or beheaded, or fed to lions, or whatever else....would christianics then be using a symbol of a noose, or a flaming stake, or flaying tools, or a shit pit, or an executioners axe, or fattened lions—either with or without an effigy of a tortured jesus the christ.
View attachment 218111
😄 Frankly it'd be no surprise if they did, and of course they'd also invent a ridiculously backward occultic pseudo-"reason" for why idolizing whatever manner of an innocents murder is "a positive".

As that is exactly the case we have with the christianic cults proudly worshipping, adorning & virtue signaling the symbolic representation of the same fuckin' torture apparatus that was used to murder jesus the christ... the same man whom christian cultists worship and claim to serve.

😎 Not only is it totally absurd anti-christian idiocy, but absolutely fuckin' insulting to our selves as well as jesus the man and the christ.
View attachment 218113

I gave the laughing emoji because you finished it off with Creed. Patiently awaiting a Nickleback finale somewhere.


May 7, 2024
I'm non religious and I agree that mainstream religion, particularly Judaism, Christianity and Islam are nothing but overglorified cults.

Imagine simply blindly believing in some ancient or 600 AD scripture as somehow still being relevant today.

The scriptures as such were relevant during their time, they aren't anymore today.


May 7, 2024
Explain this please, when you get a chance.
I believe society has moved past needing to 'fear divinity' in order to behave, at least in the developed world. Although to a fault resulting in the current hedonistic and self absorbed and fulfilling climate western culture exhibits.

There needs to be some kind of middle ground between strict religious authority and the current 'do whatever you want' BS.


Dec 10, 2020
Completely off topic, but I was just thinking about the time I was happily posting about indoor cannabis cultivation, when this tripppy cop dude unexpectedly dropped in, alluding to having had been participant to raids on such operations.

😄Still cracks me up man.

Ever since then I've wondered what your perspective might've been.

I'd imagined that as a law enforcement officer, your view of me & my hobby may have been more or less the same as you or any other officer might view actual criminals who were/are involved in illicit grow ops(?)
I couldn’t care less how much weed you smoke. 💨 Puff all day and night.
Jul 9, 2022
I believe society has moved past needing to 'fear divinity' in order to behave, at least in the developed world. Although to a fault resulting in the current hedonistic and self absorbed and fulfilling climate western culture exhibits.

There needs to be some kind of middle ground between strict religious authority and the current 'do whatever you want' BS.
doesnt seem to be working huh?


May 7, 2024
can you speculate as to why?

So from my own asian culture still having been highly religious, strict and narcissistic - the problem is when kids succeed boy do they succeed. When they don't like me they just end up broken and hating everything, myself having turned full avoidant and shutting myself in from society.

In secure western culture, success or not, everyone becomes self absorbed, like all the ugly fatties thinking they are still a 10, western women believing they all deserve a top 1% man.

A leads to narcissm or self destruction, B leads to spoilt brats.

Theres a lot more to it than that, but thats my initial thoughts for now.


May 20, 2024
I gave the laughing emoji because you finished it off with Creed. Patiently awaiting a Nickleback finale somewhere.
😂No worries man, I laugh emoji'd at the implied Nickelback comparison.

During my early/mid teens I got into stuff like Nerdvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Days of the New, Soundgarden, etc....

I particularly liked Creed's first album, 'My Own Prison', and then a few tracks from their second album 'Human Clay', which are, imo, genuinely inspired musical compositions.



May 7, 2024
People always keep asking why so many poop faces are stuck on benefits:

A) Were the failure reject kids our parents didn't love

B) Because we aren't technically 'black', none of the black people only diversity shit applies to us.

The successful Asians give a disillusion that we must all be capable, apparently dumb shitfaces like me can't exist, and when we do we get no more help than free handouts.

Also I wasted so much of my life in isolation because I thought that everyone out there in the real world would be like my dad and brother. Turns out yes, people raised by narcs and succeed typically do become abusive motherfuckers, but theres far more decent people out there, but then most of those are nasty hedonists.

So you either get abused by a narc, or pumped and dumped by a hedonist. Useless world.
Last edited:


May 20, 2024
"Cults" is an apt framing, yet it's important to recognize that most people in these groups have good intentions.
I agree with you for the most part and I do also like to think "most have good intentions." too... although admittedly 'most' is a generalized optimistic assumption which may or may not be accurate.

Now, fyi, due to the vast scope, I'm going to limit this post to initiating exploration of the subject: 'cult'

I think it is critical to recognize, (a) as you've also alluded, that things aren't strictly 'black & white", and (b) the definitions of: 'cult', 'cultism', 'cultist', etc... seem to be quite unstable, as there appears to be a wide range of variable interpretations & definitions yet no agreed upon consensus.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary definitions are:

"1: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious, also : its body of adherents."

"2: a; great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book),especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad."

"-b; the object of such devotion."

"-c; a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion."

"3: a system of religious beliefs and ritual
also : its body of adherents."

"4: formal religious veneration."

"5: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator."

Furthermore adding that: "Cult, which shares an origin with culture and cultivate, comes from the Latin cultus, a noun with meanings ranging from "tilling, cultivation" to "training or education" to "adoration." In English, cult has evolved a number of meanings following a fairly logical path. The earliest known uses of the word, recorded in the 17th century, broadly denoted "worship." From here cult came to refer to a specific branch of a religion or the rites and practices of that branch, as in "the cult of Dionysus." By the early 18th century, cult could refer to a non-religious admiration or devotion, such as to a person, idea, or fad ("the cult of success"). Finally, by the 19th century, the word came to be used of "a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious."

And from a different source: "A cult can be difficult to define, as there are no standard criteria for a cult group. Each group is different, but typically a cult is a small group of people with an unhealthy devotion to a single person, thing, or cause."

While the current 11th edition of Black's Law Dictionary does not include the term: 'cult', instead substituting the term: 'sect', defined as:
“A religious sect is a body or number of persons united in tenets, but con- stituting a distinct organization or party, by holding sentiments or doctrines different from those of other sects or people.” State v. Ilalldck, 16 Nev. 3S5."

Here is some additional information I found interesting:
"Cults in American Society: A Legal Analysis of Undue Influence, Fraud, and Misrepresentation"
~"David Hominek"


"This report explores the meaning of the term cult; explains the concepts of undue influence, fraud, and misrepresentation; reviews case law developments concerning these concepts in cult contexts; provides an extensive bibliography of articles, books, and cases; and includes an appendix addressing the changing standards for admission of expert testimony in cult-related cases. The report concludes that the current state of understanding of cultic groups is extremely limited and, despite the evolution of judicial opinions regarding undue influence and fraud and misrepresentation, strikingly little cross-fertilization has occurred."


"Society’s scrutiny of groups often regarded as “cults” seems ever more intense. Instead of isolated incidents in remote locations involving unknown persons, we have become increas-ing-ly accustomed to finding coverage of cults of many kinds, both religious and non-religious, in our local papers and television reports. Cults are located where we live, and involve people and places we know."

"AFF and CAN recently offered the following definition of “cult” in a Congressional statement:"

What We Mean by “Cult

"By “cult” we refer to psychologically manipulative groups that may be religious or nonreligious (e.g., psychotherapy, political, or commercial). More specifically, a cult can be defined as a group or movement that, to a significant degree,"

"(a) exhibits great or excessive devotion or dedication to some leadership, idea, or thing, (b) uses a thought reform program to persuade, control, and socialize members, (c) systematically induces states of psychological dependency in members, (d) exploits members to advance the leadership’s goals, and (e) causes psychological harm to members, their families, and the community."

"Cults need not be religious. The elements of de-cep-tion, manipulation and blind devotion to the leader can attach to other groups as well, such as certain self-improvement trainings or, even, magazine-sel-ling scams."

"While society often initially rejects or may feel threatened by any new movement or group, some new movements eventually become ingrained in our structure, even
developing into stabilizing forces in our society. Other movements, however, remain under continued critical evaluation as their methods of gaining new membership and support invoke inquiry as involving a degree of coercive persuasion beyond the level acceptable to many in society."


We also ought to consider, among others, the relationships between the terms: 'cult' & 'occult'.
The Oxford dictionary definition, and which also seems to be the commonly accepted definition as well, can be summed up as: "Supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena."

Etymology: "late 15th century (as a verb): from Latin occultare ‘secrete’, frequentative of occulere ‘conceal’, based on celare ‘to hide’; the adjective and noun from occult- ‘covered over’, from the verb occulere."

My preferred definition and usage of; 'occult', is in reference to things intentionally, unintentionally or naturally not being overtly apparent or directly perceptible, or that are less discernable
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