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How to do Communism

Jan 26, 2021
It still baffles me that some Americans think communism is better than capitalism. These people have been spoiled by freedom
A free and wealthy country is a blessing. It also has a dark underside. Rewind a couple hundred years and a large chunk of people were having to strive and work to live. They toiled long hours on the farm. They fought the elements and the forces of nature. They hunted and gathered and lived hard lives. How prevalent was it then to hear of somebody living such a terrible life because somebody called them the wrong pronoun? Or because they majored in something stupid and have too much student loan debt? Or because so-and-so said something to offend them?

Our free and wealthy society is a blessing and I wouldn’t trade it for another, but it’s important to see the underside and know that it has bred some low-skilled, weak willed individuals who have to make up problems for themselves because they have never had to face true adversity.

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