How do you define "greed", and how and why do you think it needs to be "kept in check"?


If we define greed as rational self-interest, or some sort of maximalization, to the exclusion of proactively considering the welfare of others, then the best check for greed is greed. When you are advocating fully for your self-interest, and I am advocating fully for mine, then when we get together to maximize the benefit from the collaboration, we each have to negotiate so that both of us benefit. Or if there's not a win-win, then we just don't collaborate.
If we define greed as seeking personal benefit to the active detriment of others, i.e. exploitation, lying, extortion, theft, violence, externalized costs on third parties, etc. - then the answer is that we agree on a system where these things are not permissible and respond to them with sufficient material consequences to make them non-beneficial to the greedy person's self-interest.
If we define greed as rational self-interest, or some sort of maximalization, to the exclusion of proactively considering the welfare of others, then the best check for greed is greed. When you are advocating fully for your self-interest, and I am advocating fully for mine, then when we get together to maximize the benefit from the collaboration, we each have to negotiate so that both of us benefit. Or if there's not a win-win, then we just don't collaborate.
If we define greed as seeking personal benefit to the active detriment of others, i.e. exploitation, lying, extortion, theft, violence, externalized costs on third parties, etc. - then the answer is that we agree on a system where these things are not permissible and respond to them with sufficient material consequences to make them non-beneficial to the greedy person's self-interest.

When I have a bag of "Candy" and someone comes around and eats my candy while I can't enjoy any of it is greedy.
Any form of that is greed
If we define greed as rational self-interest, or some sort of maximalization, to the exclusion of proactively considering the welfare of others, then the best check for greed is greed. When you are advocating fully for your self-interest, and I am advocating fully for mine, then when we get together to maximize the benefit from the collaboration, we each have to negotiate so that both of us benefit. Or if there's not a win-win, then we just don't collaborate.
If we define greed as seeking personal benefit to the active detriment of others, i.e. exploitation, lying, extortion, theft, violence, externalized costs on third parties, etc. - then the answer is that we agree on a system where these things are not permissible and respond to them with sufficient material consequences to make them non-beneficial to the greedy person's self-interest.

Wouldn’t the greed in your first paragraph align more with Ambition?
Greed is a motivator. It motivates those to whom wish to compete, to compete. It motivates people to do more, and sometimes less. "GReed" is just the human descriptor of the system of natural self improvement and competition.

The issue is when an entity get so big and powerful, that it can, at wil,l annihilate the opposition with no contest.

Another issue is "what do we do about it" What mechanism can we put in place to ensure a balance"

Of course, if there is a mechanism for balance, the mechanism would have to be more powerful than the system, and then is it not truthfully in there is a thumb on the scale.....who controls that thumb has all the power.
Greedo is a **Rodian bounty hunter** from *Star Wars: A New Hope* (1977). He works for **Jabba the Hutt** and is best known for confronting **Han Solo** in the Mos Eisley Cantina—an encounter that ends with Han shooting him (and sparking the infamous "Han shot first" debate).

**Appearance & Traits:**
- **Green, reptilian** humanoid with large, multifaceted eyes and fin-like ears.
- Wears a **blue vest** over an orange jumpsuit.
- Speaks in **Rodian**, a chirping alien language.
- Not the **sharpest** bounty hunter—underestimates Han Solo.

Greedo has appeared in other *Star Wars* media, including *The Clone Wars*, showing his earlier bounty hunting days.

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