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Henry Kissinger Finally Speaks the Truth: Ukraine must give Russia Territory (link). Real Talk Finally.

Apr 20, 2022
Trump would have this solved in 5 minutes.

Give Russia everything east of the Dneiper plus Odessa with a land bridge.

Deal done.
Trump wouldn’t have made that deal because Russia never would have invaded Ukraine under his watch.

To the point though you can’t appease Russia after they aggressively invade a sovereign country.

The deal at this point should be Russia giving back all the land they’ve occupied, Crimea, and pay to rebuild the Ukrainian economy + reparations for the lives lost.

Biden is a weak faggot though so he likely be happy to just get the shooting to stop and thus appeasing Putin.
Apr 20, 2022
Son, this is the real world. Yes you can. This is not a debate at Oberlin College.
Of course we could, and that’s probably not out of the realm for a pussy like Biden, but that doesn’t mean we should.

Of course this isn’t a debate. History has shown us what appeasement brings. Look no further than at Hitler in WW2. The Allies appeased him and so he just kept taking and killing more.


Dec 10, 2020
If that globalist shill is saying it then you know it's obvious.

I saw where the UN was anticipating 58 million people to be in famine situations before the year started. They are now looking at close to a billion if the war carries on through summer and fuel prices stay high and fertiliizer stays sky high.

Give Russia an area that is majority Russian and voted to leave Ukraine in pretty overwhelming majority.... or have global famine with no way to anticipate the war and violence fallout from it?????


Dec 1, 2020
Nah, fuck giving putin anything. Whats next? Give him Poland?

Trump would have never let it happen. He would have jawboned Putin and put him in his place.

Putin smells the weakness in Biden. Elections have consequences. That being said, being that Putin did invade, Sleepy Joes response has been about right. No direct conflict but a proxy war for the most part. The proxy war has made Russia and Putin look pretty bad. They havent been able to take Kyiv and its not gone as Putin has expected.


Jan 9, 2021
Nah, fuck giving putin anything. Whats next? Give him Poland?

Trump would have never let it happen. He would have jawboned Putin and put him in his place.

Putin smells the weakness in Biden. Elections have consequences. That being said, being that Putin did invade, Sleepy Joes response has been about right. No direct conflict but a proxy war for the most part. The proxy war has made Russia and Putin look pretty bad. They havent been able to take Kyiv and its not gone as Putin has expected.
It's going exactly as Putin expected. As others have said if he wanted he could have destroyed Ukraine by now.


Jan 12, 2021
Nah, fuck giving putin anything. Whats next? Give him Poland?

Trump would have never let it happen. He would have jawboned Putin and put him in his place.

Putin smells the weakness in Biden. Elections have consequences. That being said, being that Putin did invade, Sleepy Joes response has been about right. No direct conflict but a proxy war for the most part. The proxy war has made Russia and Putin look pretty bad. They havent been able to take Kyiv and its not gone as Putin has expected.
There is really no “good” reaponse once the invader crosses that line. We will need to introspect what empowered the Kremlin to act so aggressively when this conflict is ended, particularly focusing on how liberal ideologues in the west have empowered Russia.

I don’t believe there is a scenario where Russia fully retreats. A war of attrition favors the invaders. That’s great that all the NATO countries are supplying arms, but what good is it if the country they’re defending is reduced to rubble? This is where I find fault with any doctrine that throws blank check support to Ukraine. What are the foreign policy interests that are served? What are the objectives? How do we excise ourselves from the conflict?

It seems to me that COVID hysteria has carried over to this war. Throw everything at it with no regard for cost or collateral damage.


Jan 7, 2021
Nah, fuck giving putin anything. Whats next? Give him Poland?

Trump would have never let it happen. He would have jawboned Putin and put him in his place.

Putin smells the weakness in Biden. Elections have consequences. That being said, being that Putin did invade, Sleepy Joes response has been about right. No direct conflict but a proxy war for the most part. The proxy war has made Russia and Putin look pretty bad. They havent been able to take Kyiv and its not gone as Putin has expected.

If Putin invaded to liberate parts of Ukraine and to stop the biolabs then kudos to him. That's a gigantic "if".

NATO may have started with the best of intentions, but I don't want to spend one minute working for those fucks (speaking of our tax dollars funding them). Libtard Europeans can fend for themselves as far as I care. No allegiance to them. Zero, zilch nada.


Dec 10, 2020
Nah, fuck giving putin anything. Whats next? Give him Poland?

Trump would have never let it happen. He would have jawboned Putin and put him in his place.

Putin smells the weakness in Biden. Elections have consequences. That being said, being that Putin did invade, Sleepy Joes response has been about right. No direct conflict but a proxy war for the most part. The proxy war has made Russia and Putin look pretty bad. They havent been able to take Kyiv and its not gone as Putin has expected.
IF putin is struggling this bad in Ukraine... do you really think he could take other countries in Europe? The reasoning is off on this. Poland could do more than Ukraine is and Russia knows it. The question is how far do we want to escalate this? A whole lot of people seem fine with ending the world in nuclear winter just to prove we aint scared of Putin.


Jan 9, 2021
BTW, I am going to say something very unpopular. Henry Kissinger is a patriot.

He helped get us out of one of the worst messes we ever got into.....Vietnam.

He wasn't perfect, but he did the best to get us out with a small fig leaf of dignity.

The Dems got us knee deep in worst shit we had been in.


Jan 8, 2021
BTW, I am going to say something very unpopular. Henry Kissinger is a patriot.

He helped get us out of one of the worst messes we ever got into.....Vietnam.

He wasn't perfect, but he did the best to get us out with a small fig leaf of dignity.

The Dems got us knee deep in worst shit we had been in.
He's a globalist NWO stooge that wants to cull the population. Hardly a fucking Patriot
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