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Health insurance companies are FUCKING CRIMINALS!!!


A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021
Never had issues with mine, $500 yearly deductible, full dental and vision emergency room visit and MRI are $100 copay... Best part is it's 100% paid by employer..... #FeelsGoodMan

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Never had issues with mine, $500 yearly deductible, full dental and vision emergency room visit and MRI are $100 copay... Best part is it's 100% paid by employer..... #FeelsGoodMan
I hope it stays that way for you.
Mines been THA bomb! That is all!
Better knock on wood fam.


Jan 13, 2021
Jesus did they at least give you a reach around?
They would be busy SOB’s because the price isn’t that uncommon when a person has to pay the full amount themselves.
My oldest daughter was on our insurance until she got married a few months ago. It didn’t go down one cent when she got her own insurance. I’m still trying to figure that one out. Maybe if there are any actuaries on the board they can help me understand underlying risk.


Jan 12, 2021
Hell yes they are. License to steal.

I'm not sure the answer, but I definitely want to part of a VA type government run health care system. I think we have a sufficient body of evidence regarding the incompetence of that system. The hospital's fake billing procedures where they just make up an astronomical number, but are willing to take 10% of billed "cost" from the insurers but not an individual needs to change.


A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021
I own 2 P&C Agencies and they Auto Companies are worse. Way way worse. Its criminal
This is so true, had a woman run a stop sign hit me almost head on when I was doing 50 and they denied payment because they said she had a stroke early in the day and they were calling it a medical emergency.

Only time I've ever sued anyone only reason I won was she was going the opposite direction off the hospital.

In alabama if you are taking yourself to the hospital for an emergency and get in a wreck it is a no fault accident.

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
Pro tip:

Medical debt is different classification from consumer debt. As a result, there are different requirements before they can do a credit check, and it’s typically 260+ days after date of first Bill.

If you have a large medical expense and pay it all at once, they typically give you a 3% prompt pay discount.

If you wait until your account goes to collections/bad debt, typically 180 days post first Bill (and before your credit has been checked, which they legally have to give you 30 days notice), they will typically give you 25%+ off your total Bill.

I never pay off until that happens as there is almost zero risk.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
My dad was paying $3500/mo as a cancer survivor before he turned 65z

He too was self employed
This is disgusting.

The whole system surrounding health insurance / health care is flawed IMO. Insurance, by definition, is to make people "whole" after a loss. This is easily done with material things, such as cars or homes, with money. No amount of money has ever made someone's health "whole" and that's if they're lucky enough to get any coverage at all.


Dec 1, 2020
While not criminals, Medicare is a difficult path to navigate. My father survived colon cancer 5 years ago and it came back in his liver earlier this year. He's at the age now that I am fully in charge and dealing with Medicare directly now. He had about 1/3 of his liver removed last week and isn't doing so well at home at the moment so I am exploring other options. Spent about 3 hours on the phone with Medicare today trying to figure out coverage for inpatient PT and Rehab and Skilled Nursing Facilities should we need to go that route.

Pretty sure I was speaking with someone in the Philippines or some other country with a communication breakdown and about a 1.5 second delay in the conversation. It was incredibly frustrating, especially considering that our illustrious leaders in DC are more than likely giving away similar health care for free to illegal aliens if they can just set foot on our soil. I bet my father(me by proxy) who has paid into the system handsomely for 50+ years has to jump through more hoops to get the same treatment for his cancer than an illegal does who just shows up with the disease.

It's becoming harder and harder everyday to maintain my love for this country. The tipping point and boomerang can't get here soon enough.


Jan 9, 2021
Pro tip:

Medical debt is different classification from consumer debt. As a result, there are different requirements before they can do a credit check, and it’s typically 260+ days after date of first Bill.

If you have a large medical expense and pay it all at once, they typically give you a 3% prompt pay discount.

If you wait until your account goes to collections/bad debt, typically 180 days post first Bill (and before your credit has been checked, which they legally have to give you 30 days notice), they will typically give you 25%+ off your total Bill.

I never pay off until that happens as there is almost zero risk.

i would agree to an extent. However, when our third was born last June I made an offer to the hospital for 60% of the original bill the day after her birth. They declined but called a few days later accepting the offer.
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