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Have you ever smelled a rotting corpse?


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
The structures of our republic or generating into something horrific and monstrous. Like a dead carcass, America is beginning to rot from the inside out. The biden and his sycophants are slowly but surely eating away at the very foundations of America.

The BIG one is FREE SPEECH. Next is the proliferation of technology that empowers CENSORSHIP in a way no could have imagined 10 years ago. Next is the systematic "defunding" on police in major cities run by democrats. After that the list becomes to long to enumerate.

But ONE thing is disturbingly clear - the terrifying radicalization of federal, state, county and city governments is becoming the norm instead of the exception. Too many people are afraid to speak up. I can only pray that we can keep the foundation from crumbling before the next presidential election. The odds are not in our favor.

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