Enjoy the World You Made, Ladies

View attachment 202370

“To see evil and call it good, mocks God. Worse, it makes goodness meaningless. A word without meaning is an abomination, for when the word passes beyond understanding the very thing the word stands for passes out of the world and cannot be recalled.”
Whale cum to the forum

You just have to think that some of these trannies showing up at these places are just trolls:

On TikTok, attendees said men shoved women out of the way and cut lines to submit resumes to the big tech companies that attended the job fair.
texas university

At least the whole team and city of Austin and half of texas still got to gay it up after the game and fuck same sexes.

Also: @MortgageHorn actually looks like gollom off of lord of the rings, except he wears some gay looking glasses and has to pay hookers to go do things with him(not sex, he pays them to hang out with him).
As much shit as he talks i didn’t figure he’d look like a 50 yr old leukemia victim.
texas university
View attachment 202615

At least the whole team and city of Austin and half of texas still got to gay it up after the game and fuck same sexes.

Also: @MortgageHorn actually looks like gollom off of lord of the rings, except he wears some gay looking glasses and has to pay hookers to go do things with him(not sex, he pays them to hang out with him).
As much shit as he talks i didn’t figure he’d look like a 50 yr old leukemia victim.
Stop talking about your house burning down weirdo. Do you have a quota where you have to mention it 17 times a day??
So of course. Just like jake Broe bringing up ukraine. Wxcept i do it more.

Sorry man it was a tragic time. I just cried a little after reading that fucking article. I miss Peanut. She was a good bitch

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