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Don't vote for Trump if you value free speech


May 7, 2024
I'm in the UK but I don't get how the democrats would be any good for free speech.

Even though the Conservative party has been in power for so long in the UK, free speech gets worse and worse every year. The slightest insult or negativity gets considered hate speech. Just something as simple as 'I don't agree that gender can be changed' is now hate speech and illegal. Ethnic on ethnic criticisms are considered racist, ethnic on ethnic crimes are ignored, asian parents still abusing their kids via typical tiger culture is ignored.


Sep 22, 2023
When any group of people are above being criticized, something is seriously wrong.

To be accurate, Jews are NOT Semites; they are NOT God's chosen people; God forsake the old Jerusalem and said he would yet name New Jerusalem... which was later revealed to be the United States of America. The truth now becomes a crime that lamestream is trying to censor, but ultimately you can only force a lie onto the people for so long before they question it.


Apr 20, 2024
The bill of rights has now become illegal to practice and live by. if one needs a PERMIT that right you think you have is already gone.


Sep 22, 2023
The bill of rights has now become illegal to practice and live by. if one needs a PERMIT that right you think you have is already gone.
PART of the reason that the Bill of Rights is illegal to practice is due to the actions of Donald Trump as president. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.

You should do yourself a favor and not let Trump believe that you are voting for him in desperation. You should demand that he hold himself accountable for his anti-gun and anti - Fifth Amendment positions he took with Congress. If he had to do that, he might tell you the way he really feels - in which case you would not be advocating for constitutionalists to vote for that madman.

At this stage, I'm more focused on the down ballot. If bad legislation doesn't make it to the next president, he can't sign bad laws and we will continue to fight bad Executive Orders in the courts.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
PART of the reason that the Bill of Rights is illegal to practice is due to the actions of Donald Trump as president. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.

You should do yourself a favor and not let Trump believe that you are voting for him in desperation. You should demand that he hold himself accountable for his anti-gun and anti - Fifth Amendment positions he took with Congress. If he had to do that, he might tell you the way he really feels - in which case you would not be advocating for constitutionalists to vote for that madman.

At this stage, I'm more focused on the down ballot. If bad legislation doesn't make it to the next president, he can't sign bad laws and we will continue to fight bad Executive Orders in the courts.
KYS down ballot style


Sep 22, 2023
I’m sorry someone hurt you.

Show me where the Lib fucked your wife
Shaun you run around like a lost homosexual needing the attention of real men. There would be no point in arguing with a masochist. You would enjoy it too much. We are all aware of your sexual proclivities that tend toward men - one of the reasons you are so clingy. And you want to bring family members into it?

Your momma was a dog and your daddy was a dog so son I don't have to tell you what that made you. If your wife had as many on her as she's had in her, she would look like a penis porcupine. And just because you loan her out and watch doesn't mean that all men are like you. BTW, the last guy wants to know how your wife and his three kids are.

Libs don't fuck other guy's wives. They are like you. But, then again, that is what all those lamestream politicians are - Libs and it doesn't matter whether they are Democrat or Republican.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Shaun you run around like a lost homosexual needing the attention of real men. There would be no point in arguing with a masochist. You would enjoy it too much. We are all aware of your sexual proclivities that tend toward men - one of the reasons you are so clingy. And you want to bring family members into it?

Your momma was a dog and your daddy was a dog so son I don't have to tell you what that made you. If your wife had as many on her as she's had in her, she would look like a penis porcupine. And just because you loan her out and watch doesn't mean that all men are like you. BTW, the last guy wants to know how your wife and his three kids are.

Libs don't fuck other guy's wives. They are like you. But, then again, that is what all those lamestream politicians are - Libs and it doesn't matter whether they are Democrat or Republican.
TLDR faggot


May 9, 2024
You are looking for the government to solve an issue that is best addressed by we, the people.
Statism: The Opiate of the Elites
Theodore J. Forstmann
MAY 1997 | VOLUME 26, ISSUE 5

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The power and significance of these eleven words reside in the fact that they represent a spiritual truth. This is not simply because Jesus said on the Mount, “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” Nor even because it is written in mosaic law: “Whatever is hurtful to you, do not do to any other person.” The spiritual authority of the Golden Rule is grounded in an even more basic assumption: that there is a Creator and that we are all equal in His eyes."

"Our democracy was founded on this basic assumption, which is why we pledge our allegiance to “one nation under God.” From this flows the self-evident truths: “that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.” What follows is that the individual is the spiritual center of society, and therefore the Golden Rule is self-evident as well."

"From the Golden Rule to Statist Rule"

"But in our day, many of our leaders believe that the state—not the individual—is now the spiritual center of society. According to this view, known as “statism,” government assumes a moral importance that outweighs individual claims. Statists do not speak of government as a collection of bureaucrats, agencies, and limited constitutional powers but as the embodiment of the collective good—as community itself."

"They believe that government should make decisions for individuals. Since individuals usually prefer to make their own decisions, coercion and compulsion become necessary correctives. This is why the statist has no use for the Golden Rule. The statist does not do unto others as he would have others do unto him. The others aren’t to do at all; they are to be done to and done for."

"If it is true, as philosopher Michael Novak once observed, that “each immoral action sows its own irrationality into the pattern of events,” a government that breaks the moral laws encoded in the Golden Rule will have a profound effect on all those living under it. The genesis and genius of the Golden Rule is that it is a twoway street. Statism, on the other hand, is a one-way street. The Golden Rule teaches us that we are all brothers. Statism teaches us that we are the children, and government is the parent. In fact, statists are looking for far more than a maternal embrace in the arms of big government. They are looking for nothing less than a New Jerusalem, literally for redemption through the state."

"Every human being has a need to believe and belong. Traditionally this impulse found expression through religion. But with the decline of clerical power in the 18th century, the search for salvation did not come to an end. Instead the intellectuals of the day began to look elsewhere for idols and answers, for kinship and community. As Paul Johnson observes in Intellectuals:"

"For the first time in human history…men arose to assert that they could diagnose the ills of society and cure them with their own unaided intellects: more, that they could devise formulae whereby not merely the structure of society but the fundamental habits of human beings could be transformed…[These] were not servants and interpreters of the gods but substitutes. Their hero was Prometheus, who stole the celestial fire and brought it to earth."

"In 1789, the Promethean spark burst into the flames of the French Revolution. Historian Will Durant recounts that revolutionary leaders “proclaimed a new theology in which Nature would be God, and heaven would be an earthly utopia in which all men would be good.” The Cathedral of Notre Dame was renamed the Temple of Reason, priests and nuns were ordered to marry, and cemeteries were required to post inscriptions telling the public that “death is an eternal sleep."

"As the revolutionary zeal spilled over into the 19th century, the French battle standard was planted in the great capitals of Europe—in Vienna, Warsaw, Berlin, and Moscow. A German college professor, watching from his window as Napoleon’s victorious Grand Armee passed by, exclaimed: “I saw the World Spirit riding upon a white horse!” This was Georg Hegel, who would attempt to marry God and government at the altar of philosophy: “The Universal is to be found in the State,” he said, and “the State is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth…We must therefore worship the State as the Manifestation of the Divine on earth."

"Half a century later, Marx picked up where Hegel left off, promising that socialism could become the “functional equivalent of religion.” Religion, said Marx, was nothing more than “the sigh of a distressed creature…the spirit of spiritless conditions…the opiate of the masses."

"In a sense, Marx was the John the Baptist of the statist faith in the 20th century. The fact that so many were baptized in this faith confirms British writer G. K. Chesterton’s observation that “when men cease to believe in God, they will not believe in nothing, they will believe in anything.” From this perspective, it becomes clear that statism is more than a mere ideology. It is statism that has become “the spirit of spiritless conditions” and the opiate, not of the masses, but of the elites."

"The Forward March of Statism"

"This realization is essential to understanding the forward march of statism in the United States. As Robert Bork describes in Slouching Toward Gomorrah: “The search for a ‘politics of meaning’ is a feature of modern liberalism, and reflects the human yearning for the transcendental by persons for whom religion no longer fills that need.” But he also observes that “politics as a transcendental value cannot be satisfied by the compromises of democratic processes."

"So how have the statists overcome our democratic processes, constitutional restraints, and historical distrust of state power? First, they have adopted a conscious strategy to pay us to value security over freedom. Second, they have manipulated our language. And third, they have used our law and our courts in ingenious ways to overcome popular will."



Sep 22, 2023
You know I know where you live right?
If you don't know where I live my crack whore is probably monitoring this site. She would be glad to tell you. If that's a threat, I would simply invite you to meet on neutral ground. The people where I live could do more damage to you than you could do to them. I prefer a face to face, one on one meet and anything goes from your nose to your toes. I know plenty of unoccupied spaces hereabouts where we can make that happen.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
If you don't know where I live my crack whore is probably monitoring this site. She would be glad to tell you. If that's a threat, I would simply invite you to meet on neutral ground. The people where I live could do more damage to you than you could do to them. I prefer a face to face, one on one meet and anything goes from your nose to your toes. I know plenty of unoccupied spaces hereabouts where we can make that happen.


Sep 22, 2023
Statism: The Opiate of the Elites
Theodore J. Forstmann
MAY 1997 | VOLUME 26, ISSUE 5

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The power and significance of these eleven words reside in the fact that they represent a spiritual truth. This is not simply because Jesus said on the Mount, “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” Nor even because it is written in mosaic law: “Whatever is hurtful to you, do not do to any other person.” The spiritual authority of the Golden Rule is grounded in an even more basic assumption: that there is a Creator and that we are all equal in His eyes."

"Our democracy was founded on this basic assumption, which is why we pledge our allegiance to “one nation under God.” From this flows the self-evident truths: “that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.” What follows is that the individual is the spiritual center of society, and therefore the Golden Rule is self-evident as well."

"From the Golden Rule to Statist Rule"

"But in our day, many of our leaders believe that the state—not the individual—is now the spiritual center of society. According to this view, known as “statism,” government assumes a moral importance that outweighs individual claims. Statists do not speak of government as a collection of bureaucrats, agencies, and limited constitutional powers but as the embodiment of the collective good—as community itself."

"They believe that government should make decisions for individuals. Since individuals usually prefer to make their own decisions, coercion and compulsion become necessary correctives. This is why the statist has no use for the Golden Rule. The statist does not do unto others as he would have others do unto him. The others aren’t to do at all; they are to be done to and done for."

"If it is true, as philosopher Michael Novak once observed, that “each immoral action sows its own irrationality into the pattern of events,” a government that breaks the moral laws encoded in the Golden Rule will have a profound effect on all those living under it. The genesis and genius of the Golden Rule is that it is a twoway street. Statism, on the other hand, is a one-way street. The Golden Rule teaches us that we are all brothers. Statism teaches us that we are the children, and government is the parent. In fact, statists are looking for far more than a maternal embrace in the arms of big government. They are looking for nothing less than a New Jerusalem, literally for redemption through the state."

"Every human being has a need to believe and belong. Traditionally this impulse found expression through religion. But with the decline of clerical power in the 18th century, the search for salvation did not come to an end. Instead the intellectuals of the day began to look elsewhere for idols and answers, for kinship and community. As Paul Johnson observes in Intellectuals:"

"For the first time in human history…men arose to assert that they could diagnose the ills of society and cure them with their own unaided intellects: more, that they could devise formulae whereby not merely the structure of society but the fundamental habits of human beings could be transformed…[These] were not servants and interpreters of the gods but substitutes. Their hero was Prometheus, who stole the celestial fire and brought it to earth."

"In 1789, the Promethean spark burst into the flames of the French Revolution. Historian Will Durant recounts that revolutionary leaders “proclaimed a new theology in which Nature would be God, and heaven would be an earthly utopia in which all men would be good.” The Cathedral of Notre Dame was renamed the Temple of Reason, priests and nuns were ordered to marry, and cemeteries were required to post inscriptions telling the public that “death is an eternal sleep."

"As the revolutionary zeal spilled over into the 19th century, the French battle standard was planted in the great capitals of Europe—in Vienna, Warsaw, Berlin, and Moscow. A German college professor, watching from his window as Napoleon’s victorious Grand Armee passed by, exclaimed: “I saw the World Spirit riding upon a white horse!” This was Georg Hegel, who would attempt to marry God and government at the altar of philosophy: “The Universal is to be found in the State,” he said, and “the State is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth…We must therefore worship the State as the Manifestation of the Divine on earth."

"Half a century later, Marx picked up where Hegel left off, promising that socialism could become the “functional equivalent of religion.” Religion, said Marx, was nothing more than “the sigh of a distressed creature…the spirit of spiritless conditions…the opiate of the masses."

"In a sense, Marx was the John the Baptist of the statist faith in the 20th century. The fact that so many were baptized in this faith confirms British writer G. K. Chesterton’s observation that “when men cease to believe in God, they will not believe in nothing, they will believe in anything.” From this perspective, it becomes clear that statism is more than a mere ideology. It is statism that has become “the spirit of spiritless conditions” and the opiate, not of the masses, but of the elites."

"The Forward March of Statism"

"This realization is essential to understanding the forward march of statism in the United States. As Robert Bork describes in Slouching Toward Gomorrah: “The search for a ‘politics of meaning’ is a feature of modern liberalism, and reflects the human yearning for the transcendental by persons for whom religion no longer fills that need.” But he also observes that “politics as a transcendental value cannot be satisfied by the compromises of democratic processes."

"So how have the statists overcome our democratic processes, constitutional restraints, and historical distrust of state power? First, they have adopted a conscious strategy to pay us to value security over freedom. Second, they have manipulated our language. And third, they have used our law and our courts in ingenious ways to overcome popular will."

I agree with you at least 90 percent there. You should post such discussions at resisters.freeforums.net if you want to have a serious discussion.

FWIW, the only point I am critical of in that article is that democracy doesn't lend itself to acknowledging God given Rights. That is why the founders guaranteed a Republican Form of Government - unalienable Rights that are above the reach of mortal man.


Apr 20, 2024
Most forums on the internet are run by people just like the OP of this topic. They cant stand anyplace where they cant ban the truth and mess with conservatives, as a matter of fact this is about the only open public forum where one can jump up on his or her soapbox and let it fly. I am surprised actually that the commies even let this place exist.

there is a book i've read, a book called "Rules for Radicals" read it and you will understand the tactics the commies are using on us,,,its practically their bible. i beleive the authors name is saul alinski. any communist who is a community organizer lives by it.

Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.

Rule 2: Never go outside the experience of your people.
The result is confusion, fear, and retreat.

Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.

Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. "You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."

Rule 5: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It's hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. "If your people aren't having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic."

Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues.

Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage."

Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself. When Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O'Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city's reputation.

Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, "Okay, what would you do?"

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don't try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. "The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength."
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Mar 20, 2021
Most forums on the internet are run by people just like the OP of this topic. They cant stand anyplace where they cant ban the truth and mess with conservatives, as a matter of fact this is about the only open public forum where one can jump up on his or her soapbox and let it fly. I am surprised actually that the commies even let this place exist.
You are truly retarded, no wonder you support Trump. No one supports free speech more than I do.


Apr 20, 2024
You are truly retarded, no wonder you support Trump. No one supports free speech more than I do.
Keep ridin wit biden communist person and yes I am going to Bump wit Trump!!

Dont you hate that you cant erase my words or get me banned?

I could be wrong about you tho.
Remember its never to late to qwit being a Dick.


Mar 20, 2021
Keep ridin wit biden communist person and yes I am going to Bump wit Trump!!
I don't support Biden either. Both Biden and Trump are equally horrible, well representing the current horrible electorate of America.

Dont you hate that you cant erase my words or get me banned?
No, I just hate living in Idiocracy.


Sep 22, 2023
Keep ridin wit biden communist person and yes I am going to Bump wit Trump!!

Dont you hate that you cant erase my words or get me banned?

I could be wrong about you tho.
Remember its never to late to qwit being a Dick.
Everybody has their own truth. The facts are, when it comes to Trump, there can be dissension lest someone accuse you of being a liberal. This much you have my word on: NOBODY would call me a Biden supporter to my face. I'd make them eat their teeth. On the Internet, they can afford to be a dumb ass because, for the time being, they have anonymity and don't have to hold themselves accountable.

I would not vote for Biden under ANY circumstances. OTOH, I will not vote for Trump unless and until his supporters make Trump man up over his anti-gun and anti-Fifth Amendment agenda. Anyone who opposes the Bill of Rights is not an American and not worthy of my measly vote. Those who would censor others for expressing their opinion only show the dangers of voting for a tyrant.


Dec 10, 2020
PART of the reason that the Bill of Rights is illegal to practice is due to the actions of Donald Trump as president. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.

You should do yourself a favor and not let Trump believe that you are voting for him in desperation. You should demand that he hold himself accountable for his anti-gun and anti - Fifth Amendment positions he took with Congress. If he had to do that, he might tell you the way he really feels - in which case you would not be advocating for constitutionalists to vote for that madman.

At this stage, I'm more focused on the down ballot. If bad legislation doesn't make it to the next president, he can't sign bad laws and we will continue to fight bad Executive Orders in the courts.
Jesus you are delusional. You think things are worse than if Bush or Hillary had won? Wake up retard. Trump was the absolute best option we had in '16 and '20 and is again in '24. Stop being a cunt.


Sep 22, 2023
Jesus you are delusional. You think things are worse than if Bush or Hillary had won? Wake up retard. Trump was the absolute best option we had in '16 and '20 and is again in '24. Stop being a cunt.

You're about a dumb ass. You shouldn't embarrass yourself with stupidity. Democrats have already destroyed the Republic. Wake the Hell up. I've not said a damn thing that any rational person could read and make the claim you just made. What a fucking idiot you are!

I will not ever support a Democrat. Neither will I cast a vote for any candidate that is opposed to our Bill of Rights. And Trump is against the Bill of Rights. What does it take to make that point to you?

Once you take Liberty teeth away, you do not have the ability to resist. Period. It's game over and Trump won't be emperor for life. So, if you elect that wannabe, you'd damn well better quit worshipping the man and force him to admit he was wrong to support gun control and that he's rethought his opposition to the Fifth Amendment.

Dude, for real. If you fantasize about sucking that turd's dick, that's your business. But, you have no call to make false allegations against me. Without the ability to resist unconstitutional government, you are inevitably ruined. I won't go through life, screwing myself out of guarantees that the government can be held to PROVIDED we have the means to resist. Give up your Right to resist and you will be at the mercy of whatever POS occupies the Black House in the future. If you take nothing else away from this, remember this: There will be someone else in charge after Trump. If you allow Trump to take away the ability to resist, you're only prolonging your misery.


Sep 22, 2023
It's always Trump with this goat fucker. Start a thread and title it, if you like money don't vote Biden. He can't do it cause he a yuge Biden limp dick sucker.

Would you mind terribly rephrasing that in English? This thread is about Trump. Why bring up senile Biden? If Biden gets elected, Kamala Harris gets to be president once Angry Joe croaks or his handlers admit he is no longer able to govern. Then America is either at its end OR the people revolt.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
It's always Trump with this goat fucker. Start a thread and title it, if you like money don't vote Biden. He can't do it cause he a yuge Biden limp dick sucker.

Would you mind terribly rephrasing that in English? This thread is about Trump. Why bring up senile Biden? If Biden gets elected, Kamala Harris gets to be president once Angry Joe croaks or his handlers admit he is no longer able to govern. Then America is either at its end OR the people revolt.
What he's sayin', is that you only seem to rail against Trump.

If I had to rate your political positions based on what you post, I'd have to say that you probably like Biden better than Trump. Your negative posts are running 100 to 1 in favor of being critical against Trump. Why not give equal time to Biden?
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