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Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Watch how much corn you eat in one sitting. I'm about to crash from drugs but ill tell the story this evening and a good one about a country dude banging animals. I thought I saw a thread here on it but could have been when I was under.
Not cancer so all is good. Use prayers for @merlin


Jan 8, 2021
Watch how much corn you eat in one sitting. I'm about to crash from drugs but ill tell the story this evening and a good one about a country dude banging animals. I thought I saw a thread here on it but could have been when I was under.
Not cancer so all is good. Use prayers for @merlin
I spent 5 days in the hospital with a bowel obstruction caused by diverticulitis. MD said waiting another 12 hours to go to ER and it would have been too late.


Dec 1, 2020
Watch how much corn you eat in one sitting. I'm about to crash from drugs but ill tell the story this evening and a good one about a country dude banging animals. I thought I saw a thread here on it but could have been when I was under.
Not cancer so all is good. Use prayers for @merlin

I don't know what the coomer emoji is for or means, but it seems an appropriate reaction to @Rebarcock. Post.
Coomer is that little part of all of us that just wants to beat his dick in to Bolivia day after day

His battle cry is “I’m fixxxxxin to coooooooooom”



Jan 7, 2021
Hey there, anyone else dealing with this?

I was diagnosed in January, put on antibiotics and cleared up but now experiencing a pretty painful flare up.

Looking for any advice.

Going to see my doctor tomorrow and I’m sure they will have me back in antibiotics but hoping someone has found something a little more natural to try.


Sep 22, 2023
Hey there, anyone else dealing with this?

I was diagnosed in January, put on antibiotics and cleared up but now experiencing a pretty painful flare up.

Looking for any advice.

Going to see my doctor tomorrow and I’m sure they will have me back in antibiotics but hoping someone has found something a little more natural to try.

I went through it to the point that I got a perforated colon. Then a surgeon wanted to take out some of the affected colon. Instead, I opted for diet and a laundry list of things bought and vitamin / health food store.

If you are lucky enough to avoid surgery, it will be because you stick to a diet plan and take herbal remedies. The first time it started, a naturopath told me to go on a diet of juicing cabbages, eating baked potatoes - 1 per day (NOTHING on them - no butter, salt, sour cream, etc. - just baked potato). Drink water. You have to do it for ten days.

Gradually build up from there with a soft diet and then to a regular diet. If you ever go back to spicy foods, greasy foods, fried food, nuts or seeds the problem will reoccur. And it will be worse the next time. Check this out too:

I don't agree with all of it, but it does have a lot of good info.


Jan 8, 2021
Hey there, anyone else dealing with this?

I was diagnosed in January, put on antibiotics and cleared up but now experiencing a pretty painful flare up.

Looking for any advice.

Going to see my doctor tomorrow and I’m sure they will have me back in antibiotics but hoping someone has found something a little more natural to try.
After my bout with it, I was told something as little as a seed or other small object could clog a diverticula and lead to diverticulitis. It gets your attention when the MD starts talking about removing a section of your large intestine to cure the problem. I'd rather eat no seeds.


Jan 7, 2021
So after 48 hours of fasting and sticking to a liquid diet my stomach feels better.

The pain in my side is still there when you push on it a bit but as long as I don’t do that it’s fine. I can get around pain free vs before it literally hurt to walk as my bowels felt bloated.

I took a few things while fasting. Gas X, apple cider vinegar pills, and some l-glutamine and finally just a bit ago had some Metamucil to drink down and get some fiber. Going to see how that works out then move into eating some seedless food.

Also took Tylenol at night to sleep the last two nights.

Had no trouble making a bowel movement either since this all started Sunday.

No antibiotics this time and hopefully this shit is clearing up and I can stop worrying about it and eat. Need a damn steak or burger!!!!
Feb 9, 2023
So after 48 hours of fasting and sticking to a liquid diet my stomach feels better.

The pain in my side is still there when you push on it a bit but as long as I don’t do that it’s fine. I can get around pain free vs before it literally hurt to walk as my bowels felt bloated.

I took a few things while fasting. Gas X, apple cider vinegar pills, and some l-glutamine and finally just a bit ago had some Metamucil to drink down and get some fiber. Going to see how that works out then move into eating some seedless food.

Also took Tylenol at night to sleep the last two nights.

Had no trouble making a bowel movement either since this all started Sunday.

No antibiotics this time and hopefully this shit is clearing up and I can stop worrying about it and eat. Need a damn steak or burger!!!!
There's some healing/coating herbs that work like pepto bismal but do not wipe out your good bacteria. This includes slippery elm, aloe gel, muslin, marshmallow root and licorice root DGL. Essentially these create a mucus coating on your intestines to block substances from harming your gut lining and simultaneously healing the gut at the same time.

Chuck 2020

2022 Fantasy ⚾️ 🏆
Jan 16, 2021
I had diverticulitis several year ago. Spent a week in the hospital on all kinds of antibiotics. Pain went away and I was told to stay away from any foods that had any type of skin. Corn, nuts, lettuce, etc. and eat about 25 grams of fiber a day. Followed that for about 9 years then in 2022 it flared up again and had to have surgery as it caused my appendix to be inflamed. Had the diverticulum and my appendix removed. Was fun.
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