Can you believe these squanxhes are.. be fair...if they don’t stop this Facebook will officially be squanched. The entire business model is to sell OUR INFORMATION to yeah this is a pretty BIG FUCKIN DEAL. This is a potentially monumental turn of even....this scream desperation...and something about desp is stinky cologne...
This guy squanches
Apple has a pretty big market squanch. Pretty bonkers they just wanna take these peoples squanch without their consent
So apple is going to censor hate speech in version 14.5, but also Facebook is pissed they can’t get data.

Apple has some wokeness to them, but they have always been better than the status quo on user privacy.
Hate speech such a dumb and subjective squanch. What even is it? Is me insulting you hate speech? What about me saying “I hate pickles!” Is that hate speech? See it’s such a subjective Squanch!
"Wubba lubba dub dub!"

Does that squanchy or get squanched now?
I could care less. I know better than to have a presence on any social media platform. The time to kill your account(s) is now. Big Brother is getting hungrier by the day. There is no end to the censorship, coercion and spying plans of big tech and our ultra left wing liberal coalition. I refuse to call it a government because it is coalition of ignorant sycophants and fascist. To hell with them all. God bless America.
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