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Another good read on why populism is the future


Dec 1, 2020
Gonna be real interesting to watch things play out over the next couple years


A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021
It needs to separate from the Republican Party

It’s not a bad idea.

I would completely endorse it if the GOP doesn’t do what necessary to install Trump after 2024.

Either we get Trump and the GOP goes full America 1st or we burn the mother fucker down.
Disagree here, would fracture the party and further unify the Dims and increase their majority because they would see what would happen to the pubs. I want to see the old guard go and newer people come into it with a fresher outlook and balls to call them on their shit.

Same reason I hope the progs break from the dims, it would essentially end their majority.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Disagree here, would fracture the party and further unify the Dims and increase their majority because they would see what would happen to the pubs. I want to see the old guard go and newer people come into it with a fresher outlook and balls to call them on their shit.

Same reason I hope the progs break from the dims, it would essentially end their majority.
That’s kinda the idea.

Either everyone falls in line and gets their shit together or we take the pain level up a few notches.

You’re spot on about the progs breaking away from the Dims but that’s happening either way. That’s why it’s imperative for the GOP to move away from Reaganism towards a more populist (less globalist) position (America 1st).

If they do they’ll get the majority of moderates and working class folks and essentially have the same platform they did under Eisenhower with the exception of tighter immigration, less support for unions, and support for protected trade (USMCA, tariffs, ect).

New faces will happen naturally as a result of this shift.


Jun 11, 2021
Disagree here, would fracture the party and further unify the Dims and increase their majority because they would see what would happen to the pubs. I want to see the old guard go and newer people come into it with a fresher outlook and balls to call them on their shit.

Same reason I hope the progs break from the dims, it would essentially end their majority.
That’s a shortsighted POV. Fvck the party.
A new party would separate from the swamp, get more than half of the current Republican Party, a good chunk of independents and true liberals.


Jun 11, 2021
It’s not a bad idea.

I would completely endorse it if the GOP doesn’t do what necessary to install Trump after 2024.

Either we get Trump and the GOP goes full America 1st or we burn the mother fucker down.
I’m out on that. Trump served his purpose exposing who is in power and what they want. It’s time foe the patriots to take the wheel

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I’m out on that. Trump served his purpose exposing who is in power and what they want. It’s time foe the patriots to take the wheel
There is no going back.

Even if Trump only took 1/10 of his voters it would destroy the GOP.

Studies and polls have shown somewhere between 50-55% of his voters would leave the GOP if he said too.

The GOP can’t lose 40M voters. They’d be sunk forever. Their only option to go full America 1st.

Some polls show the hypothetical Patriot Party capturing almost 1/4 of the total electorate. The party would actually be bigger than what’s left of the GOP.


Jun 11, 2021
There is no going back.

Even if Trump only took 1/10 of his voters it would destroy the GOP.

Studies and polls have shown somewhere between 50-55% of his voters would leave the GOP if he said too.

The GOP can’t lose 40M voters. They’d be sunk forever. They’re only option to go full America 1st.
I misread your post. I agree. I don’t want Trump running as a Republican.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I misread your post. I agree. I don’t want Trump running as a Republican.
I’m all in on whatever Trump thinks is best. That’s why I’m @America 1st

He isn’t perfect or a god or anything like that but he is exactly what this country needs right now and the only dude I trust.

I’m certainly not a “Republican” in the sense I’m loyal to that party. I will vote for that party tho if Trump takes it over and gets his policies put in place then says go for it.


May 28, 2021
That’s kinda the idea.

Either everyone falls in line and gets their shit together or we take the pain level up a few notches.

You’re spot on about the progs breaking away from the Dims but that’s happening either way. That’s why it’s imperative for the GOP to move away from Reaganism towards a more populist (less globalist) position (America 1st).

If they do they’ll get the majority of moderates and working class folks and essentially have the same platform they did under Eisenhower with the exception of tighter immigration, less support for unions, and support for protected trade (USMCA, tariffs, ect).

New faces will happen naturally as a result of this shift.
What is Reaganism? (This should be good.)

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
What is Reaganism? (This should be good.)
Reagan’s platform or version of the Republican Party. Other people consider it the general ideology of “conservatives” or the farthest right portion of right voters in contemporary times.


May 28, 2021
Reagan’s platform or version of the Republican Party. Other people consider it the general ideology of “conservatives” or the farthest right portion of right voters in contemporary times.
What was Reagan's platform or version of the Republican party?

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
What would be your disagreement with Reagan's platform?

(Free trade would be the only distinction I can see between him and Trump.)
It’s not really disagreement. I’d say it’s more that the platform should adapt the the electorate and the times. I think Trumpism is more ideal for what we’re going through right now.

There are several nuanced differences but one example would be Reagan is generally defined by Laissez Faire economics where Trump is more of moderate or populist capitalist.

Two examples of this would be his stance on wanting to regulate crypto and his executive action on insulin to force the price down.


Jan 7, 2021
It’s not a bad idea.

I would completely endorse it if the GOP doesn’t do what necessary to install Trump after 2024.

Either we get Trump and the GOP goes full America 1st or we burn the mother fucker down.

Why can't we have both? The Bush, Rubio, Romney, Graham, McConnell, Cheney, Murkowski group of swamp rats can rot in hell.

Almost feel bad for the devil having to take that group.


Jan 15, 2021
Expound more please. Genuinely curious

It goes more or less like this...

WW2 created a mini industrial revolution/ explosion in the US based off of war production. The USSR believed, along with certain folks in France and the UK. The idea was that post war production levels were going to fall and without a war and the US was going to be left with a bunch of unemployed GI's because even with the women and blacks being displaced by white GI's there wasn't enough output to go around.

That didn't materialize for three reasons. 1) Europe needed to be rebuilt 2) Bretton Woods/ Marshall Plan 3) GI Bill. 1) Is pretty obvious as the US picked up the bulk of the load for European output and helped rebuild Europe. 2) flows into 1 because the Marshall plan allowed subsidies cheap loans to be taken by the euros and help finance the reconstruction. 3) allowed the GI's to be retooled for advanced manufacturing that pushed a further mini economic boom into the 60's.

By the 60's the US had a clear leg up on manufacturing competition and an advanced workforce, but then things started looking shaky. Advanced manufacturing and high margins in the absence of huge demand and little competition created higher tax brackets, and labor unions reached peak power. And why not? Plenty of money to go around at the time.

Then a few different items came to a head, capital shortages caused by high tax rates, Europe officially being rebuilt, and the micro chip. With Europe rebuilt demand fell and competition increased from the Europeans and Japanese. High taxes meant the cost of rebuilding or expanding the factories to better compete became prohibitively expensive and with the invention of the micro chip any capital scrounged up went into that at a lower cost and higher return. By the 80's Reagan came along and manufacturing was clearly sunsetting, he cut rates and we went from a capital shortage to a surplus. Manufacturing found it cheaper to grow in the absence of demand by offshoring to Asia and investing there, and more money here flowed into technology and equity creating the modern incarnations of Silicon Valley and Wallstreet. And labor unions were gutted btw.

Here we are today, Asia is not reaching max capacity and falling into what is called the income trap. To compete with modern technology you almost have to have people work at subsistence level and then heavily subsidize the material. That's not really sustainable in China and as a result the manufacturing that was done by labor can be better done by robots. When the largest consumer markets int he world are in the US and Europe, it doesn't make any sense to run a manufacturing operation in Asia when the marginal cost of production is virtually zero. Factories are naturally coming back to the first world.

The South is the largest economic bloc in the US and is the fastest growing right now. It's the fastest growing right now because the labor unions haven't strangled the country, there is very little protectionism, and our property rights are fairly well preserved at the state and local levels. You don't have regulatory nightmares like California or Ohio. You want to fuck that up, all you have to do is turn the clock back to the 1960's and shut down trade in favor of protectionism and boost the unions and then tax the shit out of everyone. Because that's what happens when the government sees a golden goose, it'll strangle it.

The common argument against what I'm saying is all the unemployed blue collar assholes snorting meth. Well, learn to fucking code and grow with the market. Now can a guy who is only good for fixing sinks or delivering pizzas code? Of course not. But he could take higher paying jobs in other markets that are currently occupied by people who could shift their work worlds into more lucrative service jobs and in turn open the door to the blue collar guy to fix sinks, or learn other skills.

The biggest issue with the blue collar liberal protectionist republicans is that they'll put us directly back into the same environment that created the shit show we are currently in. Only it will be worse because there is no Europe to rebuild.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
A more populist GOP, with Trumpism as its central platform, really fucks the Dims.


The organizer are extemelibs which tirn of moderate libe of social conservative type mmof voters m. By having the extremists delivering the message it makes the conservative message more tolerable


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
It goes more or less like this...

WW2 created a mini industrial revolution/ explosion in the US based off of war production. The USSR believed, along with certain folks in France and the UK. The idea was that post war production levels were going to fall and without a war and the US was going to be left with a bunch of unemployed GI's because even with the women and blacks being displaced by white GI's there wasn't enough output to go around.

That didn't materialize for three reasons. 1) Europe needed to be rebuilt 2) Bretton Woods/ Marshall Plan 3) GI Bill. 1) Is pretty obvious as the US picked up the bulk of the load for European output and helped rebuild Europe. 2) flows into 1 because the Marshall plan allowed subsidies cheap loans to be taken by the euros and help finance the reconstruction. 3) allowed the GI's to be retooled for advanced manufacturing that pushed a further mini economic boom into the 60's.

By the 60's the US had a clear leg up on manufacturing competition and an advanced workforce, but then things started looking shaky. Advanced manufacturing and high margins in the absence of huge demand and little competition created higher tax brackets, and labor unions reached peak power. And why not? Plenty of money to go around at the time.

Then a few different items came to a head, capital shortages caused by high tax rates, Europe officially being rebuilt, and the micro chip. With Europe rebuilt demand fell and competition increased from the Europeans and Japanese. High taxes meant the cost of rebuilding or expanding the factories to better compete became prohibitively expensive and with the invention of the micro chip any capital scrounged up went into that at a lower cost and higher return. By the 80's Reagan came along and manufacturing was clearly sunsetting, he cut rates and we went from a capital shortage to a surplus. Manufacturing found it cheaper to grow in the absence of demand by offshoring to Asia and investing there, and more money here flowed into technology and equity creating the modern incarnations of Silicon Valley and Wallstreet. And labor unions were gutted btw.

Here we are today, Asia is not reaching max capacity and falling into what is called the income trap. To compete with modern technology you almost have to have people work at subsistence level and then heavily subsidize the material. That's not really sustainable in China and as a result the manufacturing that was done by labor can be better done by robots. When the largest consumer markets int he world are in the US and Europe, it doesn't make any sense to run a manufacturing operation in Asia when the marginal cost of production is virtually zero. Factories are naturally coming back to the first world.

The South is the largest economic bloc in the US and is the fastest growing right now. It's the fastest growing right now because the labor unions haven't strangled the country, there is very little protectionism, and our property rights are fairly well preserved at the state and local levels. You don't have regulatory nightmares like California or Ohio. You want to fuck that up, all you have to do is turn the clock back to the 1960's and shut down trade in favor of protectionism and boost the unions and then tax the shit out of everyone. Because that's what happens when the government sees a golden goose, it'll strangle it.

The common argument against what I'm saying is all the unemployed blue collar assholes snorting meth. Well, learn to fucking code and grow with the market. Now can a guy who is only good for fixing sinks or delivering pizzas code? Of course not. But he could take higher paying jobs in other markets that are currently occupied by people who could shift their work worlds into more lucrative service jobs and in turn open the door to the blue collar guy to fix sinks, or learn other skills.

The biggest issue with the blue collar liberal protectionist republicans is that they'll put us directly back into the same environment that created the shit show we are currently in. Only it will be worse because there is no Europe to rebuild.
Do that instead of acting like Dr Dumickemhead all the time. I don't agree w everybody you put together a cogent position. Now goeat the fucking rice pudding dicksucker


Dec 1, 2020
It goes more or less like this...

WW2 created a mini industrial revolution/ explosion in the US based off of war production. The USSR believed, along with certain folks in France and the UK. The idea was that post war production levels were going to fall and without a war and the US was going to be left with a bunch of unemployed GI's because even with the women and blacks being displaced by white GI's there wasn't enough output to go around.

That didn't materialize for three reasons. 1) Europe needed to be rebuilt 2) Bretton Woods/ Marshall Plan 3) GI Bill. 1) Is pretty obvious as the US picked up the bulk of the load for European output and helped rebuild Europe. 2) flows into 1 because the Marshall plan allowed subsidies cheap loans to be taken by the euros and help finance the reconstruction. 3) allowed the GI's to be retooled for advanced manufacturing that pushed a further mini economic boom into the 60's.

By the 60's the US had a clear leg up on manufacturing competition and an advanced workforce, but then things started looking shaky. Advanced manufacturing and high margins in the absence of huge demand and little competition created higher tax brackets, and labor unions reached peak power. And why not? Plenty of money to go around at the time.

Then a few different items came to a head, capital shortages caused by high tax rates, Europe officially being rebuilt, and the micro chip. With Europe rebuilt demand fell and competition increased from the Europeans and Japanese. High taxes meant the cost of rebuilding or expanding the factories to better compete became prohibitively expensive and with the invention of the micro chip any capital scrounged up went into that at a lower cost and higher return. By the 80's Reagan came along and manufacturing was clearly sunsetting, he cut rates and we went from a capital shortage to a surplus. Manufacturing found it cheaper to grow in the absence of demand by offshoring to Asia and investing there, and more money here flowed into technology and equity creating the modern incarnations of Silicon Valley and Wallstreet. And labor unions were gutted btw.

Here we are today, Asia is not reaching max capacity and falling into what is called the income trap. To compete with modern technology you almost have to have people work at subsistence level and then heavily subsidize the material. That's not really sustainable in China and as a result the manufacturing that was done by labor can be better done by robots. When the largest consumer markets int he world are in the US and Europe, it doesn't make any sense to run a manufacturing operation in Asia when the marginal cost of production is virtually zero. Factories are naturally coming back to the first world.

The South is the largest economic bloc in the US and is the fastest growing right now. It's the fastest growing right now because the labor unions haven't strangled the country, there is very little protectionism, and our property rights are fairly well preserved at the state and local levels. You don't have regulatory nightmares like California or Ohio. You want to fuck that up, all you have to do is turn the clock back to the 1960's and shut down trade in favor of protectionism and boost the unions and then tax the shit out of everyone. Because that's what happens when the government sees a golden goose, it'll strangle it.

The common argument against what I'm saying is all the unemployed blue collar assholes snorting meth. Well, learn to fucking code and grow with the market. Now can a guy who is only good for fixing sinks or delivering pizzas code? Of course not. But he could take higher paying jobs in other markets that are currently occupied by people who could shift their work worlds into more lucrative service jobs and in turn open the door to the blue collar guy to fix sinks, or learn other skills.

The biggest issue with the blue collar liberal protectionist republicans is that they'll put us directly back into the same environment that created the shit show we are currently in. Only it will be worse because there is no Europe to rebuild.
Thanks for taking the time to type all that out.

It puts things into perspective, but I still can’t get my head around the liberal protectionist part of the blue collar liberal protections republicans


Dec 1, 2020
I took him off ignore bc I am not a fan of ignoring. I lmout him back on bc clearly he is so incredibly unsmart he offers nothing but dumb ass comebacks. He like his grandmas sexret rice pulling too. Just a giant double douche
BBN makes some great points that others should pay attention to IMO. He’s part of the political world and understands how a lot of that works.

He pisses people off when he calls out their hardline positions, and people take him for a troll. And then they start slinging insults and he maxes them out.

Rinse and repeat

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
It goes more or less like this...

WW2 created a mini industrial revolution/ explosion in the US based off of war production. The USSR believed, along with certain folks in France and the UK. The idea was that post war production levels were going to fall and without a war and the US was going to be left with a bunch of unemployed GI's because even with the women and blacks being displaced by white GI's there wasn't enough output to go around.

That didn't materialize for three reasons. 1) Europe needed to be rebuilt 2) Bretton Woods/ Marshall Plan 3) GI Bill. 1) Is pretty obvious as the US picked up the bulk of the load for European output and helped rebuild Europe. 2) flows into 1 because the Marshall plan allowed subsidies cheap loans to be taken by the euros and help finance the reconstruction. 3) allowed the GI's to be retooled for advanced manufacturing that pushed a further mini economic boom into the 60's.

By the 60's the US had a clear leg up on manufacturing competition and an advanced workforce, but then things started looking shaky. Advanced manufacturing and high margins in the absence of huge demand and little competition created higher tax brackets, and labor unions reached peak power. And why not? Plenty of money to go around at the time.

Then a few different items came to a head, capital shortages caused by high tax rates, Europe officially being rebuilt, and the micro chip. With Europe rebuilt demand fell and competition increased from the Europeans and Japanese. High taxes meant the cost of rebuilding or expanding the factories to better compete became prohibitively expensive and with the invention of the micro chip any capital scrounged up went into that at a lower cost and higher return. By the 80's Reagan came along and manufacturing was clearly sunsetting, he cut rates and we went from a capital shortage to a surplus. Manufacturing found it cheaper to grow in the absence of demand by offshoring to Asia and investing there, and more money here flowed into technology and equity creating the modern incarnations of Silicon Valley and Wallstreet. And labor unions were gutted btw.

Here we are today, Asia is not reaching max capacity and falling into what is called the income trap. To compete with modern technology you almost have to have people work at subsistence level and then heavily subsidize the material. That's not really sustainable in China and as a result the manufacturing that was done by labor can be better done by robots. When the largest consumer markets int he world are in the US and Europe, it doesn't make any sense to run a manufacturing operation in Asia when the marginal cost of production is virtually zero. Factories are naturally coming back to the first world.

The South is the largest economic bloc in the US and is the fastest growing right now. It's the fastest growing right now because the labor unions haven't strangled the country, there is very little protectionism, and our property rights are fairly well preserved at the state and local levels. You don't have regulatory nightmares like California or Ohio. You want to fuck that up, all you have to do is turn the clock back to the 1960's and shut down trade in favor of protectionism and boost the unions and then tax the shit out of everyone. Because that's what happens when the government sees a golden goose, it'll strangle it.

The common argument against what I'm saying is all the unemployed blue collar assholes snorting meth. Well, learn to fucking code and grow with the market. Now can a guy who is only good for fixing sinks or delivering pizzas code? Of course not. But he could take higher paying jobs in other markets that are currently occupied by people who could shift their work worlds into more lucrative service jobs and in turn open the door to the blue collar guy to fix sinks, or learn other skills.

The biggest issue with the blue collar liberal protectionist republicans is that they'll put us directly back into the same environment that created the shit show we are currently in. Only it will be worse because there is no Europe to rebuild.


Jan 15, 2021
Thanks for taking the time to type all that out.

It puts things into perspective, but I still can’t get my head around the liberal protectionist part of the blue collar liberal protections republicans

Liberal protectionism, or just protectionism, tends to lead to policies that protect the here and now and then make us unadaptable going forward into the future. The NE and Midwest strangled the economic life blood out of their economies by picking winners and losers and pro union policies and the world passed them by. I don't want that happening here.
Last edited:


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
BBN makes some great points that others should pay attention to IMO. He’s part of the political world and understands how a lot of that works.

He pisses people off when he calls out their hardline positions, and people take him for a troll. And then they start slinging insults and he maxes them out.

Rinse and repeat
More often than not he acts as though he is the ranking member smansmd sole arbiter of ever single issue. Than he attempts to degrade thethers to build himself his. I agree ther he made be times I have agreed and encourage to that ability cto explain to folks. Her. He is not stupid but his strick is tiredsome and people just ignore him. I can guarantee no TFST participant is mke Indonesia. Which is a change becace he has offered good perspectives. He is only happy tearing people down. Like an oke person eating rice pudding


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
It needs to separate from the Republican
Maybe not to start but yes. The teavparty was a dry run that was truly grass roots.cnit is it grass roots with real organization operations. I hooe


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
It needs to separate from the Republican
Maybe not to start but yes. The teavparty was a dry run that was truly grass roots.cnit is it grass roots with real organization operations.
That’s a shortsighted POV. Fvck the party.
A new party would separate from the swamp, get more than half of the current Republican Party, a good chunk of independents and true liberals.
Short sighted imo. I'm not saying wrong but tea party ended up mittens. Teas party was shoe string..countless tku pull landings black and indies upper the gold tent it'd be hard.but Americans are tires of racism. Big society destroyed back family units.
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