Algerian dude italian girl..........Olympic boxing

My take on it for what it is worth:

The dude is Algerian. By in large, the muslim world does not play the gay shit........not one bit. So why is it that this guy would decide to play as a girl, and beat the woman? Is he gay, or whatever they want to call it these days? Probably not. Who knows.

I propose that this guy to whom is posing as a woman, might just be proving the point. Kind of like the faggot college swimmer, whoever his name was.

Unfortunately, either way, this woke ideaolgy will not stop, until those to whom promote it, are injured by it. In this case, the female boxer.

This just happens to be on a world stage, and there is no hiding it.

Women are in no way inferior to men physically, they are just different.

I kind of feel bad for the Italian girl, but was she woke? Maybe.........and if she was, is this just the medicine required to cure the disease?
And how many women do you see identifying as men and entering mens categories?

None. Even fucking butch gorilla Serena Williams loses to mediocre ranked male tennis players.

Oh lord, don't remind me of all my previous now banned sub forums all over the internet of 'Tennis Gorilla' and 'Badminton Bonobo' dedicated to her.
And how many women do you see identifying as men and entering mens categories?

None. Even fucking butch gorilla Serena Williams loses to mediocre ranked male tennis players.

Oh lord, don't remind me of all my previous now banned sub forums all over the internet of 'Tennis Gorilla' and 'Badminton Bonobo' dedicated to her.
Now you are making sense, good job, keep it up. For some reason, @TheFiend agrees with you, and so shall I.
Not really, but sure, perhaps
Bitch, every one of your comments and replies displays zero IQ.

Your fucking signature alone ... 'Effort to make things look effortless'???? .... I make everything look effortless without even using a single braincell in my head.

For the fun if it, I did another proper paid for IQ test online, using approved pattern related tests (bearing in mind we can't get these tests in the UK). I scored 128, in general when I do these things, I score 125-135 consistently.

The current score puts me in the top 78th percentile - more intelligent than 78% of the population.

Furthermore, an analysis in my answers - I am 'enhanced' in 'memory, precision, problem solving and analytical' intelligences - this is in line with my language and music savantry - being able to play anything I hear by ear immediately on the piano and immediately being capable of learning new words, language and grammar skills as my speech therapy this year revealed.

Everything I write or speak is perfectly organised 'asperger communication'. The person that leads one of the aspie groups I run speaks exactly as I do.

Higher functioning autism / asperger communication is GIFTED level of grammar and expression, more so when trained. My mum is who I got it from - she has intelligence loss but is perfectly fluent in 6 languages - a polyglot.

For further reference, I suggest you read the book 'Every word is a bird we teach to sing' by a gifted higher functioning autist and polyglot - Daniel Temmet - fluent in 15 languages.

Unfortunately I find learning new languages boring, continuing to expand on my English with one specific mental block I placed for myself - 'Every word I learn must be comprehensible to most other people'.

I exhibit genuine intelligence where I can take literally any topic and explain it in a manner that is comprehensible to even a 5 year old child.

No one will ever be on my level - Daniel Temmet himself writing with words where you will need to look most of them up in a dictionary to understand.

I exhibit pure unbridled language and linguistic savantry and innate understanding of everything, I am the modern day equivalent of Aristotle, I am enlightened beyond your pathetic understanding.
On the topic of the OP, how clueless are you?

A man in the UK simply identified as a woman and smashed every woman's weightlifting record.

As per the Algerian guy in the Olympics, like durrrrrrrrr stupid @weaponoffreedom - hes doing the same thing - proving a point.

Fucking France and Macaroon or W/E his name is, just lapping up all this tranny bullshit to appeal to a vocal minority because that's what pathetic liberals do.

As per another thread, we currently exist in a state of society where the stupid people are talking. And the equally stupid government bends their knee to all their shit.

Toxic positivity all around. Worthless humans in charge of the West.

I am not religious, but I fucking pray and hope to God that Trump wins this years US election.

In the UK, the issue is that the main right wing party - Conservatives - are fucking useless, lying about all their policies and never delivering. They claim what they do, but are in practice uselessly liberal and cuckolding to everything that fucking Angela Merkel and the EU demands.

So now we have the equally pathetic lefty loony Labour party in charge, fucking good luck to us.

We literally need to line the UK channel with our Navy and shoot down anyone trying to cross, human rights and global policies be damned!
Bitch, every one of your comments and replies displays zero IQ.

Your fucking signature alone ... 'Effort to make things look effortless'???? .... I make everything look effortless without even using a single braincell in my head.

For the fun if it, I did another proper paid for IQ test online, using approved pattern related tests (bearing in mind we can't get these tests in the UK). I scored 128, in general when I do these things, I score 125-135 consistently.

The current score puts me in the top 78th percentile - more intelligent than 78% of the population.

Furthermore, an analysis in my answers - I am 'enhanced' in 'memory, precision, problem solving and analytical' intelligences - this is in line with my language and music savantry - being able to play anything I hear by ear immediately on the piano and immediately being capable of learning new words, language and grammar skills as my speech therapy this year revealed.

Everything I write or speak is perfectly organised 'asperger communication'. The person that leads one of the aspie groups I run speaks exactly as I do.

Higher functioning autism / asperger communication is GIFTED level of grammar and expression, more so when trained. My mum is who I got it from - she has intelligence loss but is perfectly fluent in 6 languages - a polyglot.

For further reference, I suggest you read the book 'Every word is a bird we teach to sing' by a gifted higher functioning autist and polyglot - Daniel Temmet - fluent in 15 languages.

Unfortunately I find learning new languages boring, continuing to expand on my English with one specific mental block I placed for myself - 'Every word I learn must be comprehensible to most other people'.

I exhibit genuine intelligence where I can take literally any topic and explain it in a manner that is comprehensible to even a 5 year old child.

No one will ever be on my level - Daniel Temmet himself writing with words where you will need to look most of them up in a dictionary to understand.

I exhibit pure unbridled language and linguistic savantry and innate understanding of everything, I am the modern day equivalent of Aristotle, I am enlightened beyond your pathetic understanding.
Wow, 128 on an Iq test, I am impressed. Good job. I am proud of you. How much did it cost?
Wow, 128 on an Iq test, I am impressed. Good job. I am proud of you. How much did it cost?
Not much, £1.50, trial price before paying £45 a month to keep using additional ongoing testing to improve.

I just did it for the certificate. I can't remember the specific name but 'Weissman' test or something?

Memory, Precision, Problem Solving, Analytical - these are my gifts, and from prior research the things that make you enhanced at both language and piano.

My first time using a paid for proper service because the introductory price was low, but its the same any such site I use - 125-135 range,

In line with what I tell people IRL - 'If a normal person is at 50%, and a full savant is 100%, I am in the middle at 75% for anything language based'.

The IQ tests confirm this, and believe me, I would get both IQ and language savantry tested for officially if it was available in the UK.
@weaponoffreedom If you do read books, or can get it for free on Amazon Kindle (or just pirate it), look up the one I suggested - 'Every word is a bird we teach to sing' - Daniel Temmet.

Written by a person like me, and straight up, my mum is on his level, but she never knew and never got to do what she could have in her life.

Outside of words, we have zero social functioning, cannot make friends or connections, cannot understand anything else etc.
Not much, £1.50, trial price before paying £45 a month to keep using additional ongoing testing to improve.

I just did it for the certificate. I can't remember the specific name but 'Weissman' test or something?

Memory, Precision, Problem Solving, Analytical - these are my gifts, and from prior research the things that make you enhanced at both language and piano.

My first time using a paid for proper service because the introductory price was low, but its the same any such site I use - 125-135 range,

In line with what I tell people IRL - 'If a normal person is at 50%, and a full savant is 100%, I am in the middle at 75% for anything language based'.

The IQ tests confirm this, and believe me, I would get both IQ and language savantry tested for officially if it was available in the UK.
Very cool, I know someone with an IQ of 145 or so, but that is as high as I have seen in person. Good for you.
@weaponoffreedom If you do read books, or can get it for free on Amazon Kindle (or just pirate it), look up the one I suggested - 'Every word is a bird we teach to sing' - Daniel Temmet.

Written by a person like me, and straight up, my mum is on his level, but she never knew and never got to do what she could have in her life.

Outside of words, we have zero social functioning, cannot make friends or connections, cannot understand anything else etc.
nah, cant read to well. What is a kindle? isnt that a dating app?
For the fun if it, I did another proper paid for IQ test online, using approved pattern related tests (bearing in mind we can't get these tests in the UK). I scored 128, in general when I do these things, I score 125-135 consistently.

The current score puts me in the top 78th percentile - more intelligent than 78% of the population.
Mine said I was 160

I would get both IQ and language savantry tested for officially if it was available in the UK.
Why are they not available?

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