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A horrific death from Putin's Thermobaric bombs - you breathe in fire and lungs explode. Satan has revealed himself.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021

Effects of Thermobaric bombs​

A study made by the US Defense Intelligence Agency:

The [blast] kill mechanism against living targets is unique—and unpleasant. ... What kills is the pressure wave, and more importantly, the subsequent rarefaction [vacuum], which ruptures the lungs. ... If the fuel deflagrates but does not detonate, victims will be severely burned and will probably also inhale the burning fuel. Since the most common FAE fuels, ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, are highly toxic, undetonated FAE should prove as lethal to personnel caught within the cloud as with most chemical agents.
According to a US Central Intelligence Agency study,[15] "the effect of an FAE explosion within confined spaces is immense. Those near the ignition point are obliterated. Those at the fringe are likely to suffer many internal, thus invisible injuries, including burst eardrums and crushed inner ear organs, severe concussions, ruptured lungs and internal organs, and possibly blindness."

Another Defense Intelligence Agency document speculates that, because the "shock and pressure waves cause minimal damage to brain tissue ... it is possible that victims of FAEs are not rendered unconscious by the blast, but instead suffer for several seconds or minutes while they suffocate".[16]

The tip-toe invasion of the Ukraine | Left Futures


Aug 18, 2021
did you forget youve already made a thread about this today and since noone is reacting you decided to make another one.... making this a total of 5 pointless slide threads you've made today

you've managed to slide 5 actual good threads off the first page. congratulations


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
did you forget youve already made a thread about this today and since noone is reacting you decided to make another one.... making this a total of 5 pointless slide threads you've made today

you've managed to slide 5 actual good threads off the first page. congratulations
This was details on the horrific way one dies from a thermobaric weapon. I never care about being popular - in fact never even thought about that - but you must do, otherwise you would not have projected your own insecurities on me. Be careful who you call out - you are only revealing your true self.


Aug 18, 2021
This was details on the horrific way one dies from a thermobaric weapon. I never care about being popular - in fact never even thought about that - but you must do, otherwise you would not have projected your own insecurities on me. Be careful who you call out - you are only revealing your true self.
youre trying way to hard. as usual you're missing the point and getting defensive. yeah no shit its a horrific way to die I read about it in the first thread you made.. you should stop being an asshole by double posting threads but i wouldn't expect you to understand this

goodluck "shaping the future of reality" when you're completely out of touch with it
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Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
View attachment 82085
youre trying way to hard. as usual you're missing the point and getting defensive. yeah no shit its a horrific way to die I read about it in the first thread you made.. you should stop being an asshole by double posting threads but i wouldn't expect you to understand this

goodluck "shaping the future of reality" when you're completely out of touch with it
I knew I could smoke you out of your hole! Ha! Gotcha!

Is that all you have? I would tell you to quit while you are ahead but that would be disinformation.

You've revealed the size of your ego even more. Did mommy miss your bottle? You can do better than this. Pick on someone your own size - About 3 fee 6 inches. LOL!


Jan 9, 2021

Effects of Thermobaric bombs​

A study made by the US Defense Intelligence Agency:

According to a US Central Intelligence Agency study,[15] "the effect of an FAE explosion within confined spaces is immense. Those near the ignition point are obliterated. Those at the fringe are likely to suffer many internal, thus invisible injuries, including burst eardrums and crushed inner ear organs, severe concussions, ruptured lungs and internal organs, and possibly blindness."

Another Defense Intelligence Agency document speculates that, because the "shock and pressure waves cause minimal damage to brain tissue ... it is possible that victims of FAEs are not rendered unconscious by the blast, but instead suffer for several seconds or minutes while they suffocate".[16]

View attachment 81905

So will you be okay?


Jan 8, 2021

Effects of Thermobaric bombs​

A study made by the US Defense Intelligence Agency:

According to a US Central Intelligence Agency study,[15] "the effect of an FAE explosion within confined spaces is immense. Those near the ignition point are obliterated. Those at the fringe are likely to suffer many internal, thus invisible injuries, including burst eardrums and crushed inner ear organs, severe concussions, ruptured lungs and internal organs, and possibly blindness."

Another Defense Intelligence Agency document speculates that, because the "shock and pressure waves cause minimal damage to brain tissue ... it is possible that victims of FAEs are not rendered unconscious by the blast, but instead suffer for several seconds or minutes while they suffocate".[16]

View attachment 81905

By this logic I would argue Harry Truman is the devil


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
By this logic I would argue Harry Truman is the devil
Sorry but your flippant comment is not logical at all. We didn't stomp all over some small European country that we just happen to want to bring under our control. We stopped a horrible war that the Japanese started. It was a war that began with them conducting a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and killing over 2400 Americans. Remember, it was those same imperialistic animals that conducted an untold number of unspeakable torture routines on American soldiers. It was called WWII. So if you still think your logic is sound it says a lot about your I.Q.

And that isn't saying much.
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Jan 8, 2021
Sorry but your flippant comment is not logical at all. We didn't stomp all over some small European country that we just happen to want to bring under our control. We stopped a horrible war that the Japanese started. It was a war that began with them conducting a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and killing over 2400 Americans. Remember, it was those same imperialistic animals that conducted an untold number of unspeakable torture routines on American soldiers. It was called WWII. So if you still think your logic is sound it says a lot about your I.Q.

And that isn't saying much.

how about you go fvck yourself. lol is that saying enough.


Jan 8, 2021
Sorry but your flippant comment is not logical at all. We didn't stomp all over some small European country that we just happen to want to bring under our control. We stopped a horrible war that the Japanese started. It was a war that began with them conducting a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and killing over 2400 Americans. Remember, it was those same imperialistic animals that conducted an untold number of unspeakable torture routines on American soldiers. It was called WWII. So if you still think your logic is sound it says a lot about your I.Q.

And that isn't saying much.

I bet you arefun at parties after you drink 5-6 hard seltzers

Deleted member 2886

Sorry but your flippant comment is not logical at all. We didn't stomp all over some small European country that we just happen to want to bring under our control. We stopped a horrible war that the Japanese started. It was a war that began with them conducting a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and killing over 2400 Americans. Remember, it was those same imperialistic animals that conducted an untold number of unspeakable torture routines on American soldiers. It was called WWII. So if you still think your logic is sound it says a lot about your I.Q.

And that isn't saying much.
Look dude, or dude-ette, there's a much larger "game" at play.
Sure I can attempt to write, and post here, just for you, a basic outline of this more than a century old "game",...however doing so tends to be entirely pointless in 99% of cases and cannot be fucked wasting the effort.
So instead I will offer you an opportunity and thus choice.
This is the cover of an informative and very enlightening book,...though it's entirely your choice whether to read or ignore,......
IMG_20220301_160520.jpg.....I did not have to do this, yet I've chosen to, and made effort by taking the time to re-read the entire book just to pull a pertinent section of information related to your quoted comment,...yes I understand it is alot of reading for some,....it is was it is,...to put in the necessary effort is the responsibility and the choice of the individual.
(Ultimately I do not give a shit if you read it or not)

-The Myth of German Villainy
Benton L. Bradberry-fmr USN.
#(~7 paragraphs towards end of chapter 20)

•"[ Churchill understood the power of the Jews in both Britain and America. He had become Prime Minister primarily as the result of the backing of his Jewish support group, The Focus. According to Professor Michael J. Cohen, in his book, "Churchill and the Jews:" ]"

"[Churchill] believed that the Zionist movement commanded powerful political and economic influence, particularly in the United States. As late as in December, 1939, he lectured his cabinet colleagues on the important role Zionists could play in mobilizing American resources to the British war effort. He told them that it had not been for light or sentimental reasons that the Government had issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917, but in order to mobilize American support. In 1939, Churchill believed that history would repeat itself, that the Zionists, via their proxies across the Atlantic, could be influential in accelerating the vitally needed early entry of the Americans into the war." ]"

•"[ Though the American public was staunchly opposed to entering the war, Roosevelt was determined to find a way in. The published minutes of an August, 1941 War Cabinet meeting in London contain Churchill's report to the War Cabinet. Churchill said: "He [Roosevelt] obviously was determined that they [the United States] should come in [to the war]. Included also in the minutes was this Churchill comment: "The President had said he would wage war but not declare it and that he would become more and more provocative. If the Germans did not like it, they could attack American forces...Everything was to be done to force an incident." But Germany refused to take the bait and was very careful to avoid any incident which could be used as a pretext by the United States to enter the war. ]"

[ On July 5, 1941, Admiral Little, of the British Naval Delegation in Washington, wrote to Admiral Pound, the First Sea Lord: The brightest hope for getting America into the war lies in the escorting arrangements to Iceland, and let us hope the Germans will not be slow in attacking them." Little added, perhaps jokingly: "Otherwise I think it would be best for us to organize an attack by our own submarines and preferably on the escort!" A few weeks earlier, Churchill, looking for a chance to bring America into the war, wrote to Pound regarding the German warship, Prinz Eugen. "It would be better for instance that she should be located by a U.S. ship as this might tempt her to fire on that ship, thus providing the incident for which the U.S. government would be so grateful." Incidents in the North Atlantic did occur, increasingly, as the United States approached war with Germany. ]"

•"[ Between August 9 and 12, 1941, before America entered the war, President Roosevelt met with Churchill on board the British battleship Prince of Wales anchored off Argentia, Newfoundland Together they drafted the Atlantic Charter setting out their aims for war and peace. U.S. Navy involvement in the ongoing Battle of the Atlantic was also discussed. The U.S. Navy was already involved in escorting convoys of war material across the Atlantic to Britain, an act of war according to the international rules of war, but after the Newfoundland meeting, the U.S. Navy began actively confronting German submarines. By now, the U.S. was already in an undeclared, de facto war with Germany, a war Germany did not bring about, did not want, and a war which Germany desperately tried to avoid. ]"

"[ But Roosevelt wanted to be all the way in against Germany and that would require a Congressional declaration of war, though, so far, Germany had managed to avoid providing a pretext for that. Germany had entered into a Tripartite Agreement with Italy and Japan, one of the terms of which was that if one of its members were to wind up in a war, then all three would be in the war. Since Roosevelt was unsuccessful in provoking the Germans into a war, he turned his attention to Japan. By provoking a war with Japan, he would then have the war he wanted with Germany. Both Joseph E. Persico, in his book, "Roosevelt's Secret War," and Robert B. Stinnett, in his book, "Day' of Deceit," prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, based on years of research of scores of previously classified documents, that Roosevelt provoked the Japanese into attacking our fleet in Hawaii, but also that he refused to warn the commanders in Hawaii of the impending Japanese attack, though he knew precisely when and in what force the attack would come. After the Japanese attack, public opinion swung from strongly against, to strongly in favor of war. Congress wasted no time in formally declaring war against Japan. The Tripartite Agreement brought Germany into a war with the United States. Both Churchill and Roosevelt had accomplished their aim. ]"

Since Roosevelt had goaded Japan into war only to have the war he really wanted with Germany, he announced that the war against Germany would have first priority over Japan. Wher Germany was defeated, Roosevelt said, then we would turn our full attention to defeating Japan. But first, Germany. On February 15, 1942, Churchill said this about America's entry into the war: "This is what I have dreamed of, aimed at, worked for, and now it has come to pass." Thirty years earlier, Churchill had told Lord Asquith that...his life's ambition was "to command great victorious armies in battle." ]"
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Deleted member 2886

Death by thermobaric bomb is preferable to reading this thread.
Exactly the initial point being alluded to, cheers.
It's an excellent example common to the greater majority of indoctrinated humans self perpetuating ignorance cycle.
It demonstrates the common mans average reactivity to being presented with information exceeding allowances permitted by the indoctrination parameters.
Strictly locked within a comfortable domesticated haze in such a way that severely limits cognitive potential.
Lifetime subservience and submissive reliance to an externalized "authority" to that of government, which enabled programming of a hostile reactive aversion to the slightest consideration of assuming self reliance and self responsibility.
It is an aspect of what is intended, and is expected from the hand fed slave masses, content to enthusiastically wallow in their own swinish filth.
Having grown fat, lazy, and ignorantly entitled, even when presented with a basic key to their invisible cage the common reaction is aggressively resistant.
Fuckin sad that merely reading several chapters of literature is beyond so many.
Especially considering the relevance of the excerpts I've presented and that these excerpts are but a small bit of the whole book,...and what's more tragic is the greater relevance within that book.

Ironic as fuck!IMG_20220302_181930.jpg
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