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53rd anniversary of the worlds second biggest hoax.

Apr 20, 2022
Just watched a few clips and they appear to be fake af.

In one clip, when they supposedly left the giant cheese ball, who was filming the lander take off?

Did they have remote control/auto tracking cameras back then?
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Sounds like you don’t know what a laser retroreflector array is.

That being said I’m sure the Chinese communists are helping the Americans cover up their hoax by faking images of the evidence left by Americans on their trips. You know how those communists love to help the Americans!


Deleted member 2886

Sounds like you don’t know what a laser retroreflector array is.

That being said I’m sure the Chinese communists are helping the Americans cover up their hoax by faking images of the evidence left by Americans on their trips. You know how those communists love to help the Americans!

*Sounds like you don't know what a magician is.

That being said I'm quite certain you're intelligent enough to figure this out.


Deleted member 2886

What is happening here? View attachment 121400
It's sorta like ambiguous imagery bro.

Subjectively, we each perceive a unique reality based not just on our physical sense perceptions, but also on our established conceptions formed via prior direct experiences.

This is what I've often hinted at by regularly demonstrating True Ethical Individuation/ism.
(*In the sense of how Rudolph Steiner described. 'TPoF'.)

Essentially, by wilfully/consciously challenging & overcoming the standardized mental blocks(*subconscious biases) imposed upon us while we were each subjected to the Rockefeller brand of mind moulding "educational" indoctrination.

It's not about whether one is highly intelligent or knowledgeable, rather it's simply(*though not easily)a matter of unlocking our involuntarily stifled cognitive potentials.

Thus realizing our inherent self-sovereignty enabling one's capacities to freely & proactively think for one's-self as one deems necessary,...as opposed to automatically conferring to the deliberately restrictive false conceptions we are all programmed with during mainstream schooling institutions.

Ever heard the story of the guy who locked his daughter inside until she escaped as a young adult.

He intentionally taught her that a spoon was a fork, a knife was a spoon, a fork was a knife, etc, etc.

After she escaped, she became disoriented and lost but fortunately a young man noticed her distress, immediately offering to help.

He invited her to his home for some food, drink & shelter,...and although she could not understand what he was saying, nor did she respond.

His body language communicated the intention perfectly well.

Once they arrived, he gestured to a chair at the kitchen table and quickly prepared her a bowl of porridge.

As he sat the bowl in front of her, he extended an arm and said "here's a spoon."

Mild confusion set upon her face,...she recognized that word,...but that's not a spoon she thought, in her uniquely jumbled language.

She wondered if he was messing around, suspiciously she glared at him before taking the spoon and proclaiming,... "fork".

😂Now he's confused af.
Lol, they eventually realize the anomaly and figure it all out over time.

(*Over two decades since I read that, so prolly not exactly how the original story goes.)

#The true purpose of TVs and TV programs wasn't actually for our entertainment.
It was based on MKUltra type shit.
#We can thank the CIA for developing this particular form of mass indoctrination in our homes.
⚠️'Perception Management'⚠️

Deleted member 2886


Rather comically obvious what's really going on, by the way Armstrong acted aye, and especially by the way this presenter refers to the students, not as students or kids or anything humane,...but instead classifying them as merely a future source of financial generating slaves, aka: 'taxpayers'?!?!?

Deleted member 2886

Watch the Apollo 11 lunar module landing. Then watch the lunar module launch. I'm stunned I missed it when I was eleven.
Probably similar to me when I've re-watched older movies from my childhood.

Like 'Alien'.

Scared the absolute shit outta me as a kid(*7-8yo),...I recall thinking it's so realistic.

When I re-watched it a couple years back, I couldn't stop laughing at the comically unrealistic cheesy-ness.
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